
I’ll take political prisoner for $500, Alex.

Sun- Protest organizer Tamara Lich deemed risk to reoffend and denied bail in Ottawa

Lich was arrested last Thursday and charged with counselling to commit mischief. During the bail hearing, Lich promised to leave Ottawa by vehicle and give up her advocacy of the protest, saying she would need several days to make those arrangements because she does not have the required vaccine passport enabling her to fly and because her bank accounts are now frozen.

Ontario Court Justice Julie Bourgeois said in the decision that the effect on the community from the actions of the convoy were immense and that she felt Lich was obstinate and disingenuous in her responses to the court during her bail hearing on Saturday.

“I cannot be reassured that if I release you into the community that you will not reoffend,” Bourgeois said.

“Your detention is necessary for the protection and safety of the public.”

CBC version

Related: Man accused in hit-and-run at Manitoba Freedom Convoy protest granted bail

151 Replies to ““Mischief””

    1. Up to I saw the check four $6520, I be certain that…my… neighbors mother woz like they say truly receiving money in their spare time on their apple laptop.. there best friend started doing this 4 less than nineteen months and at present cleared the loans on there apartment and bought a new Mazda. navigate to this web-site…… https://yourownwork1.blogspot.com/

  1. Is it time to do what the Democrats do down in the states and absolutely terrify our Justices that they work for the people and not a representative of our governments crack down on desention.

    1. Supreme Court agreed it did not apply to non-criminal offences. Now onus on accused is being applied to all offences.

      1. I note that is they claim this protest caused an actual danger to life that can seek a life sentence for this under 430(2) of the criminal code. “Counselling” is an offence under section 464…from what I’ve read the law would be illegal in the US and has never been constitutionally tested in Canada. Not looking good for the truckers. Good for the dictators.

        1. Very interesting.
          Life sentence for alleged ” mischief “.
          Bail denied until court date, maybe never.

          Blood is boiling with steam coming out of my ears.

          1. Similar arguments are used to justify keeping Rev. Pawlowski in jail right now. He’s been branded as a clear and present danger to society….. all because he preaches the Gospel and ministers to the poor and homeless.

    2. Now you know why the Liberal Party appoints their failed candidates and bagmen to the so called courts… the country is hopelessly corrupt. Protesting against the tyranny is Illegal… Fascism is here. Fuk Juthtin Turdhole and his whole NAZI regime.

      1. the loss of our freedoms started under Pierre Trudeau. A research of history proves that. It took a long time but we have now lost almost all of our freedoms, from cell phones being tapped to being arrested for a peaceful demonstration. The next step is censoring the internet and ultimately an SS type of brigade that will be authorized to stop you at random and ask for papers, and you better have them with you. This is right out of the Nazi playbook which I am sure Butts and Trudeau refer to regularly.
        copy this and refer to it 5 years from now

  2. Truckers … Uyghurs of Canada. Chairman Trudeau must be so proud. His block captain Karens and soy boys are giddy with excitement. Leftists love oppressing their enemies.

    1. Winnipeg hit and run attacker, David Alexander Zegarac, 42, of Headingley, released on $10,000 bail.

    1. Exactly. The absurdity of pretending this was some kind of insurrection is full on clown world level of crazy. I’m so tired of all of this that I no longer even want the system fixed – I want to turn the tables 180 degrees and get revenge. I want Liberal and NDP supporters accounts frozen. I want them arrested. I want people to finally pay the price for enabling the demise of Canada and maybe then they will understand why freedom, the rule of law, principles and honesty should be cherished and protected.

        1. Now, now.
          Calm down.
          All in good time, soon.
          Great things come to those with patience.
          No need to get emotional and go off half cocked.
          Need a clear head to beat these fuckers.
          Steel yourself with COLD anger for the time being.
          We will have our pound of flesh, one way or another.

  3. So how are the master minds behind the axe wielding terrorists’ that actually attacked the Coastal pipeline being punished?

