Yes, But They’re “Our Nazis”

Salon- Are there really neo-Nazis fighting for Ukraine? Well, yes — but it’s a long story

USA Today- A regiment in Ukraine’s military was founded by white supremacists. Now it’s battling Russia on the front lines.

Ottawa Citizen- Canadian officials who met with Ukrainian unit linked to neo-Nazis feared exposure by news media: documents


UnHerd- The truth about Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Francisco- Out of all of these links I’d say the UnHerd interview is the best one.

50 Replies to “Yes, But They’re “Our Nazis””

  1. This little fracas between first cousins is one of those where the rest of us should step back and hope both of them lose. The “poor” Ukes aren’t the good guys in a black vs white contest. They’re just the idiots who poked the bear once too often.

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  2. All well and good but let’s remember that Hitler was a socialist and this loathsome Nazi ideology is only “far right” to the far left which it actually most resembles. A battle for the hearts and minds of collectivists and totalitarians.

  3. “ Farber said it was also disturbing the Azov unit was able to use the Canadians in propaganda attempts to legitimize its far-right ideology.”

    Here let me fix that paragraph

    Farber said it was also disturbing the Azov unit was able to use the Canadians in propaganda attempts to legitimize its extreme socialist ideology.

    1. “Far left” is big tent socialism/collectivism/totalitarianism and “far right” is small tent socialism/collectivism/totalitarianism.

    2. The Azov Battalion has been kicking Russian ass for 8 years. They are motivated soldiers. Justin thinks the Canadian army are all white supremacists. It’s all bullshit. Should Ukraine recruit only transgendered fairies?

    1. @Johnson – “The truth about those US-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine”

      The truth is, regardless of the big scare of Russia “accidentally releasing Bio-viruses” is that Russia has been handling Bio-viruses and Labs since they became a thing. Why would Russia make the intentional “mistake” of releasing bio weapons in it’s own backyard? Pretty sure they would treat Ukrainian Bio-labs with care & respect as if thier own lives depended on it.

      If these Bio-labs that didn’t exist 2 weeks ago but miraculously do now – but are only inert research facility’s, why is the US “seriously concerned” that Russia would get their hands on them? Doesn’t Russia have plenty of inert bio-research of its own, including any Soviet era Bio research? Why yes of course they do, so what is the BIG problem here (?)

      1. “Why would Russia make the intentional “mistake” of releasing bio weapons in it’s own backyard? ”

        Because they are incompetent idiots who shelled nuclear powerplants?

        1. Uh huh, yea we will see if that happens.

          “shelled nuclear powerplants?” LOL, more CBC propaganda. Yea yea, we all saw the signal flares in the Nuclear Plant parking lot, looked impressive.

          1. It happened and was well documented. You can’t just blindly dismiss inconvenient facts as CBC propaganda while simultaneously regurgitating Pravda.

            Is every Maxipad simping for Pootin?

          2. Documented at the time was an “attack” involving high explosive munitions well away from the actual Nuclear facilities. Some fires broke out in some adjacent buildings and were easily contained. Of course no one can no longer verify the real story as any Narrative outside of the CBC/ Globalist narrative is censored.

            Censored. Nice way to vouch for any authenticity about anything yes? I still remember the “wet markets” and Trucker nazi rapists terrorizing Canada.

          3. Yes, we know they shelled a nuclear powerplant, out of stupid negligence and incompetence. They did not mean to cause a disaster, they are just incompetent, they were russian. Those are facts not propaganda. So yes, they should not be allowed around anything resembling a bio lab, because odds are high they will fuck something major up.

            You are again carrying water for Pootinista and trying to deflect in every possible way.

          4. Colon

            Are you leaving to join the EU expeditionary Battalion to fight for Ukraine…??

            If not, then kindly STFU.

          5. “You are again carrying water for Pootinista….”

            Yea yea, we can go in circles all day with this, and you are carrying water for the Clinton Democrat machine – yada yada.

            So to be clear – I hope Ukraine wins, hell I’m even of 50% Ukrainian ancestry going back to the early 20th century. The point is, I don’t believe they will win, because even if they “win” they won’t win. Unless of course you believe that living in a smoking ruin of a country, with a really pissed off Russia as a neighbour as “winning”.

            The best chance Ukraine has IMO is to negotiate peace. At least on the surface Putin has declared that he will go home if a few simple requests are made. Essentially that Ukraine becomes a Neutral country (No NATO & No EU membership) and that the Donbass is allowed to be Autonomous. Sounds pretty f*ggin brain dead simple really (If you believe in freedom and autonomy for people). I also support Quebec’s right to succeed or Alberta’s and the UK or Texas if they so choose.

