When You Lose The New York Times

Members of the Canadian obsolete media are upset over how the New York Times is covering what’s going on in Ottawa. For example…  It all works unless you actually look at the pictures or videos plastered all over the internet.

NYT- Truckers Arrested at Gunpoint as Police Advance Against Ottawa Protest

NYT- Canada Live Updates: Police Clamp Down on Ottawa Protesters

130 Replies to “When You Lose The New York Times”

  1. Dan Rather also tweeted out condemnation.

    Think about that. When you’ve lost leftist Rather, who himself tried to influence an election with fake news, you don’t have a leg to stand on.

    1. When the smoke clears a bit more after more protesters are cleaned up and cleared out for the mainstream media’s liking…
      Our politicians WILL BLAME THE OVERZEALOUS COPS in NOT FOLLOWING Trudeau’s specific orders.
      No one is checking identifications. Certainly is part of our governments order.
      So shit rolls down hill and cops get the mainstream media scorn.

      1. “So shit rolls down hill and cops get the mainstream media scorn.”

        Good, those scum deserve all the scorn. Word on the street is that from all around the country they approached those who had the most police brutality and unnecessary use of force investigations on their record and brought them to Ottawa to crack skulls.

        When they will be abandoned by their political masters maybe next time they will not volunteer for this. FETE.

      2. yup.
        I am amazed that these crack investigators can’t see the betrayal coming.
        Of course it does explain the impossible incompetence we have seen recently at high profile crime scenes.
        If the “Law Enforcement Officers” are so stupid,that they cannot see where this mess is going,small wonder they cannot solve any crimes.
        They made their choice,paging 4Chan?
        A little help here.
        We should be so proud of our professional law enforcement members,names,service record,pay rate,home addresses and favourite foods…Car license plate and favourite hangouts..
        The abusive insanity of our minions will be rewarded.
        They have crossed no-mans land and are now boasting of their allegiance with the enemy.
        But we still need to pay their wages and pensions..of course.

    2. The Canadian media is more fake than Dan Rather Mr “fake but accurate” himself. My default position has been if you hear it from a Canadian journalist it’s likely fake news.

    3. Ward – Channel surfing the radio today when I heard two CBC commentators. Paraphrasing from memory: Woman “Are the (protestors) being directed by a single authority? Where are they getting their direction and misinformation (i.e. not Liberal CBC sanctioned) from?” Reporter on street “No, they are getting it from the world wide web” Woman “Are they getting it from Facebook or Twitter or….?”. Reporter “There is a whole ecosystem of information out there from blog sites and websites that I’ve never heard of before. These sites are saying that vaccines are dangerous and are masks don’t work, with no proof”. They never heard of the NY Times I guess, or even Elon Musk. Clearly, the CBC and their subordinates in the Liberal party will have to shut down all such sites.

  2. I’ll remember this, next time a RCMP or Ottawa police thug are killed in the line of duty.

    It’s gonna be tough not to smile broadly. And to relish that karma sometimes comes looking for payback.

    1. Damn. Once again I foolishly decided to read the SDA comments section after telling myself I wouldn’t do that again.

      Comments like yours are exactly why I stopped reading them.

        1. I frequently feel quite faint when reading the comments – quite faint indeed, if not moreso – in fact my comments reading list appears to become a slim version of its former self with every fainting spell – can’t seem to find an answer.

      1. That’s ok, you have more important things to do.

        And those police jackboots won’t lick themselves.

        Get busy.

    1. Rueters was there, and coverage was not favourable to Gov, the Gestapo, or othe lackeys.

      Talked about over reach, injuries, yup the stomped lady, and if you didn’t see Canada flags, you would not believe this took place in Canada, or what it was pre communism.

      Rep internationally is totally toast, and appears no one reining him or his Stasi in.

  3. “Fringe political movements”. With the truckers polling higher than any federal political party, who’s the ‘fringe’?