    How is tiny Tamara that surrendered to police with politeness and dignity more of a threat than the thugs that confronted working men and police and machinery?

    I would venture to guess that they will not be even asked to turn themselves in and make reparation’s for their damage.

    Will the Heredity Chiefs bank accounts be frozen as they are pretty obviously inciting violent protests?

    1. The failed Liberal Candidate play acting as a “Judge” has stated clearly that disagreeing with the fascist LIberal/NDP Party is now illegal.
      Welcome the dictatorship of Turdholeland.

  4. Ottawa

    Though your sister’s bound and gagged
    And they’ve chained her to a chair
    Won’t you please come to Ottawa
    Just to sing

    In a land that’s known as freedom
    How can such a thing be fair
    Won’t you please come to Ottawa
    For the help that we can bring

    We can change the world
    Re-arrange the world
    It’s dying … to get better

    Politicians sit yourselves down
    There’s nothing for you here
    Won’t you please come to Ottawa
    For a ride

    Don’t ask Jagmeet to help you
    ‘Cause he’ll turn the other ear
    Won’t you please come to Ottawa
    Or else join the other side

    We can change the world
    Re-arrange the world
    It’s dying … if you believe in justice
    It’s dying … and if you believe in freedom
    It’s dying … let a woman live her own life
    It’s dying … rules and regulations, who needs them
    Open up the door

    Somehow people must be free
    I hope the day comes soon
    Won’t you please come to Ottawa
    Show your face

    From the bottom of the ocean
    To the mountains on the moon
    Won’t you please come to Ottawa
    No one else can take your place

    Where is Graham Nash when we need him … again ?

    This is a song for PM Mao …

    1. “Where is Graham Nash when we need him … again ?”

      Probably the last intelligent thought Graham had was when he punted Joni Mitchell out the door.

  5. Liberal party member. Passed the bar but can’t run a law practice. Raised money for LPC. Now appointed by LPC to be a corrupt judge.
    The trial outcome is a foregone conclusion.
    Chairman Xi blushed with embarrassment. Not!

    1. Julie’s qualifications to sit on the bench are twofold: she speaks French and sucks like a vacuum.

      1. The idiot Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed all Liberals based on merit as determined by Liberal lawyers. He didn’t understand that he was allowed to appoint Conservatives.

  6. I didn’t think I could hate this country anymore than I already did. Everywhere you look in official Canada there’s nothing but fucking scum. Is there a Canadian politician with the courage to vouch for Tamara? Just one?

    1. You don’t “believe” in anything; you’re a trained parrot with Justin’s arm up your cloaca.

    2. Law & order for protesting.

      Yeah you bleieve in zip.
      Typical lib, you can’t wait to throw away what freedoms had.

    3. *******************************
      *Don’t feed the Chelsea troll whore*

    1. 4chan today is not the 4chan of yesteryear.
      The current crop of nerds are, shall we say, less than enthusiastic, more nerd than savant.

  7. Hmmmm
    At the end of January my daughter was in a car crash where a drunk just plowed into her vehicle head on, even though she pulled onto the shoulder to avoid him. This guy had a restraining order, was not even supposed to be on our town, or drink. He got released the next day with a promise to appear, and I have a destroyed vehicle and a 17 year old daughter who is afraid of every oncoming vehicle now. Yeah, our courts are working real great……

  8. In two weeks I will be 70.
    Even so, crap like this makes me want to pick up a rifle and start walking North…

      1. Stay in your garret with your bong, and learn to use punctuation. I welcome our American friend.

    1. Not that far behind ya, but can still carry an FN C1…a modern Colt would be appreciated however.
      7 mo for me.. .Phil.

  9. The freezing of her assets virtually prohibits her from financing a legal defense, much less financing a car ride or being able to live once she gets home. What legal precedents exist for such draconian treatment over a charge of mischief?

    1. Our American cousins pioneered government lawfare. A modern variation of the time-honoured kangaroo court and show trial.

