97 Replies to “Strike Me Down”

  1. Jack Posobiec: “I still can’t believe Putin had his cavalry trample over an old Ukrainian lady on a scooter”

    Ich bin ein trucker!

        1. For those who haven’t seen this

          Candace belongs to Mohawk Nation. Here is one of their War Chiefs sharing an extraordinary “online” interview, some hours after Premier Doug Ford announced his so~called “state of emergency”. Randy, please pay special attention to this!





    1. In a send up to JFK (Ich bin ein Berliner!) I believe the phrase is:

      “Ich bin ein mother trucker!”

      In contrast, Herr Justin The Far Less Than Magnificent True Dopen Minister is a policeman’s jelly donut.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

      1. “Party leader Jagmeet Singh has said his party will support the Liberals’ use of the Emergencies Act, but only if “Indigenous land defenders, climate change activists, workers fighting for fairness, and any Canadian using their voice to peacefully demand justice” are exempted from its provisions.”

        How is it that the truckers are not “Canadians using their voice to peacefully demand justice”?

        That was the very definition of a peaceful demonstration. The only violence was that dished out by the cops. Are those who disagree with Trudeau no longer considered Canadian?

        1. What I was going to say.
          Jagmeet is a cretinous, civilization-wrecking, lying scumrat as much as his fellow WEF puppet Baby PET Trudeau

        2. Are those who disagree with Trudeau no longer considered Canadian?

          Ha. The political opponents of Trudeau 1.0 used to ask that question rhetorically frequently as well. (Such presumption on their part!)

          The true enemies of Canada have always been the Trudeau Dynasty and all their Liberal minions.

      1. It’s telling that no further explanation is necessary. Everyone already knows who #BlackfaceHitler refers to.

  2. I was sickened seeing these screengrabs from an RCMP chat group on Twitter. Apparently they think trampling a Mohawk elder is “awesome”, and love the sound of their “jackboots” on the ground. What despicable human beings. I’m done backing the blue. They are no better than the thugs in government with their open disdain for our basic human rights.


    1. I would be cautious about this one. While I’m sure the sentiment may run among many of the law enforcers, this stuff can be easily faked. The advice I gave my loved ones who already got this on their social media was “proceed with caution”. We are in the middle of a psy-ops, in the middle of a psy-ops, in the middle of a psy-ops. Stay vigilant. HOLD THE LINE!! FREEDOM!

      1. Cranberry, this isn’t just a psychological operation, this is a full-spectrum dominance operation where the enemies of freedom and humanity will use every illegal and unconstitutional power they can grasp against us.

        The post-rule-of-law Trudeau Brutalist Regime will fail. The tyrant will cower in the dust. Sic semper tyrannis.

    2. Just think all it takes to get in the musical ride is fellating Justin Trudeau, these poofter queers broom handle themselves every night dreaming its Justin butt hurting them. Even the horses hate having to drag around these soi bois.

      1. No, the Governor General is the Queen’s rep in Canada. Her role is mainly symbolic, and she has no authority anywhere else in the Commonwealth.

        But I get where you’re coming from.

  3. “We know the events in #Ottawa are upsetting. Still, we’re asking people to stop calling critical emergency and operational phone lines to express displeasure about the police action to remove an unlawful assembly downtown.”

    I though emergency lines were for the reporting of crimes, like horses trampling people standing around, or people being beaten with rifle butts and sticks?

    1. You know as well as I do that those are job perks and not crimes to the police.

      1. The mercs are cops from other jurisdictions: Toronto, Peel, Hamilton,,Quebec, etc.

        1. Yep, JBTs form SK and AB have been spotted too. Word has it that those with most complains on their record about brutality and use of force have been contacted first. And people think that complaining about cops to cops is useless.

      2. From lowebowski’s link above it looks like they’re at the Chateau Laurier unless that’s just their ‘command post’.

      3. On the various Ottawa livestreams some have been commenting that there are U.N planes on the ground in North Bay and someone claiming to be in North Bay posted a video of themselves with U.N planes in the background. What this has to do with anything I’m not sure but if that video is real what are the U.N doing in North Bay?

        1. The “UN” doesn’t really have planes. Canada has in the past RCAF planes white with UN on them. The police don’t need outside help here. OD greens are Quebec cops.

          1. Thanks for the clarification. the whole thing sounded a little far fetched but at this point nothing would surprise me. They were white planes with UN in black letters on the tail.

        2. I saw that and happen to know they are not UN planes; Voyager Aviation is based there and they totally overhaul planes or dismantle them. I told the author on FB but it originates from Tic-Toc. HU is on the tail – that’s Chinese, not UN.

          1. Thanks, I though the video was flipped and that it was UN backwards and not HU, my bad.

      4. Staying at the Chateau Laurier. Saw a hacked/leaked photo of one soi boi mounty sitting with a proud smirk waiting for supper.
        After a tough day of beating up girls and assaulting senior citizens, a hearty tofu steak just hits the spot.

