50 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. “Tom Green, senior climate policy advisor at the Suzuki Foundation, an environmental group, said he is optimistic about the plan despite its implicit contradictions. ”

    great, the watermelon lunatics approve in the anti-industrial plan to lower all canadians standards of living

    1. Not only is it anti-industrial but cutting CO2 emissions results in less food for plant life which in turn produces oxygen and sustenance for critters on this Rock.
      Simple Biology 101.

      So in essence, our Overlords want to try and extinguish all life on this planet.
      How noble and Satanic they are.

    2. *
      If President Grandad can goad Mad Vlad into WWIII,
      any of us who survive the apocalypse will be back
      to farming with livestock anyway. Problem solved.


      1. A good nuclear exchange will likely produce more CO2 than humans have in the past 10,000 years.

    3. Albertans time to get out of the Self Supporting Open Air Penal Colony of Canada.
      Or Trudeau’ Gulag. ESAD CANADA.
      Burn the Dirty Red Fla of Communism.

  2. This may be the one issue which eventually causes many really stupid Canadians to wake up and start screaming … not being able to afford food and housing definitely has a tendency to focus the mind.

    As Kate points out this is watching a real-time slow motion train wreck and unfortunately being on the train.

    I think at this point the only way of stopping it is if there is a general strike of some sort once enough people become destitute as a result of the insane Trudeau policies. I wonder how the US will react to a failed country to their North?

    BTW : How nice to see smug Tom Green stating the Suzuki Foundation can live with the plan to destroy Canada.

  3. “What you need to know about Canada’s plan to cut emissions by 45% in the next 8 years “

    Let me sum that up for you with 3 symbols: $$$.

  4. We will all live like 14th century serfs, as his lordship Blackie rules us from his Harrington Lake palace. And with his plan to reduce fertilizer usage on farms, he will not only make us freeze in the dark, but starve as well.

        1. Emperor Justine The Most Virtuous is brought to you today by Soylent Red, and Soylent Yellow, and, new, delicious, Soylent Green, the miracle food of high energy plankton, gathered from the oceans of the world. Due to its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply. So remember — Wednesday is Soylent Green Day.

  5. They simply won’t be able to do it, but they’ll sure cause a lot of grief along the route to abject failure.

    Most disasters are caused by governments, after all.

    1. If they don’t succeed they will say that they didn’t do austerity properly just like every communist has said that communism hasn’t been previously done properly

  6. So will Fidel Trudeau double our taxes or will he just print more money and cut the value of our dollar in half? Maybe a combination of the two would make it feel fresh and new.

  7. This is lunacy of the worst kind. What the hell is a zero emissions vehicle? Power for the battery comes from fairy dust? I can’t even say anything else. One way to reduce emissions by 45%, and one way only. Reduce the economy by 45%. Part of the plan I’m sure.
    Goldy Hyder says businesses enthusiastically support it? Great. I believe it. They don’t care about quality of life either as long as they make theirs, but what about their employees? Serfs. Right. Easy to control, easy to swap out for third world losers they will bring in by the sailboat load.
    They must plan on disarming everyone first, because this will push even Canadian sheep over the edge.

    1. Peter …”They must plan on disarming everyone first, because this will push even Canadian sheep over the edge.”

      Actually they really don’t need to do that since between the Liberals and the NDP , without an election for 3 years , they have a majority and can basically implement any totalitarian scheme enforced by the police to ensure indefinite control. Currently Trudeau has virtually total control of the MSM , and is now attempting to control the Internet. The next step will be to shut down alternate media , at which point he can define black equals white . It is almost as if they are using Orwell’s 1984 for the script.

      Given what has transpired over the past two years , that may be what Trudeau and his WEF handlers are be planning.

    2. For once I’d like some motherfucking journalist to ask Justa Weirdo how adding 400,000 immigrants every year reduces “carbon pollution”.

      1. Carbon is not pollution! CO2 is plant food. Henry Ford’s model T brought freedom to move, celebrate while you can.

    3. They already started. And plan to go further. Didn’t you see all these nice commercials about gun violence being out of control in Canada? Oh, and I kid you not, it affects women, children and LGBT the most.

  8. The dollar amounts mentioned are not even high enough to be counted as rounding errors.
    The stupid maniacs don’t speak of the need to upgrade the electrical grid if everyone needs to charge their f*cking car. (That would only be a couple trillion.)
    The reason being is that you won’t get a car because the supply won’t come close to meeting the demand unless you’re super rich.

  9. Zelensky asked Germany to allow its population to starve and freeze in the dark, to spite Moscow, but that’s just a coincidence.
    As far as Canada is concerned, who will enforce these edicts in the event a company says “screw this, I’m selling trucks to the people, and I an’t gonna charge ’em the punitive tax, neither will I pay it.”?
    Of course, “conservatives” hate that idea, it means a ***gasp*** black market!!!…and the “conservative” Canadians hate that, just look at how they whine, wring their hands and clutch at their pearls because of black market guns and smokes from reserves.

    1. The problem is licencing and ensuring a black market car. I’d say keep those VIN numbers plate handy. Future market for those.

  10. Right out of the gate they blow it. From the article…

    “The plan commits Canada to “offering lower carbon oil and gas to the world,” and cites the International Energy Agency, which has said that while there will be a steep decline in demand, oil production will continue for the foreseeable future.”

    Who is the moron at the IEA who is predicting a steep decline? Even the US government predicts oil use to increase out to 2050. Last time I looked 2030 occurs 20 years before 2050.