      Some favoured methods: many multiples of charges, limited discovery, no shared disclosure, freezing of assets, vicious prosecutors, corrupt judges, etc.

      Patrick Fitzgerald was one of the most psychopathic and ruthless. He attempted to seize control of all of Conrad Black’s assets before charging him, to prevent Black from being able to pay for a legal defence.

      Going from memory, Black was able to take some anticipatory measures to protect some assets, and I believe he mortgaged his Toronto mansion to pay for his lawyers.

      Having resources, and having them spread across multiple jurisdictions, is essential if you’re forced to fight Leviathan in its own house (government law courts).

      1. I just remembered something else that is characteristic of lawfare I neglected to point out in my earlier post:

        The legal process itself is the punishment, and the source of the “crime”.

        Patrick Fitzgerald was the prosecutor in both the Conrad Black and the Martha Stewart “cases”. In both instances, after the appeals processes settled all the outstanding scores, both Black and Stewart were convicted, (and incarcerated), for “process crimes” that were “committed” only after their legal ordeals had begun.

        In Stewart’s case, it was “lying under interrogation” while being questioned by the FBI or whichever agency it was.

        In Black’s case, famously, it was looking up at a security camera while carrying boxes of stationery supplies in a building staircase after your office lease had expired.

    2. Got two words for you: “legal aid”.
      She has a lawyer.
      But she has no case. Judge was talking prison time.
      Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

    3. And who will be allowed to help her and her husband? Didn’t little Justin make it illegal to help the truckers?

  10. Good thing she didn’t attack people with an axe and destroy millions in private property-wait if she had of she’d be a free woman. I hate what the liberals and NDP have done to this country, and we have no legal means to rebutt our new Dictator thanks to Chairman Singh. Notice how our side is suppose to renounce our “Wrong think” before liberal judges who say nothing when the left do the self same things?

    1. Not a bug but a feature. Keep the deplorables cowering in fear, unable to walk the streets of their own cities. Divide and rule, crush the joy out of life. See how desperately we all need to wake up? You will own nothing and be happy.

      “We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end…Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
      – George Orwell, 1984.

      1. Good point, and add to that another feature: importing 400,000 immigrants a year from countries with no tradition of personal freedom and who would never dare to question the draconian policies of Big Government since they have been granted entry to the promised land of “free” government benefits forever.

        1. A bought and paid for voting bloc, like the Haitians and Mexicans, Salvadorans etc in the US. No mystery.

    2. That’s different because they’re diverse vibrant people. Besides, if they’re all locked up politicians won’t have anyone to buy their drugs from.

  11. Justice Bourgeois isn’t genuinely concerned about Lich “re-offending.” She’s concerned that Lich will flee Canada and seek asylum in a country where the truckers are not seen as a problem to be solved.

    Ditto BJ Dichter, who is still at last report a free man. If he is captured alive, no judge will dare take the risk of BJ’s walking into the Israeli embassy.

    Of course, it is just possible he is already in Israel. I hope so.

    To the globalists, asylum is only for the losers of globalist wars, the perverts of all countries, and Third Worlders they can’t recruit as drudges any other way. Not people who genuinely risk persecution if they return home.

  12. How many rapists, murderers, and career criminals got bail today?

    Her speech is being policed while dangerous criminals are set free.
    Ask the mouth breathers watching CBC and CTV if they approve of this.

      1. Nobody, not even your mother if you have one, gives a living shit what you do or don’t approve of.

          1. Apologies. On the brighter side, I got a positive response from “Julia’s” domain host, and they rate it is a complaint of high priority. Hope they’re being honest.

        1. Ilse Koch committed suicide in prison.

          “I’m having difficulty completing the report. I can’t decide between ‘committing suicide while in custody’, or ‘shot while trying to escape'”.

      2. What was the crime again?
        ‘Counseling mischief’?
        Define that for us.
        How is it limited, or is it limited in any way?
        Give us some examples of political activities that don’t come under the counseling mischief umbrella.