            Yes, and if Putin failed to fulfill his own Peace Treaty on those terms, bring on the WW3, but until then…..

            So aside from trying the simple and peaceful way first, every western Globalist nut job continues to edge Ukraine on like another “Arab Spring”, and hoping for “another Afghanistan to bleed Russia dry” – Hillary Clinton’s words not mine.

            So every Globalist “water carrier” can piss off, we have bigger fish to fry right here in our own lying little dictatorship called Cunuckistan.

          6. Steakman, if that is the best you can do then kindly STFU.

            Seriously, is there one Maxipad out there who is not simping for Pootin?

          7. This isn’t going in circles, this is you refusing to recognize the nature of the Siberian beast. I am well aware what evil western left is, you refuse to recognize evil that is russia and Pootin. There is no symmetry in our positions, there is no circle. Your argument relies on false equivalence.

            Ukraine cannot be safe under any negotiated peace. Negotiated peace means russians will attack again when it is more convenient for them and they are better prepared. Russia needs to be humiliated and pushed into economic depression and Ukraine has to join NATO. That is the only way to end this.

            And no, in the long run russians can only lose it. This will be Afghanistan x 10. The horrible part of it is the price that Ukrainains will pay. Also, once they win… can they build a prosperous country or will it evert into a corrupt, albeit free, shithole? Either outcome is better than russian puppet but one is decisively better than the other.

            It is false dichotomy to claim that we have bigger problems now at home so we cannot look at Ukraine at the same time. Nonsense, at no point should we be ignoring either. Except that when Potato was bringing marshal law, the same people who now are shedding crocodile tears about our problems, were busy dumping on Conservatives. So yes, I question their sincerity and motives.

            There, you spared me the insults I spared you the insults.

          8. “….this is you refusing to recognize the nature of the Siberian beast.”

            LOL, yea well there is no talking someone out of that kind of hatred. Simply not interested thanks.

            The good news is that neither opinion has or will have f*ck all to do with the outcome. Regardless Ukrainians are going to suffer, it’s only a matter to what degree. We will suffer as well, again time will tell to what degree. We will still be stuck with our own petty dictator emboldened with all his new found support, and the Globalists on two continents will grind us down into little Chinese style Social Credit seekers.

            I know when that day recognizably arrives that I didn’t partake in supporting masters whims & foreign wars in any shape or form.

          9. “LOL, yea well there is no talking someone out of that kind of hatred. ”

            Ask yourself why are Ukrainians fighting like lions for every street corner? Maybe it has something to do with them knowing what russians will do to them when they win?

            To add to previous post:
            “(If you believe in freedom and autonomy for people). ”

            They are remnants of russian occupation and of forced resettlements. They should be given two options denounce russia and join civilization or be russian in russia. Infeasible, I know, just but infeasible. I don’t envision a scenario where Ukraine can keep those regions.

            And if that was to be the end of it, then Ukrainians would probably settle. But the problem isn’t that russia would keep those territories. The problem is that russia would never let any part of Ukraine go until there is no Ukraine left. Until Ukraine is reduce to the status of Belarus, and the Moldova and Georgia. Russia is cancer that neve stops.

          10. You do understand that the argument “Go fight for for Ukraine” is equally sophisticated as the argument “Go fight for russia”?

          1. @Thomas – Lot’s of comments here, would be less confusing to tag who you are referring to.

  4. Not surprised, when liberals embrace fascism and the Nazi socialist doctrine it’s okay because liberals are allowed to embrace the above values. I thought the media’s collusion with global governments to push covid panic and fear was relentless, but goood gawd the hatred they are spewing against Russia and it’s people is something out of the bowels of hell. I’ve never witnessed such an organized media global government movement to normalize the coming WW111-it’s bloody aweful to view the media become full throated war mongers.

  5. Grinding a country to rubble and killing it’s citizens because they harbor neo-nazis makes about as much sense as locking the bank accounts of people who protest being forced to inject poorly tested vaccines into their bodies.

    Nothing can excuse what is being done to Ukraine.

    I don’t care if they’re all straight out nazis. Is Ukraine innocent? Not any more than the USA is. We have nazis here, as well as communists. I hate them both, but it certainly isn’t a reason to bomb everybody.

    1. @Brandon Galt

      The point here is the Liberal Left Hypocrisy, Trudeau’s Hypocrisy not the war itself.

