Kathleen Wynne In A Fat Suit

National Post;

The National Post has learned Ontario’s PC government will introduce new measures at Queen’s Park on Monday, meant to prevent a repeat of last month’s freedom convoy blockades.

If passed, law enforcement will be able to direct owners and operators to remove their vehicles from illegal blockades, be able remove items used to illegally block roads, and be given the power to suspend both drivers’ licences and vehicle registration of participants.

The Ford government will also announce $100 million in new spending, including public order training for law enforcement agencies and establishing a permanent Ontario Provincial Police emergency management team.

The money will also go towards provincial procurement of what the government described as “critical equipment” — which according to a government source includes the purchase an undetermined number of tow trucks.

We need a new country.

49 Replies to “Kathleen Wynne In A Fat Suit”

  1. I am no longer voting for PC party. I’m done. If we are going full dictatorship, I won’t participate by voting in people claiming to be on my side of the political isle.

    1. I feel your pain.

      So now I’m a one issue voter.
      I know politicians can’t be trusted so I don’t trust them.
      So I’m left with one choice.
      Who out of the choices on the ballot is going to drive the officials in Queens Park, the progressives, and the “Karen’s” in the GTA, stark raving mad just by warming a seat in the legislature?
      I have little to no faith that the elected will fulfill any promises they make, so I will be satisfied with the liberal tears that would be shed over an Ontario version of Donald Trump.

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      1. Concurrence.

        I merely had to peruse the paid media sources to find out who the racist is. Then I did a verification check at the part time wannabe punk rocker blog for confirmation.
        Yep PPC and Ontario party.

      2. I am sorry but I dont agree. I will NEVER vote for a party that in any way includes a French Quebec person. Canada has been dragged into the gutter for so long with influence from Quebec.

          1. Ha! And they will. Again, and again, and again. They just keep picking new creeps to lead their sheep parade and try to convince themselves it will be different this time round.

        1. New Blue is spending a crazy amount of time and effort trashing guys like Sloan and Hillier who, for one reason or another, decided to NOT join New Blue.

          I told NB in an email last week that they should be putting all their weight into the fight against Blubber Douggie, the Liberals and the NDP instead of spitting out vitriol at kindred spirits.

          Having said that, they’re probably going to get my vote this summer.

    2. Conversation I had with a longtime friend who still, unfortunately, works for Thug Fraud:

      “So…I need to ask if we still have your support….hello? Are you still there? Look, I get you but if you could just let us know what we can put you down for…c’mon, I’m not joking here…”

      I let him hang a bit and told him that I won’t vote for, send money to, or otherwise support Fraud, anyone in his cabinet who runs the party after him, nor anyone in the caucus for that matter.

      And yes, I know this means a possibility that Steve “Turtle Turtle” DeLucca or Andrea Whorebath gets in…but as they song goes, you have to go through hell before you get to heaven, and I lasted through Bob Rae’s NDP to get Mike Harris, so I can wait.

      I mean…that’s what conservatives do, right?

      1. mikey harris? six-toes? the one that hired a used car salesman for minister of transport and a high school dropout for minister of edgukaySHUN? and sold of the very lucrative land registry for a song in a one time ‘balance da budge it’?
        ya that one.

  2. A new country?

    We’ve never had a real country, it’s just a bureaucracy whose sole duty is to preserve a form of government the people only benefit by coincidence if at all.

    1. The bureaucracy doesn’t care what government is in place it’s objective is self preservation

  3. THAT BIG FAT PILE OF COMORBIDITY, Dug Ford will not be able to campaign. We will destroy his candidacy. Be advised, we see what you have done and are doing… You will not see the ends to your means. We will destroy the PC’$…FDF

  4. Is there a paragraph exempting First Nations, Enviro-nuts, BLM, Radical Asshats and other assorted critters who regularly engage in so-called civil disobedience? Or is this just aimed at working class people who actually contribute to the welfare of society?

    1. Even if natives and eco-terrorists are not specifically carved out, they will still be accommodated. I have come to the conclusion that BLM/Antifa and the rest of the loony left malcontents are all funded by us taxpayers.

  5. Recall when people referred to the constitution of Canada as a piece of shit with no real protections from Big Government?

    Wait until the feds decide which internet news is acceptable for you…. It’ll all be clear then.

    Also, the #Libranos say nobody really needs a gun. on page 1 of the news, while on page 5 yet another article on the wild hogs population explosion.

    1. Don’t you just love dictatorial tyranny? I despise my cowardly fellow Canadians.
      I don’t think the police should have guns if the people can’t have guns. The police are dangerous.

  6. Is this a signal that it’s time to establish an underground resistance rag tag army to try to regain our stolen freedoms.

    Freedom is on the wane and tyranny on the rise.

    This used to be the sort of shit that played out in the movies or some Central American puke hole … this time it’s real and it’s spectacular.