        Explain the differences between ‘counseling mischief’ and ‘we just don’t like you’ in a legal sense.

        I didn’t vote for Klaus Schwab.

  13. When this travesty of justice is over I want to see the Liberal Party of Canada government hand her over a cheque for $10.5 million dollars,just like Prime minister Al Jolson gave to that real convicted terrorist Omar Khadr

  14. So Tamara has caused the tyrants to throw her in jail for the criminal act of disagreeing with the government. Canada has caught up with the US.
    We have to fix this.

  15. This is what dictatorships do.

    This is why the convoy was so important.

    I feel as though we lost the battle for Warsaw and must endure two more years of cruelty before something worse happens.

    1. I realize everyone is searching for historical parallels, in the sense that “history rhymes”, but there is no historical precedent for this.

      It’s neither the Third Reich nor Stalinist USSR nor Mao’s China. It is technocratic totalitarianism. It is not ideological, or nationalistic, or “patriotic”.

      It is anti-human scientific dictatorship. It is exactly what Eisenhower spoke of in his farewell address. Everyone remembers the phrase he created in that speech, “the military-industrial complex”, but few remember the more striking and prescient “scientific, technological elite“.

      Eisenhower predicted this “elite” would eventually subvert US democracy to create a dictatorship. He was correct. Unfortunately, he waited until the last days of his presidency to warn people about it.

      Google “technocracy” to prepare yourself for your alarming future.

      1. I must differ, sir.

        Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had their own for of “science” and used all manner of things to justify their existences: outside interventionists, “science” (ie – Lysenkoism – Solzhenitsyn had something rather funny to say about that), the pursuit of technology, people having “unfair advantages” because of hard work.

        There is quite the resemblance, is there not?

        While I don’t dispute your technocracy claim, I think we are simply repeating something old and just as dangerous.

        Lambda … , at least someone is having a good day. 🙂

        1. Please don’t call me sir, my parents were married. 😂

          I don’t disagree with anything else you wrote. Every society embraces the concept of “scientific progress”, free societies and dictatorships alike. And the Soviet Union was a primitive form of technocracy, given its limited technical advancement compared to today’s. It was also, of course, founded upon convoluted “marxist dialectical materialism” and all the pseudo-intellectual theoretical ideology. Raisa Gorbachev had a PhD in philosophy specializing in dialectical materialism. That is what I meant by ideological. There were reams and reams of dogma and creeds that people were indoctrinated in.

          Technocracy, has many historical antecedents, but it’s modern form is actually American in conception. Let me quickly snip from wikipedia:

          “The American economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen was an early advocate of technocracy, and was involved in the Technical Alliance, as were Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert (the latter of whom later developed the theory of peak oil). Veblen believed that technological developments would eventually lead toward a socialistic reorganization of economic affairs. Veblen saw socialism as one intermediate phase in an ongoing evolutionary process in society that would be brought about by the natural decay of the business enterprise system.

          In 1932, Howard Scott and Marion King Hubbert founded Technocracy Incorporated, and proposed that money be replaced by energy certificates. The group argued that apolitical, rational engineers should be vested with authority to guide an economy into a thermodynamically balanced load of production and consumption, thereby doing away with unemployment and debt.”

          I see the objectives of the WEF and Davos and Bilderberg and all the other controlling organizations as being heavily influenced and inspired by these early principles of technocracy.

      2. It’s neither the Third Reich nor Stalinist USSR nor Mao’s China.

        A few days ago, people here thought it was Vichy.

        Don’t waste your time going on about technocratic dictatorship. Although technocracy IS what is behind the whole World Economic Forum thing, and most people here are waking up to that.

      3. “Winter On Fire”.. Netflix.. Orange Revolution in The Ukraine.. watched it last night. See what a foul gov. can do to it’s people.

  16. L – Real terrorists receive an apology and $10.5 from Justin Trudeau.
    Tamara Lich, exercised her Charter Rights: to peaceful assembly, free speech and association. Being denied bail proves she is a political prisoner.