      5. @LindaL Assuming that you are referring to the police reinforcements, there was a post over at vladtepesblog (about a week ago?) that suggested that many of the out of town cops may be staying at the “Wingate by Wyndham” in Ottawa’s west end (located near the Tangers Outlet Mall in Kanata).

        The post to which I am referring had a video that showed many ?OPP? (I am going by memory) cars in its parking lot. Was the claim accurate? I don’t know. But it does from my understanding of the area seem plausible.

  4. RCMP have recruiting problems. As a result their hiring standards have become flexible. For example, they’ll hire sociopaths so long as they obey orders. Sociopaths with badges make excellent enforcers.

  5. We know the first stages of a communist coup may be triggering for some, but in time, you will learn to accept the inevitability of it, and if not, resources will be provided to assist you with your defective cognitive abilities.

  6. Big noisy protest in Victoria (!!) today. Third week in a row. This thing is not even close to over. I think before long Jughead will regret his decision to be a Liberal tool.

  7. Carol Off says the NYT should watch Canadian MSM.
    The Canadian welfare media all left when Trudeau’s goons told them to.
    So how would any of them have any real news?

  8. I cannot adequately express how PROUD I am of the Canadian middle class. Keep being the Phoenix … rising from the ashes.

  9. If hanging a flag on the Terry Fox statue is considered desecration, can pi**ing on P.E. Trudeau’s statue be considered a patriotic duty?

    I couldn’t avoid noticing how over a span of 150 years the only two Canadian prime ministers that mismanaged the country in peacetime so badly they considered it necessary to invoke the War/Emergency Measures Act have the same last name.

  10. I thought our politicians were stupid!

    Jason Kenney
    Alberta will launch a Court challenge of the Trudeau government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act, because it is:

    – unnecessary
    – disproportionate
    – violates natural justice
    – intrudes into provincial jurisdiction
    – creates a dangerous precedent.

    Morons are smarter.

    Get out there and March!

    This is kabuki.

    1. L – Tamara Lich is the woman, whose strong moral and political leadership, has caused Jason Kenny to begin acting like the Premier of Alberta, after two years of
      not doing so. Take a bow, girl. You’ve given Justin Trudeau nightmares, too.

      Brevner should compose a song of tribute as he has done with “There’s more of us”. A trilogy tribute to the Canadian Freedom Convoy Action Heroes would go viral.

      Is this the Canada, carved out of the wilderness by men and women of uncommon
      valour ? Yes, it is and that valour is needed, yet again, for it to survive and thrive.

      1. The parliament started debating covid policy for the fist time in two years because of the truckers. They became the official opposition after the conservatives completely failed to do the job. Btw Pierre if you win you’d better start off with apologizing for the failures of the past if you want any chance.

      2. “…has caused Jason Kenny to begin acting like the Premier of Alberta…”

        Too fucking little, too fucking late. Come April, the Liar Kenney loses his job as premiere.

        For those interested, I contacted my MLA’s office & rec’d the following information:
        1. Need a $10 party membership, purchased prior to 21 days before the leadership review on April 9.
        2. Need a $100 ticket to attend the leadership review. This one stuck in my craw a bit. Actually, a lot. The gentleman I spoke with said that this was ostensibly to pay for the use of the facility during the leadership review. He noted that they were trying to find ways to offset this cost.
        3. Show up in Red Deer on April 9, vote & let’s kick the lying, commie, spineless, nutless sonuvabitch out! Let his constituents deal with him after that.

        Call your local MLA’s office & get involved.

        Fuck the Liar Kenney!

    2. Mr. Kenney writes another strongly worded letter.
      Ho Hum. The sun rises. The sun sets. Another strongly worded letter…

      You know what might get my attention?
      1 – Free Pastor Artur, who is in prison under your watch for feeding the homeless and having church services against the will of your Draconian Health Witch.
      2 – Fire or “re-assign” Grimshaw. Her lying about a young man dying of covid when the real reason was brain cancer should give just cause.
      3 – And draw up a Unilateral Declaration of Independence. Send it to the Spawn. It need not be harshly worded – just a statement of fact. We don’t want to fix Canada. In fact, JT, you can have it – without the interference of our oil and Unacceptable Views. You don’t want us. We don’t want you. A perfect aligning of desires.

    1. Like we should give a rat’s ass about Carol The CBC Trough sucking Off harridan.
      She is a skank that smells to high heaven, with a modest following comprised of cat women with expensive, but ridiculous, glasses who drink boxed Chardonnay and weep a lot because their inboxes are full of fake tasks to fulfill before they binge on a long lunch.
      You know, her few followers who work in Ottawa for the ministry of middle class prosperity and white privilege and innovation and immigration and climate change department thingy.
      Abandoned her child for the trough, and even wedded Lindy to double dip.
      Read her tawdry CV on wicked pedophile.
      Oh, and she is ugly, inside and out. A veritable poster girl of dark Karens, as it happens.
      I am being less than Christian in saying what I wrote, but honest at least.
      Have a nice day.