    1. The situation seems to be building towards critical mass. Probably what will happen is as the truth leaks out about the true extent of the Covid scam and vaccine injuries, majority public opinion will start to turn. Then some desperate person may feel emboldened to commit a violent act of revenge against some part of “the system”, after which the dam may break for other people. There’s a lot of anger out there folks.

      I think of all the people who have been unjustly terminated for refusing the vaccine mandate. Financial stress can push people over the edge, and “idle hands do the devil’s work”. The veneer of civilization has been worn thin, and ALL of our institutions have been fatally compromised. It could be very difficult to get that genie back in the bottle.

  7. I predict that in a few years you will be able to buy a barely used tow truck in Ontario for very cheap.

  8. This isn’t only the result of the truckers convoy, but the twits in power can smell whats coming the same as most thinking people.

    1. Just wait until the Provincial Bureaucrats get through writing the “Safe Operating Manual and certification handbook” for use of Government Tow Trucks.
      The extra requirements to “qualify” drivers and so forth.
      These trucks will never move,except for training exercises.

      In a way this is so funny.
      Our parasitic overload has lost the plot.
      Always fighting the last war,they are incapable of guessing what future protests will be shaped like.

      With “Retroactive criminalization” and armed thugs to beat on the peaceful,I suspect real opposition is going to take different forms.
      These idiots think they won.
      Canadians will surprise them.
      Yes even us go along to get along passive Canadians..

  9. Makes me laugh – always trying to abide by the law and be decent about their rallys and demonstrations – long past time the right adopted native Indian tactics.

    1. long past time the right adopted native Indian tactics

      The participants in the Boston Tea Party dressed as Indians. That might be a start.

      1. Look at what sophomoric protest did over a silly little tax over tea for goodness sake. So it’s understandable that Turdeau doesn’t want things to go too far

    2. Come on – the problem isn’t the tactics, you can’t be that naive. The problem is that Indians are a protected class in Canada and enjoy de facto and de jure privileges that Canadian citizens do not. White Canadians who used the same tactics as the Indians would be crushed faster and harder than an elderly Indian grandmother under an RCMP horse, and no one would complain.

      If you start a civil war you had better be prepared to finish it, and have a plan for an effective government when you’re done.

  10. Private Ontario Tow Truck Owners and drivers should take the first big snow storm off, “for the safety of their employees.” Only tow from private lots and other non-roadway tasks, if at all. Leave all the road work to the Government Professionals.

  11. So people protest the violation of their fundamental human and constitutional rights and the government doubles down. Do they really believe they can continue this subversion and things will remain peaceful? You know “unregistered” trucks are very dangerous – you know like guns. It is long past time for people to stand up before the government starts a war. Grow yourself a garden , you are probably going to need it.

    1. Do they really believe they can continue this subversion and things will remain peaceful?


  12. We do need a new country…If things don’t change in Canada and USA there could be one:
    The heartland from Texas to Florida on the south side; up north, picking up the central Red states; Alberta, Saskatchewan, NYT, Yukon and Alaska. Some territories like BC, Manitoba, Washington State, Wisconsin might be conquered and/or join later.
    Washington DC and Ottawa control needs to be curtailed. The East and West coast elites need to be severely weakened. The energy and food producers (Excluding California) have the real power after all. Not the paper pushing coasts.
    Civil war seems inevitable by the day now. IMO

  13. “New country”?
    Started selling that concept 45 years ago.
    A few of us could see the “writing on the wall”.
    The majority far to risk adverse.

  14. Fascism, their response to a peaceful protest stick another foot on the people’s necks. Day after day they keep stripping society of freedom and the media cheer them on.

  15. iiiiiiiiiit’s COMING !!!
    not that lm a conspiracist or religious extremist fundamentalist, but.
    all this gubbamint ‘stuff’ dovetails with a certain portion of da gud book.

    aaaaaand who precisely is da gubbamint? some disembodied entity as in the middle ages?
    uh, no. it is OTHER PEOPLE that the rest of us endow with immense powah.
    and the qualifications to be in gubbamint?
    smooth talker helps. cute socks help. correct name helps. etc helps.

    God (pun intended) help us from ourselves.

  16. The only reason for more equiptment is to repress dissention. Justin’s fat friend has flipped into a moron. “Public Order” they call it.

  17. You don’t dare threaten the most politically-favored industry in the province.

    The auto companies are in a snit because they were forced to store five days worth of parts, or shut down their incredibly fragile factories and supply chains. All because of one narrow bridge owned by a sleazy Michigan billionaire.

    Doug knows where his bread is buttered. It ain’t in Etobicoke anymore, that’s for sure.

    Now, what are you Ontarians going to do about it?
    Do you think putting a Liberal-NDP Coalition government into power will solve your problems?
    Or do you hold your nose and vote for Doug?