    Notez-Bien- Pastor Arthur Palowski has been denied bail and kept in solitary confinement for two weeks, for the exercising above Rights; but also for exercising his Freedom of Religion and conscience by ministering to those hurting from the ongoing Lockdowns.

    He preaches hope to counter despair and to find the strength to endure suffering and injustice and not be crushed by it. He reminds people that Rights are not granted by government that they are born free and sovereign, the political/religious philosophy underlying the Charter.

    That is why he is a political prisoner, too. All former Soviet bloc refugees know this.

    The Solidarity movement freed his homeland of Poland. Someday, it will free Canada, too. Not all of us will live long enough to see the Trudeau regime fall.
    But fall, it will.

    Premier Kenny claims he’ll launch a Charter challenge to the Emergency Measures Act and perhaps(?) assist the challenge of others. But both political prisoners, Pastor Palowski and Tamara Lich are Albertans.

    Will Kenny’s Charter challenge be only a token one? Sask. Premier Moe is silent about a Charter challenge? All Premiers have governed their provinces under Emergency Act decrees violating the Charter for most of 2 years?

    No repentance in anything they’ve said. So far still on bended knee before Trudeau.

    How many years of wandering in circles in the political wilderness are ahead ?

    Who will answer?

    1. God I hope that old Arthur is preaching up a storm in that prison at the top of his lungs at every chance he gets and cursing these jackbooted thugs for all he is worth. What I wouldn’t give to hear it. But it would be better to hear that he is free.

  17. I don’t see David Suzuki in jail for urging people to blow up pipelines.
    Have the bank accounts of the David Suzuki Foundation been frozen?

  18. Some background on Justice Julie Bourgeois:

    “Ontario has appointed a new judge to the Ontario Court of Justice, effective May 20, 2015.

    Justice Julie Bourgeois was called to the bar in 1999. She has worked as a Crown Attorney and Assistant Crown Attorney for the past 16 years. Prior to her legal career, Justice Bourgeois worked with clients suffering from severe mental disorders and provided intervention and support to young offenders. She is fluent in English and French.”


  19. Trudeau played this pretty much perfect. His political enemies exposed themselves and their finances to him, walked right into a trap where he could jail them and declare them terrorists, had a plan that paved the way for Trudeau to push for emergency powers, got the NDP to vote him those powers, and now has unchecked means to smear and/or crush his serious political opponents. Mostly while he sat alone in his mansion and played PS5.
    And, the best part: the truckers paid a bazillion dollars of Trudeau’s carbon tax driving across the country.
    In fairness, he is blessed with stupid enemies but he’s at least smarter than them.

    1. He’s exposed the state for what it is, now we the people know we have to kick it up a notch. If I was a politician, judge or cop, I’d be terrified to go to sleep at night knowing I might wake up to a burning house. I’d be terrified to walk the streets knowing that just about everyone I pass has good reason to despise me.

      They have no power at all if we chose to disobey. They had to bring in cops from across the entire country to shut down the protest. There are a lot more of us than there are of them.

      1. Aye Rusty, Those are my thoughts as well. They have exposed their true colors, and have shown us the reality of of who they truly are. Now we know, we are armed with that knowledge. Never again will any of us who are aware, will view any of them in a favorable light. Not the Turd, the federal and provincial, and local politicians, the courts, the redcoats, the police, legacy media, all of them.
        I foolishly grew up trusting “the system” and it took a long time to erode that trust. That trust faded long before the current situation, but the lid has been blown off of that fade. The problem will be to convince the naysayers of this ugly truth. Who ever said it’s easier to fool someone, than convince them they have been fooled, was right. At least we now know who ALL the enemies are! This will be a long and miserable guerilla war. Sadly there will be IRA tactics for an indefinite future. They have brought this upon themselves. I for one will not go quietly or alone, into the long night, and there will be many who do the same. Kipling’s poems, the Wrath of the awakened Saxon, and the Gods of the copybook headings, repeatedly come to mind.

