45 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

    1. It remains to be seen if Jagmeet Singh will continue to support Trudeau, and how NDP voters will react. Singh will likely continue to support Trudeau as Singh will lose his current power if he precipitates an election and the Liberals lose.

      Will the Laurentian Elite and Quebec Liberal power brokers dump Trudeau and Freeland , or perhaps they are onside with the WEF ? They will probably do nothing as dumping Trudeau would precipitate an election in which the Liberals will lose.

      All of which leads to a real mess where a minority government is able to govern as a tyrant.

      The truckers in the US have watched how Trudeau has responded and no doubt sense that Biden will do the same or worse. They will probably elect for a slow down or work from home approach rather than an Ottawa style protest . That could easily spread as a North American strike.

      As one US trucker pointed out , NYC only has 3-4 days supplies on hand , which is probably the case for most large cities.

      1. But Jughead could gain seats abandoned by disillusioned Lieberal voters. Not putting any thought into it at all. He really believes the new dictator won’t throw him under the bus.

    2. *
      “Interim Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell claimed that no protestors were injured,
      despite footage circulating on social media of police horses trampling
      at the convoy.”

  1. From the Conservative Tree House….in the comments

    “Tin truckers and grannies comin’, we’re finally gonna let go. This winter I hear the honkin’, Trudeau is hidin’ in Ontario…”

  2. We have reached incredible times when a devout leftard like Maher now regularly goes after the left, and hard.

    New Rule: Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher


    I gave up on Maher many, many moons ago, and if not for his unappealing smugness and terminal case of TDS, I might give him some more of my time. But, without a doubt, he is joining the Rogans, Pools and Dores of this world is his willingness to take on the establishment. In my estimation, that gives him one whole testicle more than the entire Conservative Party of Canada.

    “And I thought steroids shrunk your balls.”

    Great job on this one, Bill. I see your audience is becoming less shy about applauding against the narrative… wait til they figure out they are now frequently applauding conservative talking points.

    1. C. O. – Bill Maher does get it right once in a while, and he knows how to say it with effect. Hollywood knows how to tell a story.

      I just read the summary of a book coming out by Brit Matt Ridley (and Canadian Alina Chan) called “Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19,”. Ridley describes climate change ideology, Covid-19 origins, as a battle between science as “A Philosophy Or An Institution”.
      ““In the U.K., he has also noted ‘a tendency to admire authoritarian China among scientists that surprised some people.’ It didn’t surprise Mr. Ridley. ‘I’ve noticed for years,’ he says, ‘that scientists take a somewhat top-down view of the political world, which is odd if you think about how beautifully bottom-up the evolutionary view of the natural world is.’”

      “‘Conformity,’ Mr. Ridley says, ‘is the enemy of scientific progress, which depends on disagreement and challenge.” “He notes that WHO’s primary task is forestalling pandemics. Yet in 2015 it ‘put out a statement saying that the greatest threat to human health in the 21st century is climate change. Now that, to me, suggests an organization not focused on the day job.’


    2. CO

      This..? “…In my estimation, that gives him one whole testicle more than the entire Conservative Party of Canada….”

      You have fking NAILED it..!!!

      Not one of those mewling WANKERS to be seen in the Demonstrations – not Fucking one of them. DISGUSTING COWARDICE the likes of which I have never ever seen.

      As to those NAZI PIGS on horseback from TORONTO…?? You guys have CEMENTED & fully Earned the Name: PIGS….Your time will come – bet on it.

  3. The horses are led by the fat arses sitting on their backs, can’t blame the horses. Using horses is another tactic being used for show.
    Were there any of the constabulary flaunting firearms?
    Does anyone feel safe in this bleeping country with the incompetence through the entire system, from the political to those in charge of security?

    1. Yup, we now live in a world where it is forbidden to use horses to control illegal aliens in the US, but A-OK to use them against innocent citizens in Canada.

      Welcome to 2022.

    2. lizzard J Butt don’t forget to vote for Andy O’Stool, and his missing member…members, you know ballz and all. Along with the rest of the Cuckservatives. If more of you cucks had voted Max, maybe some cuck reps may have found their nutz!

  4. That article on the coastal link pipeline in the NP is sickening. That was pretty much the last print media I had a shred of respect for. Fuckem.

    1. Post Media and the rest of the MSM has 650 million reasons to lie.

      CBC has a $1.5 billion budget to lie.

