4 Replies to “Globalism And Davos”

  1. In case you missed it yesterday…
    Big boys with big toys leaving for China and snubbing the US.



    “Saudi Aramco, the Saudi Arabian state oil company, announced on Thursday it would help build a massive new refining facility in northeastern China.”
    I suppose that sounds like “Winning” to Biden & Trudeau.
    Now considering that Saudi Aramco, Petro China, and China Petroleum are the top 3 largest oil companies in the world by profits – oh well eh?

    Osumashi Kinyobe

    It certainly does sound like winning to Justin.
    Alberta has been ruined.
    His dad couldn’t be prouder.

  2. Well … the “good news” for the 2024 Presidential election? PDJT has been BANNED FOR LIFE from Twitter. Henceforward, there will be NO “mean Tweets”. Nobody will ever hear anything Trump says or does as Twitter is our ONLY way of obtaining knowledge (sorry Meta). Yep. In 2024 Twitter will claim that Trump is responsible for the Russian invasion of Ukraine … the cause of $7.00/gal. gasoline … and the real reason your grocery store has half empty shelves. And anyone who Tweets anything different will be banned for spreading “misinformation”.

    The world will be so much better after that broken-down ollllld George Bailey of politics is made permanently lame by Big Tech. Then, you’ll get $10.00/gal. gasoline … and you’ll LIKE IT! You’ll like it as much as the “advanced” people of Europe like their enslavement.