        It is my sincere wish that the turd will soon rue the day he slid out of his mother’s fetid womb!

    2. The trap worked because the legacy media, led by the CBC and CTV, consistently and continuously demonized the protestors. That gave the Dear Leader the pretext he needed to invoke the Emergencies Act which, not surprisingly, is overwhelmingly described as a justified response by the legacy media.

    3. What were the options?
      Sit and watch Trudeau boil the frog slowly?

      The left’s goal has never changed, just the pace.

    4. Stop applying a cunning to Justin he simply does not have.

      The man is a moron and a coward.

      Let’s take a keen eye to his installers and ask what they have planned next.

      1. I think you know what they plan next.
        In their arrogance they wrote it down for us.
        Agenda 21/30/50 .
        WEFs own writings, Council on Foreign Relations, Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Georgia Guidestones, Fabian Society, Auldous Huxley , Karl Marx , George Orwell and numerous other writers I am sure you could add to.

  20. From the same Ottawa courthouse just two short years ago, another relevant Ottawa news report that the legacy media will never mention again. An Ottawa judge (not Julie Bourgeois) granted bail to two international students convicted of rape. They both subsequently leave the country and have never been brought to justice. I wonder how the victim feels.

    “Two international students — both convicted in the gang rape of a young Ottawa woman — have skipped town and possibly the country.
    Ousmane Kader Diarrassouba, 24, and Abdilahi Houd, 22, were convicted on June 28. The successful prosecutor, Juliana Martel, asked the judge to revoke their bail while they awaited sentencing but he refused.
    The prosecutor then asked the judge to at least order the convicted rapists to surrender their passports.
    Ontario Court Justice Robert Fournier gave them 72 hours to turn in their passports at Ottawa police headquarters but they never showed and haven’t been seen since they walked out of the Elgin Street courthouse.”


    1. I don’t think we have to wonder too much about how the victim feels. Another fellow Canadian ruthlessly f*cked over by their own “justice” system. That is their mission. If it was “compassion” obviously things would have gone very differently. Crush the proles, crush our will to resist, crush the joy or even its possibility out of life.

      Way overdue we did some crushing back, IMO.

    2. Yes, but they weren’t confronting Justin, so …

      And let’s not forget how all of this is a learning experience about Portuguese grandmothers or some such sound byte.

  21. The Conservatives need to come back and add Freezing Trust Funds and government pensions to the actionable punishments.

    That might make it real for our PM and his elite supporters.

  22. How can the government and their police strike force her to be held while the country is still in extreme covid mandated shutdowns?

    Cruel and unusual.

  23. Better to have us talk about a police state rather than discuss the total failure of our public health care experiment to mange the pandemic.

    We have how many critical care beds?

  24. Her name is Bourgeois really? I guess who else would you want punishing the ‘proles’

    Almost as rich as some woman called Freeland freezing bank accounts and ditching charter rights.

    1. CanuckinMI, Good catch on both those items. I had thought of the Freeland one, but the ‘Bourgeois’ went over my head. My thanks.

  25. What constitutes counseling mischief?
    Does the first person to stop applauding at BlackfaceHitler’s speeches put themselves in danger of being arrested for counseling mischief?

    What is the minimum amount of ass kissing required by Trudeau’s media to keep themselves safe from being arrested for counseling mischief?

  26. All trans-border travel from the US to Canada should immediately end.

    Why risk becoming a political prisoner in Trudopia?

  27. Could not agree more with the Emergency Measures Act being implemented and the seizure of funds from these moronic protesting idiots. Broader powers were needed to quell the illegal occupation. They termed it a freedom protest. Freedom for whom? Not the citizens of Ottawa whose city was occupied. Not for the vaccinated truckers wanting to cross the Ambassador bridge or Coutts border crossings. No, only these morons freedom mattered. Well, good luck to them now to cross the border when both border agencies know their names as does Homeland Security. I’m thrilled Lich was denied bail. Deny King bail to.

