Another Day, Another Covid Corruption Scandal

Looks like someone was cashing in on Covid tests:

The former president of the union representing Canadian autoworkers is accused of accepting thousands of dollars from a supplier of COVID-19 tests after promoting the tests to several companies employing Unifor workers, according to the union.

The union said that in December and January Dias promoted a supplier’s rapid test kits to various companies, either directly or through staff under his direction, which led several of the firms to purchase tests.

Open question: Do you really think that no politicians profited from Covid vaccine jabs and tests?  Asking for a friend.

29 Replies to “Another Day, Another Covid Corruption Scandal”

  1. I think this was said on a web-conference on Sunday. Admitting they used fear for public health policy, and the reaction is….nothing.

    “The world panicked & embraced a whole series of draconian measures of dubious effectiveness & enormous cost.. Used fear as an agent of public policy which is totally anathema to principles of public health”
    —Dr. Schabas, Former Chief Medical
    Officer of Health for Province of Ontario

  2. The whole damn thing has been a scandal as “covid” does not exist. Only a fucking moron would think it does. Ok all you morons, chime in.

  3. Gee, a big union boss who has his head up the liberals’ collective ass shown to be just another corrupt fuck. Who’d have thunk something like that would happen in Trudeau’s fascist paradise? Let’s break up UNIFOR and turf the rest of the useless apparatchiks.

  4. By the same standard, so is every retired general who sells military hardware and every has-been curly haired politician who sells influence to Chinese 5G data companies… or pedals influence on international board and committees. Its all corruption graft and theft. only the centennial use of a guillotine or a length of hemp rope will correct the problem and then, only for a while.

    The tree of liberty…

  5. Given that unions are essentially another form of organized crime, I’m not surprised. Dias has always seemed like a stereotypical thug union boss. I always got a kick out of how the timid, cowering, UNIFOR members of the media threw him only softball questions.

  6. UNIFOR has 310,000 members in Canada. Many (most?) reporters/news readers, writers and editors on Canadian TV channels are members. Ergo, I find it not at all surprising that there hasn’t been a peep from CTV or Global. FYI, union dues are .735% of regular earnings of a union member. Just for fun, assume a low estimate of $50,000/year income. That’d be $367.50/yr, or $1/day. Multiply by 310,000 members, that’s $310,000 a day. Oh, and try to find out how much Dias was paid annually. Good luck with that!

  7. In 2019, Unifor give $900,000 to the Liberals and spent $511,000 on attack ads against Scheer. History has shown it costs 1 million to get into the Justin Club were all great things happen.

  8. No mention of Trudeau buying 400 million Pfizer shots … and his family / Trudeau Foundation alleged investments in the BC firm which hold the nano-particle patent used by Pfizer to make the mRNA shots.

    … move along peasants , nothing to see here.

  9. “Do you really think that no politicians profited from Covid vaccine jabs and tests?”


  10. “Do you really think that no politicians profited from Covid vaccine jabs and tests? ”

    Nope. This is just the first scalp, and its pretty embarrassing that a fucking union has to be the first.

    They can’t hide it all under the rug: hundreds of millions for unasked for and unused “tent hospitals”, billions for useless PCR testing, overtime for empty hospital wards…

    But we’re fooling ourselves if the killers who murdered granny will even be named:

  11. But, but, but he had a sore back and his pain meds impaired his judgment. I’m going to remember that when I am up in front of the star chamber

  12. my assumption at this point is he failed to make sure those below him had an opportunity to partake, so they took him out

  13. It’s what socialists do and likely every stinking politician. They just made laws around it so it does not look that bad and regardless of anything else, the plebeians of this country are good with that as long as there is a steady supply of ‘free’ stuff.
    There is zero mystery about it.
    The media cartel he owned made a mistake somewhere along the way.
    It will pass with nothing to be said about it. After this they, the media cartel will just say they have reported it. Nothing new.
    Won’t happen again.

  14. And also typical of politicians, he wasn’t doing anything crooked, oh no, he was just out of his mind from the pain of sciatica, and hopped up on booze and painkillers, which rendered him unable to resist the 50 grand that was waved in front of his face. Otherwise, of course, his strong ethical foundation (much like that of le Dauphin), would have made him invulnerable to such lagniappe. So, no fault, no foul, no penalty, he just goes into rehab for a while, resigns to “spend more time with my family,” keeps the ill gotten gains, and walks away into the sunset with a suitable parting gifts like a six-figure pension (with the first digit likely not a 1 or 2). That’s the unions for ya, always fighting for the little guy, just like Jimmy Hoffa did.

  15. And here I am….a married father of four, forced out January 10th on an unpaid (and without benefits) “administrative leave” from my municipal job for having the temerity of recognizing my personal and supreme bodily autonomy after rejecting my employers coercive jab mandate while my Unifor union REFUSED to grieve ANY of these unlawful actions; only to have the employer blink 2 days (!) before they were to terminate my employment when they granted my “permission” to return (April 11th) to the workplace. Yet the National union refused to do a damn thing in my defense!! Can I get some of those payments to cover my last few months??? Dias deserves to rot in hell.

    1. Yet the National union refused to do a damn thing in my defense!!

      I know what you’re referring to. I used to think that unions backed their members. That foolish notion ended more than 20 years ago while I was at Armpit College.

      Instead of a union, we had a staff association which, supposedly, represented us to the institutional administration, particularly in contract negotiations. I, unfortunately, made a few enemies there, though it wasn’t my choice. My department head, the assistant head, and my last dean tried everything to get rid of me and this went on for several years.

      One day, I sat down with the then president of the staff association and she suggested that we both take a trip over to the personnel office and look at my file. What I found floored me.

      The protocol was that whenever something went into one’s file, the employee in question was supposed to receive a copy of it and was given an opportunity to comment on it or make a rebuttal. There was a lot of material in my file that I had no prior knowledge of and, unfortunately, much of the information was fabricated.

      I noticed my name was on the circulation list but I never received any of that stuff. The former president of the staff association was also on it. It turned out he knew what was being said about me while I had no idea what was going on.

      It was an obvious tactic to defame me. Since I didn’t get a copy of those documents, I couldn’t comment on what was written because I didn’t even know they existed. He did but he didn’t bother asking me if I knew about that material, let alone what my response would be. Since I didn’t make any comment, it was implied that I agreed with what was said and that I consented to what was done.

      In other words, he was as much a conspirator to get me punted as my department head and dean were. He’s lucky I didn’t file a grievance against him for his deliberate negligence.

      As a result, my faith in unions was completely destroyed.

  16. The elite profits off of taxes, kickbacks, cronyism and Chinese businesses in that order.
