51 Replies to “From Kabul To Kiev”

  1. Biden et his generals want to discuss pronouns with the Russians. The Russians aren’t interested.

    1. The Russian language has three genders: masculine, feminine and neutral.

      The Russians themselves have only two biological sexes.

      Make of that what you will.

  2. “Putin may now view the United States as a determined adversary bent on his downfall and not worth engaging at that level.”

    In other words, Putin understands that the leadership of the Empire of Lies hate him and want him dead—and is acting accordingly.

    Pity the peoples of the western world didn’t do likewise when they had the chance. They would probably be free today, and we would not be staring nuclear holocaust in the face.

    1. I can’t be the only one uneasy in the observation that the laughably primitive Russia propagandist fits in so well here.

  3. No, you’re not the only uneasy one.

    I haven’t been this nervous about nuclear war since the mid-80s; in fact, come to think of it, I’m more nervous now than I was in the mid-80s. And all of the screeching and manipulation via official and unofficial psyops on our global network of [anti]-social media sure ain’t helping matters any.

    1. I can’t agree more. The numbers of pundits , war hawks, and experts quoting Churchill and raising the trope of Chamberlain’s appeasement is staggering. The split (fused) atom changed it all.

      I got in a Twitter fight the other day with a blue check about the numbers of nuclear weapons the Russians have (it’s estimated to be 6000 with 1500 believed to be ready in silos and on subs-and another 2000 tactical- the remainder in storage or maybe not being stored anymore). They refused to believe the number and felt world ending war was winnable.

      1. @alecincgy,

        Lets also not forget about 30 years of Open Borders. Among all the devastating Nuclear Arsenal you rightly listed, no one talks about the decades of espionage agent infiltration that populate US & Canadian society now.

        Even with 200,000 illegals a month reportedly crossing the US border presently, hostile nations like Iran, China, Russia would simply be retarded to have not planned and worked some large scale espionage in their National military budgets.

        Our countries are littered with spies and agents from San Fransicko Chinatown to nowhere-vile Kansas.

      2. Your blue check probably thinks any deaths from nuclear Armageddon will be offset by lives saved from nuclear winter slowing down climate change

  4. Does that smell like chemicals? Why yes, it smells very much like the Gulf of Tonkin on the horizon.

    1. Choppy waters ahead.

      I wonder how good the 1950’s era seals on the gas masks are?

    2. it smells very much like the Gulf of Tonkin

      Or pre-invasion Iraq.

  5. None of these idiots have even the faintest
    understanding of what an actual nuclear confrontation
    would entail!
    God help us all !!

  6. Scares the crap out of me too, although there is little to no reason to drop the big one here.
    We have no military and our God-given gifts of energy that could benefit many in the world are for the most part inaccessible/shut-in to SAVE THE EARTH!!!
    Our ‘Betters’ certainly know what is the best for us here north of everything. However I do fear that the NATO members may invade us here purely for our dental coverage and of non-gender specific uniforms.

  7. They are cheerleading for more intervention like it’s woke virtue.

    When this war expands, the Laurentians will be very ‘proud’ and excited to see strong Western Canadian kids, poor Ontarians, brave Quebecers and admirable Indigenous all heading over to be ground into the wrong Prairie.

    There is no way my kids are heading to Europe to fight a Russian invasion behind a damnable Trudeau. No way.

    1. It’s not likely your kids will be sent to die in the Ukraine.

      Putin will ensure the Canadian government ceases to function long before that.

      1. Yes, he will ensure that right after he sits on a throne of Castle Greyskull with Orco Lavrov by his side.

      2. Putin isn’t needed to ensure the Canadian government has “ceased to function”. That was done handily by trudeausecu, the libsh1t party/commie NDP alliance and every brain-dead canadian who votes left wing.


        1. That includes Colonialidiot who stands right beside Trudeau when he “stands with Ukraine” or should I say right behind him, with his nose lodged in his buttcrack.

  8. We’re supposed to pay any attention to the guy from the Washington Post?
    Just yesterday we were hearing from another rag, Newsweek, that there may actually be method to Putin’s madness.
    Biden and others on “our” side publicly call Putin a war criminal and the Pentagon is surprised to find that Russia’s equivalent doesn’t want to talk to them.

  9. Hey, let’s destroy the world over a corrupt, craphole country like Ukraine. Yeah. That’s the ticket. Fuck Ukraine. I hope Putin flattens the rest of it soon. You know why western leaders like Biden, Turdeau, Johnson, et al are so adamant about saving the Penis Pianist’s ass? Because no one likes their money-laundering offshore bank repossessed by the KGB.