      1. >’Carol Off’. Something just occurred to me. This moniker could morph into a groundswell of contempt/derision much like “Let’s Go Brandon” got wheels.
        How about- Hey Juthtin, Carol Off! ..or CBC, Just Carol Off and the horse you rode in on?
        Admittedly needs a little work.

    1. I have to get out more. The Macleod trail underpass has changed so much, at first, I did not believe it was Calgary.

    2. John Bolton, this was EXCELLENT work!!! Thank you so much. Your righteous fury was speaking for many of us on here.

      It is refreshing to see that this country still has people in it that remind me of its better days. That gives me hope.

      The psychopathic parasitic ruling class and its demonic imps might attack us, but they’ll know they’ve been in a hell of a fight after it’s all over.

    3. John,
      Loved your video. I was there as usual (since August 2021). There does seem to be more people each week.

      I also notice more people, who themselves or close family have suffered vaccine injuries, are showing up. I base this observation on signs that people have made, today I spotted 4 vaccine injured signs. There are lots of people who don’t bring signs, so there may be many more?

      I must also say, that even though I am not particularly religious, I do miss seeing the good Pastor Pawlowski, who has been a regular every Saturday since before I be came a regular.

    4. This is awesome! Thank you John, like it or not you’re on my prayers. FREEDOM! SDA rules!

    5. Yeah, I made it up for the first time today. Just got back. Pretty impressive. Long walk, little over 4 miles. Was looking for Stilgar, didn’t see him in his MAGA hat & black vest under the horse’s ass.

  11. Little Justin got special access to an early screening of Empire Strikes Back as a child, but he missed the important lessons from A New Hope, particularly this one from Leia.
    “The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”

  12. Interesting side note. I have never really liked the Canadian flag I always thought it was too much just a Liberal logo as a flag. But I am seeing all over social media many people upset that the flag is being used as a symbol of the freedom convoy. It is driving them nuts. I love the tables being turned on them. One of the few times I have seen liberals get a taste of their own medicine. It is glorious.

  13. I was at the Calgary protest. I didn’t know about it, but a friend lives near 17th Avenue and could hear it, so Mrs. Fawkes (Fawkesy Lady, as I like to call her) and I grabbed the dog and headed over to take a look. We hadn’t intended to, but we ended up marching right through downtown with everybody. The dog had never seen anything like it, but she held up well.

    There were thousands of people, many of them carrying Canadian flags, with lots more people lining the roads as we passed. It was peaceful, orderly, noisy and jubilant all at once. There were people of all ages, but most importantly, lots and lots of young people.

    I couldn’t have been prouder of my fellow citizens. This was like a celebration of everything that’s great about this country, just like the truckers in Ottawa (on a much lesser scale, to be sure). My dad fought in the Second World War, and this was almost as if the old spirit of Canada came to life again. It was awesome.

    I’ve sometimes found myself despairing that there just aren’t enough non-insane people in this country to make a difference, so it was immensely heartening to be in a group of thousands of decent, ordinary, normal Canadians, all of them aghast at what is going on. These are people who simply want their country back, and who have no representation at any level anywhere from any party.

    I hope they’re the tip of the iceberg.

    1. The amount of people at the the Calgary protest proved it is more than just a fringe group. For every one person there, there are at least 10 more that didn’t make it.

    2. Nice report. A friend said there were lots of people down on Parliament Hill — even has they try to clear. Trudeau may destroy our bank accounts, but he cannot destroy our spirit.

  14. The libranos co opted the flag to be their de facto logo. Librano wimmin started dressing in the flag as a show of solidarity – even ones who don’t look good in red… which is most of them.

  15. Check out Randy Hillier’s twitter (twitter.com/randyhillier) … leaked RCMP social media … “Time for the protestors to hear our jackboots on the ground.” Names and numbers and everything!

  16. My BIL was been in Ottawa since the start of the Freedom Convoy, he rolled out from Stettler 3 weeks ago. I sent him $$$ personally…straight to his wife’s account. Little did I know if I had sent to money to him my bank account could be frozen?!

  17. I was in Edmonton today, not expecting much as media reported that attendance every week was dropping. I like to drive to the city centre and when the traffic slows I park some place and walk the rest to meet and talk to people. Two weeks ago I had to walk 5 blocks today it was 10 to get to the legislator building, so much for dropping attendances. Nice to see so many people in good spirits. One person with a mask on outdoors ask me if I’m one of THEM at witch point I pointed out to him that I’m not wearing a mask and what his conclusion would be.

  18. Sung to the tune of O Tannenbaum (O Christmas Tree)

    The despot’s heel is on thy shore,
    Canada, my Canada!
    His torch is at thy temple door,
    Canada, my Canada!
    Avenge the patriotic gore
    That flecked the streets of Ottawa,
    And be the battle queen of yore,
    Canada, my Canada!

    Dear Country! burst the tyrant’s chain,
    Canada, my Canada!
    Our brothers should not call in vain,
    Canada, my Canada!
    We meet the foe upon the plain—
    Sic semper!” ’tis our proud refrain
    That baffles minions back amain,
    Canada, my Canada!
