March 31, 2021: Reader Tips

Here’s an interesting documentary about America’s Black Upper Class.  Good on every one of them for working hard and earning all that they have.  Their existence sure doesn’t fit The Narrative™, though, does it?

A former drama teacher playing the role of a Prime Minister

Joe Rogan won’t walk on eggshells

Pushing back against Disney’s grooming

Your greatest tips of the past day are definitely appreciated!

Bonus: Canadian Veteran James Topp has passed 1,000 km of his planned 4,300km march from Vancouver to Ottawa.  You can follow his amazing journey at  We will periodically post items from his website here in Reader Tips.

Julie Ponesse interviewWalking past the windmillsMan on a Mission

62 Replies to “March 31, 2021: Reader Tips”

    1. Someone else always footed the bill for that scumbag. He has never had to go without. The smirk on his face is proof he gets off on causing pain to other people. But what else would we expect from a narcissistic sociopath?

    2. Isn’t he responsible for fixing such problems? How can he justify another carbon tax which makes things even worse? I think Trudeau and many in his Cabinet are psychopaths. Jagmeet too.

      1. With the amount of money the elite brings down in a given year, none of this affects them. And none of them GAF about the peons. BTW, they all get another taxpayer-funded raise tomorrow. The third since Covid.

        You should feel proud…

        1. Exactly. There’s always enough money on hand for him to buy whatever dope he wants or rent the services of his favourite floozie, so he doesn’t understand why we, the deplorables, the Great Unwashed, aren’t as well-off as him.

  1. Deutsche Welle sings the praises of not-at-all-self-made black Americans who tithe generously to the Democratic Party.

    Don Peebles made his fortune ripping off taxpayers, with redevelopment of government properties abandoned the minute the cheque vleared. He’s the sort of white-collar thief the mainstream media accuse President Trump of being.

    The business model of most of the other great entrepreneurs cited is selling overpriced goods to black supremacists who refuse to buy from “crackers” and “hymies” if they have any choice.

    The minority of black Americans who are genuinely grateful to America and willing to work honestly for what they want are pariahs in the “African-American community.” Clarence Thomas is probably the best known example.

  2. Diesel fuel update.

    I returned to Edmonton from Fort St. John earlier this evening. I refuelled in Grande Prairie and paid $1.92/litre. It was around $1.85 in Valleyview, but Whitecourt was interesting. At the Esso right beside the casino north of town, it was $1.92. In Whitecourt itself, I noticed one place had it for $1.87. (I guess there’s more than one way to rook people at a casino, eh?)

    Before I left this morning, I chatted with a trucker who lives just a few doors over from my house in Fort St. John. Apparently, his company’s drivers are having a hard time when they refuel at cardlock stations. The limit is $1000 and the tanks are far from full.

    But, yeah, Prinz Dummkopf wants tough times ahead for us, doesn’t he?

    1. Somewhat related, furnace oil fill up before carbon tax increases 2.09/litre. Previous fill up about a month ago 1.92. Prior to that,.before the Russians paid the Ukrainians a visit, 1.62. The lecherous class knows furnace oil is for the most part a rural use product.

    2. “The limit is $1000 and the tanks are far from full.”

      This is an issue we ran into at Costco a few years back when fuel prices peaked. At the time we were running the ‘Burb, with a tank that would hold 160+ litres. Costco Canada’s limit is $150. I brought this up to one of the attendants and their reply, of course, was, “Just re-enter the data & continue on.” It got to the point that I would often fuel up elsewhere if the tank was anywhere near MT. It was worth the nickle a litre to me.

      A huge issue? No. Just a PITA. Just as easy for you idjits to raise the limit to $200. Mentioned it to more attendants, it finally came out that the decision was made by, “Somebody down east.” Figgers. Some idiot, high-priced executive sitting in some tower corner office somewhere down “east” driving an over-priced sports car with a tank that holds 45 litres is making policy for the rest of the country that drives pick-up trucks with tanks that hold 100+ litres.

      The curious thing is, if I fuelled up at the Costco in Kalispell, MT, where the fuel is significantly cheaper, the limit was $200. And, and, they have windshield washing equipment, something Canadian Costco’s refuse to do.

      Go figger.