      1. Says the moron who spells Canada with a K like the eurotrash instead of a C like someone literate. Look, if you want all out nuclear war with Russia over a shithole filled with shitty people governed by the Penis Pianist, you’re beyond idiotic. Ukraine isn’t worth risking WW3 over. Anyone who says differently should get his stupid ass over there and prepare to inhale radioactive dust for the cause. No war for Ukraine. It’s not worth the life of a single Canadian soldier, sailor, or aviator, let alone the life of western civilization. Ukraine is worth nothing. Nada.

      2. Johan, in case it isn’t obvious, Doug and Canadians Are Idiots are the same poster. other known aliases include: Angel, MAX, ray, Ahmed, default. He likes to post under multiple names, thus creating an illusion there exists someone that likes him. Not true.

        1. Keep telling yourself that, you dumb Polack — BIRM. Still, funny you’re accusing others of sockpuppeting when it’s obvious you and Johan I’m Kaka are both the same stupid slavs.

  10. The reason they want regime change is because Putin won’t knuckle under to the WEF takeover plans.
    The irony of course, is there is nobody competent on “OUR” side, only idiots and bedwetters obeying the WEF globalists grand reset plans. They don’t care how many peasants are chewed up in their push for global control, cuz we don’t matter. If either them or “us” win in the long run, we the people are still gonna lose, BIGLY! We the peasants are piggy in the middle on this, and have no say on the outcome of this war.
    Indeed, it may be better to go out quick in a bright flash, than suffer the after effects of a nuclear war.

  11. Fear not, the very best people are managing this war. Did you not notice that in short order Obama, Hilliary and Psaki all contracted the Covidscam, they have obviously been meeting and strategising. With great minds such as these humanity can be assured that survival is guaranteed. Sarcasm intended. Why the future is so bright, even BJ Clinton is spooling up the Clinton crime family foundation once again.

    At the same time our very own turdeau is prancing around the EUnuch parliament whimpering-please US do SOMETHING,- trample an old woman with a walker, arrest people for legally protesting their charter rights are being ignored. My credibility as a wise and thoughtful “leader” is at stake. Please do not expose me as incapable of the basic requirements of governments-to heat homes and ensure food and water is available.

  12. I can’t be the only one uneasy in the knowledge that the people responsible for America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan just a few short weeks ago are now pursuing regime change in a nuclear armed Russia.


    The Biden administration is responsible for the nature of the withdrawal (appalling, fatal incompetence). The withdrawal decision itself, giving the Taleban final victory, was taken by President Trump.

    It’s more than six months ago.

    There is no evidence that the US is involved in a regime change operation for Russia.

    That latter should help us all sleep better.

      1. His point, though I do not agree with it entirely, is easy to understand. Maybe you should try sounding out the longer words?

    1. Not in the slightest, since I’m sure the media equivalents of “grammar Nazis” will change it yet again in a few days/weeks/months/whatever in their never-ending attempts to lord it over those whom they consider less enlightened and educated.

      Transliteration schemes are always approximations. The transliteration Gestapo are too uneducated to know that.

      1. You missed the mark. Russians spell it Kiev and pronounce it “key ev”. Ukrainians spell it Kyiv and pronounce it “kee eev”.

        1. For most of my adult life I’ve known it as Kiev and pronouced it “key ev”. So, eh… that’s what came off my fingertips.

        2. No mark was missed. I’m quite aware of the variations — and neither of those groups spell the city’s name the way you state, because what you’ve stated is already a transliteration of the two languages’ respective Cyrillic character set. (There are also regional variations in how both Russian and Ukrainian are accented, changing the pronunciation, but let’s just ignore that for the nonce.)

          Honestly, some people’s kids.

  13. You’d think the military-industrial complex would keep a nuke war from happening. Just bad for business

    1. Really! There’s very little profit in the war after the nuke war — sticks and stones just don’t have a lot of built-in margin.

  14. I also see the danger of this escalating, but another possible outcome is that other Russian political and military leaders (even with their limited power) assess that Putin is not functioning well for their future interests or even their own survival, and that they act to depose him. Whether that’s done with any co-ordination with western (NATO) interests or not, it would be a good thing at this point. Anyone supporting Putin’s actions in Ukraine is clearly hoping that somehow this topples globalist governments in the west. I can’t see that being realistic. Any “damaging information” available in Ukraine will likely be removed by now, but even if exposed by Putin’s actions, who is going to believe what his people tell us? I mean, besides about five hundred conservative bloggers. If you haven’t noticed by now, we don’t have a lot of clout outside our own reservation. We can’t get an MP elected in Canada, and in the USA they can’t stop an obviously fraudulent election from being overturned. So finding out that Hunter Biden is corrupt (absolutely no surprise value in that) will mean nothing, it’s just like one more thing Pop Biden has to endure in his noble struggle to remain 43rd best president of the USA. And by the way, there have only been 45, Grover Cleveland was both 22nd and 24th.

