63 Replies to “Good Morning Ottawa”

    1. *******************************
      *Don’t feed the Chelsea troll whore*

    1. Up to I saw the check four $6520, I be certain that…my… neighbors mother woz like they say truly receiving money in their spare time on their apple laptop.. there best friend started doing this 4 less than nineteen months and at present cleared the loans on there apartment and bought a new Mazda. navigate to this web-site…… https://yourownwork1.blogspot.com/

    1. I’d be happy to see Ottawa as a smoking hole in the ground. Ottawa is what is destroying this country. Much like Washington DC is destroying the U.S.

    2. Easy there, there were multiple businesses that stayed open and helped the truckers any way they could. Either through donations or by offering catering services for a 1 dollar per day fee (I know of one will not discuss details). Remember those Polish women bringing food for Truckers, for days they operated out of one restaurant. Then there was the jerry can rebellion, these were mostly locals defying cops and bringing fuel. Then there was a night of protests and dance parties after the truckers have left, These were mostly locals as well.

      As for all those businesses who are now suing truckers, yeah, f*** them sideways. We need a list so we never patronize any of them again.

      1. So its not enough that the truckers have been ground into a bloody pulp under the hobnail boot of the state just so widdle Justin wouldn’t have to talk to them. Now they are being sued???? Did these businesses refuse to serve the truckers because I don’t see how they would be unable to to business with them there. It is pure hatred to sue them now.

  1. My predictions for the future of North America (Without Mexico) : Territorial breakups through civil war. Energy producing areas of south to North central/west would merge (Alberta and Saskatchewan need a sea port entry that could be Texas or territorial take over and/or access agreement with BC). Freedom loving/right wing minded patriots would leave east and west coasts towards the new interior.
    Energy independent territory including from OPEC price fixing would create powerful trader if other new areas remain with OPEC import. South from Texas towards Florida could takeover/accept eastern territories into the fold.
    This would substantially weaken Washington DC and Ottawa by separating east and west territories.
    The left might have the loudspeakers but they don’t have the guts and the firepower…mostly Karens and man buns.

    1. That’s what Tamara Lich and Pat King thought,
      They say King is bawling his eyes out in protective custody.

      1. Who’s “they?”

        Chances are “they” are lying through their teeth, especially if “they” are the CBC, CTV, Goebel…

        1. Giggling masturbating sadists who want it to be true, like this bitch dizzy-I-mean-Chelsea.

      2. From a broken heart you merciless heartless hateful, f***!

        I would do the same if I thought I was a free person with guaranteed rights to protest but then absolutely vilified by the state, jailed on ridiculous trumped up charges and financially ruined so little boy Justin wouldn’t have to lower himself to talk to me. Do you have any idea what it is like to be crushed & ruined by the unmitigated power of the state?? With every power including the courts dead set against you??

        All he had to do was talk to them and show them even a shred of respect as citizens.

    2. Don’t know if you are aware of the “Greater Idaho” proposal. But that would give Alberta, etc., a path to the Pacific Coast. Also, B.C. would be split with much of the western part of B.C. delinking with the looney tunes in Vancouver and area.

    3. “Alberta and Saskatchewan need a sea port…”

      According to UN law, landlocked countries have a right to access tidewater:


      “While landlocked states have a general right in terms of UNCLOS to access the sea and its living resources, the practical application thereof is left to agreements to be entered into between the landlocked state and the transit states involved. In accordance with the relevant UNCLOS articles, states shall enter into these agreements to determine the ‘how to’ of these rights. While there is a legal obligation to enter into such agreements, and while there are some considerations provided by UNCLOS, there is no guarantee that the rights of landlocked states are protected. The actual terms to be included in the agreements are left up to the landlocked states to deliberate with their counterparts during the negotiations. In practice, therefore, the implementation of UNCLOS provisions related to the rights of landlocked states still relies to a significant degree on political will and existing favourable relations between the relevant states.”

      Yes, there’s that catchall in there, but I think BC would become very amenable to Buffalo’s tidewater access if we threatened to shut off gas & oil to the Lower Mainland. In addition, I see double & triple digit tariffs on all BC product moving across our highways & airspace in the near future.

      1. Gaslighters kept saying Alberta would not. The Calgary Sun was among the gaslighters and that was before it was bought out by Post Media.

        1. Would not shut off gas & oil?

          Would, if Buffalo had the right President. Me, f’rinstance…

  2. Overheard in the nation’s capital:

    “Order has been restored to our fair city. Now the only people keeping me awake at night are the drunks and junkies.”

      1. With all the checkpoints, Gestapo presence and barricades, the Rideau Centre Mall experienced a — wait for it — a GUNMAN!

        Talk about your false flag operation. The Gestapo were calmly waking back and forth. None were showing any sign worrying of stray bullets. The talking points were released to the legacy presstitutes too early, as they were running the stories before it was even over.