    1. Wow, your outburst was so vehement it made me dizzy! Geddit? DIZZY!


    2. Ok … KAPO.

      As a Vet, arrogant mewling Fucks like you sonny, Totally Disgust me.

      Dollars to doughnuts, You’ve never been employed, working with your manicured hands.

  28. Retribution Days.
    Coming soon to replace Sunny Daze.
    “Are you now or have you ever contributed to the *Liberal Party of Canada”?
    * Supporting NDP being classed as equal to supporting Justine.

    When I am calmer,I will be explaining a few facts of life to my MP.
    If I get past its minders,I doubt it will like what I have to say.
    Hey dipshit,you voted to declare war on me and my kind.
    I accept your declaration.
    Good Days ahead.

  29. Speaking of Swastikas, Trudeau’s father like to tool around Montreal on his motorcycle wearing his German helmet.

  30. “Police said three of the people hit by the vehicle had minor injuries, and a fourth person was taken to hospital but later released.”

    Those damn self driving vehicles causing so much carnage like in Wakusesha! Crazy how the media has essentially memory holed both events because they didn’t fit the narrative.

  31. Well there goes any hope that the courts would help out by ruling that peaceful protestors cannot be treated like terrorists.

    I am very disappointed to learn that Lich agreed to stop protesting as a condition of her bail. But even more disappointed that the judge decided that she was lying and didn’t have the right attitude and so still denied her bail. I suppose there is no hope of appeal either.

  32. Let’s remember what has often been said.

    The PROCESS is the punishment. That’s LIEBrawl strategy.

    Given time, their draconian decrees will very likely be struck down as Charter Challenges at the SC. Fair, due process, presumption of innocence, and whatnot. But, for the years in between, the LIEBrawls get to pull the wings off of flies, for their sheer, nefarious, masochistic enjoyment.

  33. This outrageous ruling (by a “judge” with connections to the Liberal party) will backfire. The more time Ms. Lich and others spends in jail, the more galvanized the pro-democracy opposition becomes.

    1. This is a Post-rule-of-law Fascist Regime. The judge will do just fine.

      I saw a documentary about the court system in the Third Reich. Did you know that there could be courts, judges, and lawyers in an authoritarian system? It wasn’t all about some corporal taking a dislike to your looks shooting you in the street.

      I don’t know how much had to change to accommodate the new regime from the old Weimar Republic, but I do know all the people in the “Third Reich Justice System” were all members of the Nazi Party.

      We in the Trudeau Fascist Regime probably won’t notice much difference from before, since all lawyers and judges are already members of the Regime’s party.

  34. I don’t want to distract from this event – it’s monstrous – I just want to point out that it’s far from unprecedented.

    I know of a Toronto police operation where the police arrested over 50 people for crimes that had not occurred, colluded with a sitting judge to sign the search warrants for the nonexistent crimes and deny them bail, refused to disclose the evidence they did not find to the victim’s counsel, and publicly smeared the victims with actionable libel. A small handful of the victims were convicted of unrelated crimes turned up during the illegal search, a few more plead to reduced charges to get their freedom back, over forty had the charges dropped in their entirety because they could afford a decent lawyer. Of those forty, two committed suicide because they’d lost everything as a result of the baseless smear campaign.

    Why did all of this happen? Because the OIC of the department wanted to boost his prestige by heading up a sensational investigation. There wasn’t one, so he made one up. Not a single one of the 40+ officers involved was ever charged or suffered any consequences for their participation in a conspiracy to destroy the lives of innocent Canadians for the police’ prestige.

    This has been going on for far longer than you think, and far more commonly. The police have never been your friends; the legal system has never been safe for anyone who isn’t rich or connected.

    1. the legal system has never been safe for anyone who isn’t rich or connected.

      Yup, most people don’t think about it unless they suffer the misfortune of experiencing the system themselves. They are always shocked when they are asked the eternal question: “how much justice can you afford?”