    There are four possible outcomes, here’s the spread sheet on their probability:

    1. War escalates into “armageddon” scenario __ 15%
    2. Putin deposed, things return to normal __ 40%
    3. Stalemate, war of attrition, crisis for years __ 20%
    4. Putin declares win, fortifies enclaves, otherwise withdraws troops _ 25%

    (outcome 4 has several sub-outcomes such as Ukraine accepts and makes peace, Ukraine continues to fight there, Ukraine does not accept but takes no action — more or less similar to the 2014 outcome with Crimea).

      1. Not yet, will do in a while. Just my very rough guesses which are meaningless in that the four outcomes are not very similar so after the fact impossible to say what the “right” percentages would be.

        Medvedev was quoted as saying nuclear “dystopia” could follow any regime change in Moscow, the media have made it sound like it’s just a threat rather than an analysis, he seems to be saying that only Putin can hold Russia together and if it were to fall apart (after his removal from office, presumably) then he believes “six fanatical rogue states” would emerge all with some of the nuclear arsenal.

        Maybe this is just his way of telling the west, “okay I am the only other guy with any experience running Russia, you might be hoping I will get Putin arrested and take over and end this nightmare, but here’s why I cannot or will not, or at least this is what I’m telling Vlad this week.”

        We might get past this if Medvedev does find himself back in power. Putin more or less demoted him in 2020 after he was sworn in as prime minister for another term after Putin’s election win in 2018. Putin then went to Beijing, learned from Chairman Xi (panda in chief) that he had gained supreme power in their system, and apparently Vlad liked that idea so much he started planning a similar outcome which led to his sponsored legislation passing the rubber-stamp Duma, eliminating the prime minister, and making Putin sole head of state. He also got the right to run for two more terms in 2024 and 2030 (like dude, try to conceal that you have aces).

        Medvedev is now just the deputy chairman of their National Security Council, I guess he mans the phones when Vlad is doing all the other fun things he enjoys. “Hello, you have reached the office of Dimitry Medvedev, I’m busy trying to stay alive, please leave a brief message and then do the same.”

    1. Anyone supporting Putin’s actions in Ukraine is clearly hoping that somehow this topples globalist governments in the west.

      If Putin had invaded Finland, a lot more people would have been able to see the international wood beyond the domestic trees, and comments sections would have had a lot less frothing insanity. Putin has long demonstrated his own agency, and is quite capable of acting in his own (perceived) interests no matter what’s going on in the west. It really is important that he fails in this aggression. Eastern European nations, having lived under Russian dominance, get it – and they’re no fans of woke globalism.

      A couple of weeks ago I’d have put number 4 at 75%, with the sub-outcome of “negotiated settlement” giving Putin most of what he wants (and all the politician bastards grinning and shaking his hand at a climate conference in eighteen months). But the Ukrainian and Russian militaries have done so well at stymying his plans that number 2 is running around 60% and rising.

      This is a joy to behold:
      Run away, you stupid, arrogant bastards.

      1. Actually if Pootin invaded Canada they would be cheering for him expecting him to free them from “globohomo”. Only a russian boot on their necks and a russian dick in their women would probably reset that psychosis.

  15. One thing for sure: WHATEVER Biden chooses to do, it will be idiotic. That’s a good rule of thumb as concerns Biden.

    1. No, it won’t be idiotic. Whatever Biden and the six other dicksmacks will do is to protect the corrupt wealth they’ve been laundering through the 4th most corrupt country in the world. The sooner Putin flattens the Orcs, the sooner the dicksmacks are ruined and can get removed from power.

      Anyone “standing with Ukraine” stands with corruption, human trafficking, money laundering, drug smuggling, illicit bioweapons labs, mass murder and other crimes against humanity. Take a bow, Johan I’m Kaka and the human Colontract. I’ll bet you’re both from the same little Polish town where the locals gleefully rounded up the resident Jews for the Nazis circa 1939-44. If nothing else is constant in this universe, Polish antisemitism can be counted on.

  16. Probably quite a few people have been googling “nuclear strike procedures Russia” and finding that it is believed that they have a three-person independent launch confirmation system rather than placing all of that capability in Putin’s hands. Would the other two enter their codes? Knowing it was more or less a death sentence for half of the human race and most of Russia? Who knows? But it was somewhat reassuring to learn that perhaps Putin is not the only person involved in the action (probably he would be the only one to make the decision then these other two would have to act, presumably he has them close at hand). Scary stuff, especially with our side apparently quite willing to engage in a form of verbal brinkmanship although not backed up by very transparent actions. Still, some of their procedures seem to be just ways of getting around direct involvement and the economic actions could be perceived as the “existential threat” that Putin warns about. This is all the chickens coming home to roost after three decades of squandered opportunities to build a better international co-operation in the post-Soviet age. Up until about 2005 we were sort of heading in an okay direction with that, then it seemed to change with Syria.