    1. Truckers should just not deliver cargo and needed supplies to Ottawa. What will the tyrants and boot lickers eat when food isn’t delivered?

      1. “Truckers should just not deliver cargo and needed supplies”… that is exactly what should happen, shut down this fascist country.

        1. Truckers should just not deliver cargo and needed supplies

          You people are all thinking in terms of rule of law. Our post-national state has now been transformed into a post-rule-of-law Trudeau Brutalist Regime.

          Trudeau has given himself (and his authorized henchmen) the power to compel any person to do anything he commands. Failure to comply could land a person five years in prison. Subject only to the individual discretion of the thug you are dealing with.

          And habeas corpus has been suspended. So you’ll see a judge whenever. Maybe later rather than sooner.

          So stop thinking you’ve got the protection of common law as a British common law, parliamentary democracy. You have none of those protections. You are a subject of the Trudeau Brutalist Regime.

          1. Yeah,but that armed thug riding in the cab,to ensure the drivers compliance,is a work place hazard and might cause such an overwhelming distraction ,that that part of the unit might make an unplanned contact with an immovable object.
            Tragic accident of course.

          2. John, you raise the important point, that if brutality and repression escalate, resistance eventually responds proportionally. Who knows how far into madness the post-rule-of-law Trudeau Brutalist Regime takes us.

            None of us would ever want to be as insane as Trudeau.

          3. I had an uplifting thought earlier today.

            I was watching a parody of a “V for Vendetta” trailer someone made called “C”. It ended with an image of the all-holy Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

            I’d seen the copy of the document many times before, of course. I seem to remember the Trudeau government printed millions of them and distributed the hard copies everywhere.

            But as I looked at the image in on the screen, I became aware as never before of Trudeau 1.0’s signature prominently added at the bottom.

            The original document had the Queen’s signature as royal assent, and then Trudeau also signed, and Jean Chretien, and so on. But this famous image only has Trudeau’s signature.

            This confirmed for me that the whole thing was just a vanity project for Trudeau, which was what many people at the time speculated the “repatriation” thing was for him anyway, a monstrous vanity project.

            I remember the Queen spoke to Trudeau as they signed the document, and apparently Elizabeth said: “Well, Pierre, you finally got what you wanted. I hope you’re happy now.” Really, could the hero propaganda be any more obvious with this guy’s lone signature at the bottom, as though he were Moses the lawgiver, or Solon, or Hamurabi? The declaration of independence doesn’t single out one signature, nor did anyone rush to claim sole credit for the drafting. Typical Trudeau malignant narcissism.

            Anyway, the uplifting thought: every time anyone looks at this Charter thing ever again, and sees the Trudeau signature, he is going to be immediately reminded that Trudeau 2.0 tore it to shreds by imposing a post-rule-of-law Brutalist Regime.

            And then he might also be reminded that Trudeau 1.0 also imposed Martial Law, also for his own political purposes.

            And then I realized that perhaps, just perhaps, Trudeau Junior has forever destroyed the Myth of Trudeau, which is something no one else has been able to do for decades.

  4. Purdy sure the only legacy media outlets that were on site today was drum roll-CBC hiding behind the NDP/liberal gestapo. As for the rest of the pissy pant’s media like Global -spit-CTV gag me with a spoon and the flop and mail etc. They don’t need to go to the site of protests they can just regurgitate CBC’s intensive intelligence reports after the government tables them as actual evidence. Keep in mind our freedom and liberties have been stripped away because the Liberal/NDP alliance has deemed the communist broadcast corporation is akin to an intelligence agency. If Trudope’s circle of inside influencers gets any smaller he’s not going to be in a circle he’s going to on the wrong side of history.

      1. Shot with a tear ganister from point blanc range. Not an accident, just another Judge Dread on a rampage.

        1. He surely had wet dreams about beating up a girl and then shooting her with the gas canister. Otherwise he would not have done that.

