Monday On Turtle Island

Hollywood director demands defunding of fuel industry.

Will Biden and Harris get dumped?

A failing USA?

When police report men as women.  EU’s longest serving leader targets gender insanity.

The Trump plan for America.  And in case you missed it. Russell Brand trashes Trudeau.  And why doesn’t this surprise me. Another Trudeau failure. (behind paywall)

Conspirators in their own words.

Its Spring, so here is my gardening tip.

16 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

    1. Not quite…
      Finally get my beard trimmed in Ontario after two years of face masks!
      Wohoo. Beard trimming wasn’t allowed before as it meant taking down that wall…Ops that mask.

      Laundry too means no mask carrying that load of laundry as well.

      And again watching the PGA golf tournament with no restrictions.
      Our politicians are really fucking up our heads!

      1. Luckily I have a rebellious barber: they stopped using face diapers a very long time ago so I have been getting regular beard trims. They even stayed open during lockdowns – just pulled down the blinds and secretly let in their known customers. A speak-easy for haircuts.

        Drove into Mississauga today and everywhere I looked, people were walking outside with their muzzles in place. I only recall seeing one guy outside barefaced. I even saw one idiot alone in his car masked up.


        1. I just got my lonnnnnnnng hair cut Saturday. My Vietnamese immigrant barber who I have been seeing for 35 years wears no face diaper … but … she STILL:

          – Has no magazines to read …
          – Suggests patrons wait outside for their turn
          – Leaves her double front doors open for (cold) air circulation

          A good haircut … but a cold one as it was raining on Sat. At least she didn’t ask me about my vaccination status.

  1. So, another Hollyweird director wants to kill the oil industry. Let me guess: he gets the fuel for his gas-guzzling limousine from the people’s paradise of Venezuela?

    1. Beyond ridiculous, other than the occasional bit of studio work Hollywood is run from diesel gensets. Massive generators powering the film sets, the caterers and work trucks, the cast trailers, all of it run from diesel gensets that go for minimum 14hrs a day.

  2. Another Trudeau failure.

    The word “another” in that sentence is redundant. “Trudeau” and “failure” could be combined into the word “Trudeauism”, as one implies the other.

  3. Wrt the possibility of Biden being removed from office I will posit the following reasons why this won’t happen.
    First, he’s going to ensure the house and the senate go Republican in the midterm elections.
    Second, both houses are held by the democrats and they would love the republicans to table an impeachment bill which they can label as opportunistic and then use as a delaying tactic to blame inaction on the dumpster fire as republicans obsessed with impeachment.
    Third, once the republicans do win back both houses Biden is a lame duck and then the only option for him is executive order. Which further damages the democrats and forces them to act on removing him before it gets to election 2024 which unofficially kicks off the minute the ballots are counted for the midterms.
    Nope, the republicans won’t impeach Ol Joe, they will make the democrats do it and without the votes it would send a clear signal to the administration who holds his fate in their hands.
    Doing it this way delays the inevitable and sets the stage for a nasty primary vote where a sitting senile barely cognitive president is forced into a primary against the field of pretentious opponents aka a knife fight.
    The GOP should telegraph that their preference regardless of who they have on the ticket as the GOP nominee is to have Biden as the DNC choice.
    And there will be a media desperate to up its viewership ready and willing to air the blood sport live.
    Nope, if they want Biden and Harris gone, make them do it.
    It’s not an American problem, it’s a democrat problem

    Think of it as operation chaos ver 2.0.

    1. Interesting thesis, Joseph.

      It would be a good plan for the Republicans to just sit back and force the Democrats to clean up their own mess. Watching them dump Kamala would be highly entertaining.

      On the Republican side, it would be useful to have Trump stay in the fray to catch all the flak and then pull out at the last minute with a strong endorsement of DeSantis.

      Unfortunately both scenarios suggest more discipline than the GOP has – they’ll figure out how to screw things up.

    2. Joseph, another thought on dumping Biden. There is a theory circulating that the reason the New York Times now admitted that the “laptop from hell” was real was that they had information that Hunter Biden was about to get indicted. That would be the end of Joe because (despite his denials) Joe was clearly involved in Hunter’s criminal activities.

      Would the “deep state” let this happen unless they had a plan for dealing with Kamala – don’t think so. Either the NYT had another reason for the “confession” or there is something else going on that we don’t understand.

  4. In Russel Brand’s clip … notice how the ONE THING your “boy-band phase” PM cited as his proof of his ChiCom admiration … is their “Global Warming” commitments. Nevermind that those commitments are utter rubbish as China add 5 new coal-fired power plants per week … but their Basic Dictatorship has ANNOUNCED the entire country will go solar … or else!

    Your “boy-band phase” PM’s #1 concern is the Socialist rubbish known as “Global Warming”. He desperately wants to “save the planet” for you. Even if he has to KILL YOU to do it.

  5. The fact the Left are now allowed to talk about Hunter and his laptop is pretty important.

    Creepy Sleepy has been shown to be a failure and no one actually in charge want to be caught in the blast.

    The laptop is the exit strategy. My guess is it will be something about a ‘conflict of interest’ and ‘in the interests of transparency to the American People…’. Joe will step down with ‘honour and dignity’ intact, have the MSM blow smoke up his blow hole about the fine and courageous act he was willing to take while the exact implications of the laptop are discussed and investigated and then, probably in the space of about 3 to 4 days, the laptop story will just disappear again.

    Also Fauci had the Fauci Flu. Why else would he just disappear for so long? He came down and went into hiding till it went away.

    Prove me wrong.