    The U.S. Energy Information Administration “projects in the Annual Energy Outlook 2021 Reference case, that total U.S. liquid fuels (petroleum and other liquids) use will return to the levels of consumption in 2018 and 2019 by 2036 and increase gradually during the remainder of the projection period to nearly 22 million b/d in 2050. Liquid fuels will account for about 36% to 38% of total annual U.S. energy consumption through 2050.”


    What is going to happen is Canada is going to try and shut down its oil & gas sector. Glad I don’t live in Alberta because that province is going to have to mobilize all its communist carpet-baggers against the Federal government. That won’t happen.

  11. Support your provincial/federal separatist party. Encourage them to get rational, smart, well spoken candidates. And I know this shouldn’t be part of the equation for candidates but it is; they need to be “camera friendly” and charismatic.

    Everyone you know needs to be reminded of how much money western Canada pays to be part of confederation and how little we get. Put it in personal terms. $20 billion is $5000 bucks per person in Alberta, annually. A family of four, that’s big money. NET to Canada. We are losing our freedom to an increasingly authoritarian Ottawa. We, the people who want liberty are not the crazy ones. Mock anyone that wants to keep licking Ottawa’s boots. We stay in Canada at our own peril. This should have been done 50 years ago. I suspect it’s too late to get a majority of support anymore, but it really is the last hope.

    Pierre Pollievre may be a temporary reprieve IF he gets elected, but as we know, it won’t be long before he moderates and capitulates.

  12. Emperor Justine the Petulant,will be the father of Western Separation.
    If Alberta Saskatchewan and sundry counties “leave Canada” then Dear Leader will get his hearts desire.
    It is a win win situation.
    If the productive people leave the Confederated Kleptocracy,we will become ever more wealthy and healthy and “Can Ahh Duh” will get those “emission reductions” they so desperately want..
    Of course our new Nation of Buffalo will need a fully armed civilian militia as once the freeloaders east of us start freezing in the dark,we will need armed might to limit their banditry.

  13. That translates to 7% per year decline. This will be one hell of a depression. Printing more money will only last so long. I think the train wreck will happen way faster than you think.

    Escape routes are: A. remove the current ruling class, B. some provinces separate or C. people leave.

    Hope for the former. Try the second. Plan for the last.

  14. Ask the idiots to explain how shutting down Canada’s clean industry here and forcing production to move to China and India’s coal powered factories will reduce CO2 and real pollution.

    Looks to me like more CO2 and more real pollution overall.
    I’ve asked lots of the global warming cultists to explain how their treaties and taxes would actually work in an economic real world situation and none of them can ever explain it.
    And I suspect 100% of them never even thought about how any of this crap would work.
    Liberals cannot comprehend the concept of cause and effect.
    It is beyond them, their thinking is too unsophisticated and too one dimensional.
    So even if they did think about it they wouldn’t be able to figure it out.

    1. Well said. If this was about CO2 Trudeau would be putting a hefty carbon tax on all imports from China and other high volume “polluters”.

      1. Concur.
        I would also add that he should perform an act of good faith.
        Say a public demonstration of the destruction of a vintage Mercedes’ coupe.
        If he’s serious he doesn’t need one.
        And further if selling only allows it to be used by someone else, putting it through the crusher is good for starters.

        1. As an example to us all,he should remain at the wheel as that vintage beast is embraced by the crusher..
          Even if we have to duct tape him in place.
          No measure is too extreme when one is “Saving the Environment”.

    2. Climate change and EVs are a scam. They all hope to cash in before the pyramid collapses. In the meantime, you keep enriching those Chinese, they will keep putting you in power. Ask Joe Biden.

  15. Scrap this government from top to bottom and start a republic in which all actual and former politicians are banned.

  16. We need a referendum. A public confidence vote on the federal government et al. If we vote against the feds we begin forming our own constitution and separate. No damn studies or fact finding.

  17. All smoke and mirrors. Last October, I applied for a grant under Canada’s Green Energy Program. Here, almost 6 months later, I have heard nothing. I have to have an energy audit to proceed in order to acquire the grant, My app has been approved and I have been deemed eligible but no joy in scheduling an audit through them. As with all things Liberal it looks great on paper but in delivery…nada.

    1. Those grants put a lot of money into a lot of pockets for nothing. Bureaucracy tends to eat taxpayer money. Bureaucracy….natures way of turning pure energy into solid waste.

  18. There’s one major feature of this plan that is actually in all the plans.
    They depend on an increase in GDP to pay for it.
    This plan like all the others decrease GDP because they decrease the productivity that provides it.
    It’s obtuse on steroids.
    To achieve this “goal” it requires a shutdown of the oil industry.
    But by doing so, the revenue generated by that industry and all that depend on it also shutdown.
    It won’t be a who pays, it’s a how do you pay?

  19. The way to stop it is simple. Shut down the shipments of all oil and gas and derivatives to Eastern Canada and do it NOW. It’s time to inject reality into this gong show.

  20. Was that article in the Financial Post? Where is their push-back? Where is the results of their interviews with some representatives of the oil and gas industry, or reps of the financial industry who conceivably have a greater grasp of economics than the agent of the David Suzuki Foundation or the president of the Business Council of Canada who likely has never stepped outside the GTA in his life.

    What a useless rag. I wonder how much of their revenue comes from the Liberal ad scam program.

  21. Kate,
    You previously said, “We need a Famine.”

    Unfortunately? You may very well get your very wish in the next 5 years.

    Prep Now! Learn a Manual Hands-on Skill or three. Learn to garden. Learn how to clean drinking water, You may want to learn how to safely compost animal matter too.