          1. When a cop beats his wife, and he calls police, his friends come over and hold her for him.

    1. I now see True North was present and their reporter also got beaten up. I see many law suits coming out of this one.

      1. The lawsuits would help if we were still a county of law. Recent events have conclusively proved otherwise.

        1. Your judges are all appointed by the ruling party. It would be a shock if they sided with anyone suing the police over this. Ya still have to try.

          1. The Crown had the gall to say that Tamara Lich does not respect the rule of law. When a government does not respect the rule of law, it is no longer serving the people.

      2. Our new resident tranny troll says Andrew and Alexia started it. Therefore deserved it.

        The depravity of the Left has no bounds.

  5. Quick, Joostaihn! Get them on your side!

    Send them $600 million.

    Oh, and make that USD, huh.

    1. No written copy from her, just straight from the heart!
      Anybody get her name? She had me weeping.

      1. This is what I sent to Dan Bongino, (as a suggestion for a guest on his show) on Feb 12:

        “Think her name is Tricia S. Lindsay and she’s a lawyer in N.Y.”
        (Not certain that it’s correct but it’s the best I could come up with/find.)

        1. “Think her name is Tricia S. Lindsay and she’s a lawyer in N.Y.”

          I’ve heard the same thing from a couple of different sources.

        2. Nemo2 and FB–
          Thanks. His show “Unfiltered With Dan Bongino” on Fox News is on Saturdays at 9 pm EST. Hopefully, he gets her on.

          1. We didn’t receive an acknowledgement of our suggestion – (didn’t expect/anticipate one considering the volume of e-mails he receives)……we link to his (generally 5 days a week for ~ one hour) broadcasts on Rumble.

            Also on Rumble we watch Styxhexenhammer666 – very smart guy, (although given to NSFW language on occasion).

  6. Poor Mercedes. Besides the actual guns drawn, what does she think being pushed around by armed police is. By- law officers maybe

  7. Edmonton cops and Calgary cops are in Ottawa beating on people. Who thought that was a good idea? That’s not a very Christian thing to do. Any ideas why the mayors of Edmonton and Calgary would be so un-Christian?

    1. Pretty sure the horses came from Toronto’s equestrian unit. Good job John Tory – whatever – they are all complicit at every level. Smashed over 125 years of service in a minute. But who cares about service, respect, precedent and honour anymore anyway?

    2. Police reinforcements from Edmonton and Calgary likely required by the Emergencies Act. No option to decline, like the tow trucks? Pushing back against that mandate would be too much for the leftist cities in Alberta.

      1. “No option to decline”

        Every option to decline. If one does not have the balls to quit over this they can simply say:
        “Sorry boss I seem to be coming down with COVID, wish I could help but I am sure you understand.”
        Every cop that came there made a conscious choice to support Potato’s junta.

    3. Just a thought, but do these events give the western separatist movement a fair bit of traction? If this stands as it seems to be going, doesn’t it essentially mean the west has no federal say at all and yet basically keeps the country afloat. I’ve never lived in the west so maybe those who do can enlighten me.

    4. Got to keep the lads in practice.
      Anyway not a very good look especially if it becomes a partisan venture.

  8. I’m starting to sense that the left tray is so heavy it has become apparent and for everybody to see, including the ones who have been adding the weight, that the whole scale has tipped over. Bill Maher, NYT and others are starting to sound the alarm on the left…the mid terms are one thing but IMO it is deeper than that…The Trump derangement syndrome is waning with reality setting in that 2016 to 2020 were actually the good old days, COVID fatigue with it’s unintended revelations like the schooling system and big pharma/politician corruption along with inflation going wild and the utter nonsensical and ever unforgiving woke culture are waking up more and more Karens and man buns.

    “In a world of lies, speaking the truth becomes an act of rebellion,
    so be loud and clear for what meets no resistance never stops”

  9. The MSM, like the brain dead sheep who still believe them, are acting the same way cult members chant when you try to deprogram them.
    If they chant long and loud enough they hope all will be well. They refuse to believe they were sucked into the Dear Leader’s web of deceit and lies. So chant away and all will be well.