    1. Only window smashed was by a cop, so he could violently remove a guy from his truck (vid on Ezra’s twitter).
      Viva Frei says (rough quote) I have been on the street in Ottawa for many days and only violence I have seen was committed by cops.

  5. Re kids should say “grown ups” instead of mom and dad.

    When she was ten year old, my niece spent a week with her mother and her mother’s current boyfriend.

    When asked by her dad about how the visit went, she said “Not good. I’m tired of being the only grown up in the room. “

    1. Great Catch DOS…

      Bicycles my ass.
      Gonna look real good on Emperor Trudeaus face when all that hits the news…and I’m sure by now it already has.

      We are Dealing with de-Facto NAZI’s folks….show me how this is different from Ernst Rohms SA thugs in the mid 1930’s hmm..??


    2. The CBC and MSM will run with the lies.

      If you meet a presstitute, it will be difficult to not go Josey Wales on “it”.

  6. Trudeau removed Parliamentary Oversight re: Emergency Powers Act Friday. Parliament iwas suspended! Before MPs even finish debating Trudeau’s massive power grab, the House of Commons gets shut down.
    Link for video (about 24 min): https://youtu.be/lC4tlUkAP6o

  7. Trudeau removed Parliamentary Oversight re: Emergency Powers Act Friday. Parliament was suspended! Before MPs even finish debating Trudeau’s massive power grab, the House of Commons gets shut down.
    Link for video (about 24 min): https://youtu.be/lC4tlUkAP6o

  8. Stolen from elsewhere: “Once we had empires run by emperors, once we had kingdoms run by kings, now we have countries run by…”

  9. I’m asking every land owner and business in Sask ,every fall Ontario hunters come out this way to hunt because there own province is so screwed up they have nowhere to hunt.Don’t give them permission,don’t let them rent a room,they always whimper they don’t like Trudeau either Show the bastards a video of the cops trampling a woman with a walker,It’s time to stand together western Canada The east are not our friends let the bastards know we’ve had enough.

    1. Really? Pretty sure the guys that want to hunt in Sask were supporting the truckers. Remember…it was the whiney Ottawa elite, the real fringe minority, the were given a voice by legacy media.

      1. Don’t care anymore Had it with eastern Canada Have some guys that come out our way every fall they will be told they are no longer welcome and I will ask all the neighbours to do the same

    2. Since your current govt. is promoting civil war, is there any possibility the west would secede from the east?

  10. Justin Stalin paid off the media, thus anything that makes Herr Leader look bad doesn’t get mentioned? The violence used by police against peaceful protesters is sickening, but watching the media look away and report liberal talking points is beyond corrupted. Beating veterans, running down granny using a horse-how progressives the NDP must be so proud of what they wrought onto this nation.

  11. Trudeau looks lovely in pink, Pinky Trudeau has a nice ring to it.
    Kidding aside, it’s a well done fake photo, we have more than enough fakes.

  12. Just watching the live coverage of the police action outside the PMO (east block) outside the parliament, and it occurs to me, all those cops need to do is turn right and they could arrest some real criminals.

  13. Hi everyone, new follower here from south of the border (Illinois). Seems like we Yanks have all had a crash course in Canadian politics for the past several weeks….

    If you’re looking for an eerily prophetic dystopian novel that’s far less depressing and nihilistic than “1984”, I recommend “Eclipse of the Sun” by Canadian Catholic author Michael D. O’Brien. It was published in 1998 and portrayed a “near future” Canada morphing into a police state that, among other things, persecuted observant Christians.

    “Eclipse” is very Catholic-oriented and there’s a lot of what I would term “inside baseball” about Vatican II Catholics vs. Traditional Catholics, mystics/visionaries, prophecies of divine chastisement, etc. But it also has entire chapters devoted to the manipulation of the news, the machinations of globalist elites, the truth behind “conspiracy theories”, debates in Parliament and other stuff that sounds like it could have been written yesterday — and this was before the internet and social media really became a thing. He even has one character talk about how a figure like “the current President of the United States” (at the time, Slick Willie) could possibly survive all the scandals swirling around him unless there was much more going on than people knew. Plus it has some memorable characters that, if they were real and were around today, would probably have taken part in the trucker protest. And it ends on a hopeful note. It’s very long but worth the effort.

  14. Feds commit $10 million to help 200 Black families in GTA buy their first home.

    So how do they know who is “Black”? Colour chart? Family tree?