  3. I found this rather interesting and quite DISTURBING.

    It makes an excellent Commercial for all to start using a “Faraday Pouch” when driving anywhere…and if you have WEB enabled crap built in to your vehicle..?? find a way to disable/remove it.

    My 06 Dirtymax is WEB Free – Mobile Phone is always in my faraday pouch.
    “They” can shove their tracking shit right back where it originated.
    No One needs to know where I’m going, who I’m seeing or why…..NO ONE.

    Diesesl Costco calg 1.77/L

    1. You do realize that as soon as you take your phone out of the pouch to use it, that your location is now known, and that if you keep it in your pouch, you won’t know when anybody tries to call you?

          1. Well, I have yelled at idiots. Not because of the law. Because they cannot walk and chew gum simultaneously. You want to talk while driving? Just remember others need the road. Don’t plug up a single lane weaving to and fro while doing 25KPH when the limit is 80.

      1. “…you won’t know when anybody tries to call you?”

        The horror! A missed phone call. The world will surely collapse upon itself…

        1. My phone stays at home… just like the good ol’ days when we all had wired lines. Did we just come full circle???

          1. One wonders.

            I bring my phone w/ me most times when I travel, more for emergency sake than anything. I use the handheld computer portion far more than the phone itself. I sure don’t lose any sleep over missed calls or the fact that it’s sitting on the kitchen counter instead of staring me in the eye from the dash-mount.

          2. The only reason I bought my current cellphone was because, when I was still flying to and from my house in B. C., the cheap-assed taxi company there took out its airport courtesy line. It’s rather hard to get a cab without a phone.

            This past winter, I used it once in a while to call 511. I didn’t find that service in Alberta to be all that useful. For one thing, its information was often vague and useless–I want to know what the actual road conditions are, not what the “delay” is. Second, I already knew what was going on by checking the Internet before I left.

            I only keep it on hand in case of emergency.

  4. What you’re in for

    “World Government Summit Introduces the New Financial World Order – The Intent of the Digital ID That Follows the Vaccination Passport
    March 31, 2022 | Sundance | 21 Comments
    The World Government Summit 2022 took place on March 29 and 30 in Dubai, hosting more than 4,000 individuals from 190 countries including senior government officials, heads of international organizations, and global “experts.” The invited participants presented ideas and worldviews from within their various fields of specialty.

    One presentation that needs to be highlighted was from Dr. Pippa Malmgren, an American economist who served as special advisor on Economic Policy to President George W. Bush.”

    More at

    1. That was very unnerving and frightening. I used to think this type of stuff only happened in movies.

  5. The Trudeau cult’s Toronto Star is ranting that the upcoming budget should include money to rebuild Ukraine.

  6. On the ground in Ukraine with Patrick Lancaster
    Asking Mariupol Residents About Russian Attacks On Civilian areas
    “Report by Patrick Lancaster
    US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist.
    Over the 8 years of the Ukraine War I made more video reports in anti-Ukraine Government (Donetsk People’s Republic) controlled territory than any other western journalist. All so covered the Armenian Azerbaijan war reaching over 8 million on his youtube channel with his reports there
    I show what the western media will not show you. ”

  7. Watching the news this morning, apparently Chris Rock is the victim.
    I support Will Smith in this, defending his wife.
    Sometimes the bully needs a slap in the face, maybe better, a full out punch.

    1. Ya know, if this was anybody besides a bunch of bitchy, whiny, woke, privileged, millionaire, lefty, Hollyweird Progs smacking each other around I might, possibly, maybe-but-I-doubt-it care.

      1. Babylon Bee had a nice joke:
        “Chris Rock Smooths Over Dispute With Will Smith By Sleeping With His Wife.”

    2. I’m ok with the defend your wife defense. That’s a man’s job.

      I’m also ok with with Smith being charged as well. The Hollywood police are giving him a pass. You smack someone in the mouth and see what happens.

      1. As I recall in the US it is up to an individual to lay a charge, unlike Canada where the police lay the charges. So Chris Rock would have to file a charge against the dip-stick Mr. Smith.

  8. Former chief of defence staff, Jonathan Vance, pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice, a serious crime. He will not spend a single day in jail. The judge “described Vance’s action as a “serious offence,” particularly given his position of authority as Canada’s top military commander for more than five years. “It is serious because it is breach of trust,” he said. “It is serious because it impacts all Canadian society to see a commander of your stature behave in this manner. It is serious because it has personal impacts.”