  10. I noticed the criminal thugs of the Turdhole POlice have taken off their identification tags and their badge numbers.
    The Turdhole Gestapo know what they are doing is wrong and without Turdholes dictates their actions would be criminal, not that the cops give a shit about the rule of law, cops are mindless thugs the same as any criminal, but with less brains and less compassion then the average criminal.
    Cops are worse then Turdhole because they do not have to do what they are doing, they do not have to, “just following orders”…. cops beat on woman and children and unarmed peaceful protesters because they enjoy doing it, not because of the “law”.
    A psychopath like Juthtin the Turdhole knows the ranks of the Police force are chalk full of psychopaths just like him.

    I also noticed some of the worst of the worst as far as policing goes, the corrupt OPP and the mindless thugs of the corrupt Calgary Gestapo, the love brutalizing and harrassing christians when they not beating woman and peaceful protesters.

    Turdhole is a POS Globalist anti Canadian, but he is not as bad as the lawless goons he enlists to enforce his lawless tyrannical agenda.
    Cops are shit. I look forward to the next time I hear about a cop getting beat or shot, I will celebrate… defund these criminals.

    1. If they aren’t in FULL uniform you have a valid defense in saying you thought the ‘cop’ was an imposter when he/she assaulted you and in defending yourself the ‘cop’ became a former cop. IYKWIMAITTYD.

    2. I’m guessing that under the Emergency Powers invocation, there is not one iota of Canada’s faux-constitutional protection available to the citizen. The Fuhrer’s goons are likely limited only by their internal PR. We are 1933 Nazi Germany. The brown-shirted CBC are both the Fuhrer’s Cheerleaders and Gestapo.

    3. Turdhole is a POS Globalist anti Canadian, but he is not as bad as the lawless goons

      First time I ever remember not agreeing with something you’ve said. Of course I can’t agree.

      Inside the post rule-of-law Trudeau Brutalist Regime is a heart of darkness, and its evil radiates outwards to engulf all whom it enslaves in its service.

  11. I turned on the TV earlier, channel surfed for awhile and quickly shut it off. It was plainly obvious that viewers were getting a whitewashed version. At every turn Evan Solomon was cut off by the ‘desk’ in Toronto. The CBC was no better.

    At least the NYT sent their very own— wise to the Canadian —
    no-can-do-legacy-media. Ha!

    I wondered if Evan S. was trying to show the truth- they didn’t want his cameraman showing the cops smashing truck windows.

  12. Don’t invest too much trust in the NYT, a leopard doesn’t change its spots this easily. The times is probably pissed off that they weren’t the first news outlet to go to such extremes to deep throat and swallow for a leftist tyrant.

  13. There’s a March going on in Toronto.

    They put all their police eggs in Ottawa. Stupid decision and whoever is running their Twitter account is an idiot. The police sound stupid and it’s in writing. We to,d you to move, you got unruly so we need batons to protect ourselves?

    That sounds like an abuser talking.

    The trust is broken.

  14. I wouldn’t cross the street to piss on a cop if their guts were on fire.
    They need to know they are thought of as nothing more than subhuman coward-fucks.
    Hopefully every POS hears it every day for the rest of their lives.

    As for Mercedes, she’s nothing but an old Lada Ditch Pig that should be put in a crusher.

    1. You can bet there are a lot of cops who are heartbroken about this gong show. Don’t put them all in the same bucket.

      1. Hopefully it won’t help recruit new ones. The issue becomes that if good people don’t go into law enforcement, what kind of law enforcement are we left with.

      2. You should correct that statement-“You can bet there are a handful of cops who are heartbroken about this gong show.” I have seen NO comment from our police decrying over zealous use of force.

        The thugs demand anonymity, so be it, they shall all be adjudged as thugs.

        From this day forward every cop should be shunned from society. They chose their bed, they can lie in it, with the veteran-beating, woman-beating, thugs who demand anonymity.

