Conservatives Are Always Wrong…until they’re not

Where was this Andrew Scheer in 2019?

The left always control the narative, painting the Conservatives as conspiracy theorists, or worse.

But the truth is very different. You can go back Winston Churchill  sounding the alarm on Germany in 1933.

Or John Diefenbaker being the sole Member of Parliament opposing the internment of Japanese Canadians.

More recently Conservatives warned that Trudeau just isn’t ready.

Conservatives have always been on the wrongside of popular opinion, opposing those wonderful and progressive left wingers in the Liberal Party who just want to do so much good.

You would think they would learn to just go along with the Liberals?

Spoiler Alert: The Conservatives were right. Again.

139 Replies to “Conservatives Are Always Wrong…until they’re not”

  1. The big historical question will not be what happened in Ottawa but what happened in 2019-2020 to bring about this pandemic. Everything else flows from that. To the extent that the pandemic is designed and not accidental, there is tremendous guilt and on an international scale there must be treason in high places. These events were almost inevitable after the pandemic, and if it turns out to be entirely accidental, then the focus shifts to the irrational, economy-killing and liberty-ending responses.

    Those are the big questions. And they affect many more people than we see on the streets of Ottawa. What saves Trudeau is the vast size of his domain. Imagine the same dynamics in a small European country where any citizen could easily reach the national capital or even commute there on a daily or semi-weekly basis. There would be tens of thousands in the streets. What has deceived some people is the relatively small numbers, which seems to indicate a lack of widespread support. And it is true that many have been deluded into accepting the mandates and the rationale for them. Yet 15 to 20 per cent of the Canadian people are probably actively opposed, that is around six million people. In a smaller country (with perhaps a more genteel climate) you would have vast crowds of protestors. A few hundred cops and ten horses would not be nearly enough to contain them, let alone remove them.

    This anger is not going to go away any time soon, especially if the mandates drag on and the vaccine passports become permanent anywhere. This is the trend in BC. I think this has become a religious question too, because a large number of people uneasy about vaccine passports are those who have noted the eerie similarity of the circumstances to the Biblical prophecies indicating what one single thing the faithful must avoid at all costs. It is part of my own motivation to avoid the jab and “win” the passport, because it could turn out to be a passport to a very bad place.

  2. I seem to recall that the frat boy’s father Pierre once ran around with a swastika armband in his youth.

  3. More recently Conservatives warned that Trudeau just isn’t ready.

    I can think of many things for which Trudeau is ready.