    But, again, no jail time for this “serious offence”.

    In other news, remind me of what has, is and will be happening to the organizers of the Freedom Convoy as they face the powerful wrath of the corrupt criminal justice system?

    1. “It is serious because it is breach of trust,”

      Well, if that’s the line in the sand, Canucks get that on a daily basis from their municipal provincial & federal gov’ts.

  9. Weekly booze and groceries run in Sodom on the Rideau, Day 10 since the mask mandates were lifted. About 80% mask wear at the boozer and 90% at the grocery store. Jesus wept. Men accounted for almost everyone without a mask.

    1. Just came back from a shopping trip to Princess Auto in Kanata in the west end of Ottawa. Real men and ladies shop there for tools and other supplies for their homes and small businesses. Camo clothing often worn by customers. Freedom Convoy kind of people. The majority of staff and customers were not wearing face masks. Even saw one customer who entered the store wearing a face mask remove it once inside and seeing few masks – perhaps shamed into re-capturing his freedom.

      1. A lot of civil servants vocally supported the truckers until they found out they could be persecuted for it.

  10. Tip
    Todays tor Sun has a column from the part time lawyer/wannabe punk rocker Kornflake.
    It’s an attack on Pierre Polivierre.
    Things to take note of is
    1- the Kornflake is a self proclaimed liberal pundit and he rarely does anything pro bono (either in monetary or payment in kind)

    2- he singles out Polivierre and refers to him as the front runner. Admission or is it what he was hired to say? And if the former, hired by whom?

    3- the article is classic wk replete with allusions to “extremist” and a couple of references to Trump and Nazi’s (aka invoking Godwin’s law).

    4- the article starts off by framing Polivierre as hateful.

    My guess is that the Kornflake is now in someone’s employ. I don’t put it past at least one leadership campaign to employ his “service” but you could in confidence rule out Polivierre. More than likely I suspect it (if true) that it would be a outside the Conservative party.
    Slightly related.
    There was another story in the red star that there are Conservative party members receiving thank you emails from the Charest campaign for donation pledges they didn’t make.
    Again, it’s a story from the liberal party preferred media platform and they only publish stories that cast conservatives in a bad light. That and this story is framed as someone within the CPC (not outside the CPC) is playing dirty.
    What’s the relationship between these two stories?
    Kornflake is making an admission that Polivierre is in the lead, and the liberal media is attempting to frame a narrative.
    I know, how is this a new development?
    It’s a matter of gauging the level of desperation within the PMO if they start seeing a potential rival unseating their meal ticket.
    I’m a one issue voter.
    Whoever stands the best chance of taking out the leisure suit gets my vote.

    1. Even the Liar Kenney’s not stupid enough to lock us down a third time before his fixed leadership vote results come back.

      We’ll be good until May.

      1. Even the Liar Kenney’s not stupid enough to lock us down a third time

        Are you sure about that? He hasn’t impressed me as being a candidate for Mensa membership.

        1. 80% confident. He’s stupid, but the carrot of returning to federal politics is dangling right in front of his eyes.

    2. See my comment below. The so-called lifting of mandatory face-diapering was only a ruse.

  11. At some point Alberta is going to be prevented from developing new oil & gas projects with the promise of Federal loans to transition to a zero-economy.

  12. Think the mask requirements are completely dropped in Alberta? Uh-uh. Nope.

    I went for a blood test at a nearby lab earlier this afternoon and the first words out of the mouth of the attendant were–yup, you guessed it!–“Do you have a mask?”

    My response wasn’t very polite and her answer was the conveniently usual “We’re just following orders.” When I reminded her that Adolph Eichmann used the same excuse, I got a blank look.

    Her fellow employees all gave me dirty looks, first for not having a face diaper on and, second, even disputing its apparent necessity. Their behaviour reminded me of an old Star Trek episode, The Return of the Archons:

    The society resembled something out of the Old American West. Everyone was passive until an appointed hour, which was the “festival”, when they all went berserk. When that time interval had passed, everyone continued as if nothing had happened.

    The reason for that was because the people were controlled by a computer, which had governed them for thousands of years.

    Unfortunately, there are people in the AHS system who aren’t much different.