      3. No longer sure of that Art.
        Police have a duty.
        They are all oath sworn.
        Where are the sane ones?
        Hiding,hoping this will blow over?
        Believing that after these two years of State Thuggery,featuring police as uniformed thugs of the State,that we can just go back to “The way it was” before March 2019.

        That we would forgive the idiots their trespasses and the mass debt they incurred,forgive the loss of our rights and freedoms and all sing in harmony??
        Two weeks are long up.

        And now this.
        The National Emergency,except in the following Provinces and Territories.
        Imposed purely to serve a fools ego.
        A fool who delights in abusing both police and military,yet we see the number of uniformed thugs in Ottawa,aiding and abetting a criminal government.
        What was that “Serve and protect,uphold the constitution” bullshit.

        And does it even matter?
        Once the mobs go forth,justice and due process are gone.
        The Media,Government and their police minions are boasting of using, Guilt by association.
        The natural backlash to these abuses will use the same.
        Human Nature has not changed.
        After Ottawa 2022 ,all cops are targets..

        Utterly insane stupidity.
        By both Political “leaders” and the uniformed minions.
        Or did you miss the declaration of war,by our so-called leaders?

  15. Prompted by your post, I just read an editorial on the NYT website. The writer was trying to explain the causes behind the protests and described it as being a wider social conflict between the easily frustratable “Practicals” and the rational and serene “Virtuals”. Think of the delineation as between a civilized and cerebral Cloud People versus a brutish and simple herd of Troglodytes.

    The author also described Trudeau as being the intellectual leader of a “meritocracy”, albeit one that might blur into aristocracy, (because Trudeau is the son of a previous PM and is also a graduate of two of Canada’s top three universities — you know those Americans and their ivy college fetishes).

    I don’t think Trudeau’s “lost the NYT”.

    Moreover, guess where the sympathies of NYT readers are? The comment section dripped with condescension for the “Practicals”. How they could generally be pitied as inferiors, but were unfortunately so dim that they are easily misled and used as cat’s paws by the cracked-brained extreme right wing “Virtuals”.

    It is a fascinating combination of complete self-absorption and zero self-awareness. They share this fatal conceit with another “meritocratic” character they seem to idolize.

    1. Those rational people act like toddlers when told No. the Left has always been like this in my lifetime.

    2. “Think of the delineation as between a civilized and cerebral Cloud People versus a brutish and simple herd of Troglodytes.”

      I prefer the Eloi-Morlock analogy.

      1. I prefer the Eloi-Morlock analogy.

        Exactly what I had in mind myself. But this was jaundiced perspective of the Eloi-s.

        NYT readers might not realize they are more like Eloi-s than anything Cloud People.

    3. Liberalism is a progressive disease.
      “The author also described Trudeau as being the intellectual leader of a “meritocracy”, ”
      tells me more about that author than I ever wanted to know.

  16. Just reminiscing here; I was with my family visiting relatives in Tronto, during the “Days of Rage” at the 1968 Democratic convention, held in Chicago. I remember listening to the radio and to the universal half assed condemnation of Mayor Daly by Canadian media. I am not equating these events, unlike the protestors in Ottawa, the Yippies did intentionally provoke the violence by the ChicagoPD. Just an observation, our beloved Mayor, Richard J Daly, formerly a king maker, spent the rest of his life in the Democrat Party Wilderness.

    1. The Daly machine perfected that most time-honoured tradition of American politics, the crooked election. Cook County vote rigging is legendary. Even Nixon knew it’d be hopeless to contest the corruption in those precincts.

      Boss Tweed had nothing on Daly.

    1. Fascist pigs pushing the crowd down Bank Street right now. At least the Gestapo looked snazzy in their fedoras and leather trenchcoats. The pigs just look like SS larpers on a budget.

      And most of them aren’t even Ottawa Police, but fucking mercenaries bussed in from other pig forces.

      1. Yep watching it now.

        Apparently while every goon in a country was sent to Ottawa, new protests erupted in Kebek and on BC – US border. The more they squeeze their fists the more slips through their fingers.