      Who gives a sh*t if Nazi’s are running around Ukraine, your correct Russia has them too – The point is Trudeau imposing the Emergency Measures act on peacefully protesting Canadians because “he doesn’t stand with Nazi’s” – now he stands with them when they are not Canadian Truckers on his doorstep!

      Canadians need to clean their own house before worrying about someone else’s house.

      1. Bitch please, you’re just stealth simping for Pootin. The only time you feel like criticizing Potato is to deflect blame from Pootin. When people were outraged about what Potato was doing to the truckers, the same moron brigade who are now cynically crying “but Potato” were busy crying “but conservatives”.

        1. Oh no another CBC propagandized Trudeau lover. Continue to moron brigade for Pelosi some more she appreciates the support.

          1. Eventually you all reduce yourself to Dougie’s level flinging random insults in every direction desperately hoping something will stick.

          2. “Eventually you all reduce yourself to Dougie’s level flinging random insults”

            Not one insult manufactured here, every single “insult” originated from Clonialista only the table flipped. If the shoe fits you must acquit!

            Pootin lover = CBC lover
            Moron Brigade to Moron Brigade.

            Is there a pattern of “projection” appearing yet?

          3. My statements were 100% correct, I have described facts. You returned with hysterical bullshit Dougie style. You’re playing interference for Pootin.

        2. Nothing sticks to you only because you’re covered in Polack slime and grease. It’s the hourly kielbasa wanking.

          1. Yes, yet again Germans who have been consistently manipulated by Kremlin rammed through an initiative to harm Poland which is the most anti russian country in EU.

  6. Boo-fucking-hoo. Russians have brutalized Ukraine on countless occasions and are responsible for millions if not tens of millions of Ukrainian lives lost in the last century alone. And russians are proud of that, while schizophrenically denying responsibility.

    Nazis were very effective at killing russians. Nazis have kicked russians out from a large part of Ukraine. After what russians have done to Ukrainians and after Nazis de facto freeing them briefly, some Ukrainians are bound to have a skewed vision of Nazis. Especially that given the relentless russian historical propaganda, where russians are portrayed as the opposite to Nazis.


    All those who consider themselves russian should be expelled from all formerly occupied by russians countries.

    Those who above claim that there are no good guys in this fight, are romanticizing the Siberian Mongol mongrels, it is a psychotic trait of many born in the West, who have only read of russian influence but never experienced it first hand. Russia is cancer.

    1. The cancer is in your brain. Pick out your coffin now. Your cats won’t do it for you after you kick the bucket.

      1. Are you embarrassing yourself because you genuinely love russian dick or are you still sore that I laugh at the failures of Maxipads?

  7. All is never as it seems. It actually requires some thought to ferret out what might be happening but hey, a virus, masks and gene therapy prove that lies will always win out. “The” Ukraine will pay whatever price that will be exacted. So will Canada.

  8. Odd how the evil Putin Simp Maxipads don’t try to other the entire Russian population, but the good and angelic MSM mouthpeices do.
    Tells a lot about the mentality of the people involved.

    1. ^^^ The “good Germans” argument. Russians worship Pootin just like they worship Stalin and all their other tyrants.

      Youtube has scrapped the video but the description here is accurate: they are singing to “Uncle Vova” as he is called in the song, declaring their willingness to die for mother russia by his side… like Paleosimians

      Here is the video without English translation:

  9. The Ukrainian neo-Nazi party got just 2% of the vote in the last election and didn’t win a single seat (they have one in Parliament from another vote). They were a fading force. Sure there are openly far-right elements in the armed forces, you often get extreme nationalism amongst fighting men when big chunks of a country have been stolen by another country in an ongoing active fight. Probably going to be a bit of a revival now it’s a full on brutal invasion.

    The Ukrainians = Nazis is another dumb argument from a bizarre but big chunk of the online “right”, who are trying to be ever so clever and nuanced but are actually making themselves look like morally bereft wankers. Similar talking points are “it’s all NATO’s fault”, “should’na poked the Russian bear” and “whaddabout Iraq”. If you find yourself on the same side of a geopolitical argument as Xi Jinping, Russell Brand and George Galloway – you’re on the wrong fucking side.

    Loserdom for losers from Loserville.

    Want to be really stupid? Take the bullshit mainstream and make it partisan. Then you can cleverly, with an extra sophisticated touch of world-weary nuance, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in every election coming.

    1. “Nazi” is not “far right”.
      “Nationalist” may but most of the time isn’t “Nazi”. Most of the time nationalist is positive.
      The rest is largely correct.

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