        Of course, that is just part of the next step of the EA. Legal firearms will be confiscated because of “what happened”. Then there will be house-to-house searches for undocumented firearms.

        1. When I read about this so called report of a gunman it occurred to me that this could be a new tactic to cause chaos anywhere in the country. Just like kids do when they call in a threat to their school, anyone could anonymously report that they saw someone somewhere with something! The pigs would go nuts running around chasing phantoms.

  3. Really. All those military commandos, ch3ckpoints, and fences … and common criminals roam free? Let me guess … “equity”

  4. Police acting to prevent or catch criminals is so much harder than peaceful protesters. Besides, where can those pathologically disposed to act for the fatherland have as much fun as “kicking ass” on the protest line.

    1. Yup. Wrestling with some scumbag with a shank is dangerous! Riding your house over a granny? Not so much.

  5. When cops have no working class to beat down for the man they don’t know what to do. Multiple robberies during martial law? Sounds like Liberals are in charge.

  6. Another Canadian first!!
    For that last couple of years we were almost regularly entertained on our nightly news by the “mostly peaceful protests” where the offenders were recorded breaking windows, stealing alcohol and other articles and even killing the odd counter-protester or cop. Cool!
    But here in the Great White North, the protesters were cleaning the sidewalks, feeding the hungry and celebrating what was left of their rapidly disappearing freedoms with hot tubs bouncy castles and other stuff.
    And then the cops showed up from all over the GWN and proceeded to break windows, beat up people and steal trucks. BIG EFFEN TRUCKS! Destroying livelyhoods.
    Something seems to gone terribly wrong!
    I mean,the Police??
    What the HELL!!

    1. I dunno about Sikh as such, in fact I’d bet everything I own that Jug-meat doesn’t believe in God. How could he? He’s a fascist pig.

      Please note that I don’t think belief in God is a requirement for being decent; just that Jack-meat is a fake Sikh.

      1. Hey a guy has to hang on to all that power and influence once he gets some even if he has to sell out the workers to do it.

        God forbid for someone to do the right thing and then have a new election.

  7. Looks exactly like the trampling horse riding cop!

    Cops still blocking the core of Toronto for three weeks now.
    No free pizza, music, or rides for the kiddies, just angry dystopian policescape.

  8. Deplatforming by the banks — the next wave:
    “Last summer, I warned readers of Common Sense that financial deplatforming would be the next wave of online censorship. Big Tech companies like PayPal were already working with left-wing groups like the ADL and SPLC to define lists of individuals and groups who should be denied service. As more and more similarly minded tech companies followed suit (as happened with social media censorship), these deplorables would be deplatformed, debanked, and eventually denied access to the modern economy altogether, as punishment for their unacceptable views.

    That prediction has become reality.”


    1. Looks like we are going to need an underground railroad for the truckers to escape to the U.S. I wish I lived near the border but I will 100% contribute to any charity that will feed and shelter them until they get on their feet. Its not illegal to help the truckers here.

  9. Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.
    D.H. Lawrence

    1. So true. This would have never happened if the generation that fought the real Nazi’s were still around. The Nazi’s are back but will the next “greatest generation” reappear?

  10. Didn’t we read that crime in the city of Ottawa went down during the Trucker Convoy? Now that the convoy has left and police are swarming the streets, somebody breaks into a restaurant? Safest place in Ottawa right now is a donut shop.

  11. I was watching a Rebel News live video on YouTube, when someone put up a tweet from the Ottawa Police saying there was a person with a gun in, I think, Rideau Hall? I don’t see that tweet anymore, but I did see a tweet from police saying that “the situation” was under control and one person is in custody. False flag, anyone? How could someone like that get through all the checkpoints there?

  12. I’m hoping Canadian truckers absolutely refuse to bring any goods into Rottawa. It is not a safe work space for them. Let Trudeau use the police and horses to bring necessities to the fine folks of that lovely little town. At the risk of being a Nazi … honk honk!

    1. Why would they risk becoming political prisoners?
      “Didn’t I see you here during the occupation?”

    2. But the government can force them to work, didn’t you know? No truckers strike will be allowed and will probably be treated the same as the original protest. I say that Canada has a very long unguarded border with the US. The truckers need to come here, on foot if they have to, and claim asylum until they can go back home. We freedom loving Americans will take care of them.

  13. Well we are under the rule of a dictator now, thanks to the NDP. Why are we surprised Justine Stalin went full blown despot?

  14. Is it one of the restaurants that is suing the protesters? If yes, then it could not happen to more deserving assholes.

    1. Roaddog

      Man love boy symbolism….right from his foundation.

      Like most of this globalist Filth, Pedophilia seems to rank high on their lists as a “favourite pastime”

      1. My thinking had not wandered in that direction, but I see your point; and the petty multi-whatever do seem saturated with perversity. Hunter Biden, role model…