        They thought that if they clear the truckers it will all be over. Instead, thousands of Ottawa residents, allegedly exhausted by protests… shown up to protest.

      2. Stop comparing Canadian cops to NAZIs. NAZIs had an impeccable standard of personal hygiene.

    2. Every other media outlet makes it sound like the whole thing is over. Clearly not over. The longer this continues the worse it looks for the police and the government.

  17. None of this crap matters … shit for brains will come out of this as some kind of saviour to 30% of canadians . He can thank his bought and paid for media scumbags .

  18. On the larger scale, things may be shifting in our favour. I think we all realize that our numbers, in proportion to the large mass of brainwashed or apathetic middle ground types, are not that high. However, each time the government over-reacts they probably reduce the apathetic middle ground by several per cent, while not driving many to the harder core of support for the government. There is also the factor that time is on our side, as more and more people come to realize that the mandates are a total over-reaction to what seems like an increasingly trivial health problem.

    There are signs of cracks in leftist solidarity too, such persons as Svend Robinson and Bill Maher are not our natural allies on many questions present or past, but they seem to see excesses in the globalist approach.

    Let’s face it, anti-globalism used to be mostly a leftist thing, remember about 10-15 years ago, all those protests by leftists against the NWO, but that was when it appeared to be a Bush-Harper sort of enterprise and leftists could comfortably oppose. When Obama and Trudeau showed up, progressives fully committed to Davos and all things globalist, the dynamic changed, at first, there was no really organized resistance to it, then it shifted to the centre-right.

    More recently, there has been the addition of a notable anti-Christian element to the globalist campaign. It has not escaped notice that our new age atheist NDP government (in BC) has relaxed crowd rules everywhere but organized worship with snippy comments about “spreading the virus” being especially likely where God is present. It makes one wonder if God is not perhaps the ultimate target, as some deluded old hermit in Patmos surmised about two thousand years ago with a bit of help from celestial messengers. If we had even half the insight from those who are actually present here and now, it would be something.

  19. Finally got covid from one of my kids and it’s the biggest nothingburger in the history of nothingburgers. We shut down the world for a mild cold?

  20. Really starting to wonder about this site as well There’s a revolution going on and all I hear are crickets

  21. All violence initiated by the government. “On your knees, working class deplorables.”

    Little Potatistan, geographically largest dictatorship in the Western Hemisphere.

  22. When I saw the video of the people getting run down by the horses in Ottawa something twigged in the back of my mind…

    Remember the Toronto BBQ joint? Same ones…


      1. Or maybe US — not that would freak out all those leftsts who support this. They hate Americans.

    1. An arresting officer needs to confirm he is a legal police person

      When you are acting under the authorization of emergency powers, I doubt any of that folderol is actually required. There is no habeas corpus afterwards anyway. Indefinite detention without legal recourse until the emergency authorities see fit to deal with you.

  23. How the hell would Bought And Paid For Mercedes know?
    Her and the rest of the Trudeau harem girls were told to leave, and they did.
    Such bravery!
    How did she witness anything after being her and the rest of Trudeau’s tame media were fenced off?

    Trudeau’s goons fenced off the welfare media so they knew that any media that dared film or report on the was the enemy.
    PEN Canada got anything to say?

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  25. Watching live coverage in Ottawa today , cops with 4-5 batons ,assault rifles , armored vehicles , beating up protestor and onlookers alike , I had to wonder if whoever gave the orders to use force , had given the order to randomly open fire on the crowd … how many cops would have obeyed.

    The answer is in the history of 1930”s Germany .. many would likely obey the order.

  26. Oh man I’d be so defiant if one of these Snow Brandon-empowered stormtroopers pointed a weapon at me. “Hey guys, isn’t standard gun safety protocol such that one should not point a weapon at anything unless the intent is to shoot and kill? What am I doing that is sufficient to provoke you to kill me?”
