It’s Wednesday On Turtle Island

Today in Woke Britain.  The British legion apologizes to homosexuals.  Party time! Eco-terrorists celebrate.  The E.U. takeover of countries.

Ontario Liberals pledge handgun ban.

Elon Musk comments on Netflix’s woke agenda.

Feeling free to fly maskless. And the shots have failed.

Today Climate Justin burns jet fuel to Southern Ontario, to rant about global warming, throw money around, and speak to the Muslim community about Islamophobia.

Biden’s America. Satan clubs.  Your morning meme.

32 Replies to “It’s Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Del Duca is not too smart.
    See if PM Leisure Suit Larry spouts off some of that liberal tripe, the soft headed will sigh in awe.
    But if the guy that looks like a pedo tries to use the tried and true in the GTA that the reason gangs with smuggled handguns are shooting up neighbourhoods is because a federally mandated restricted market exists, not going to get much traction this time.
    Yeah, Ford has been a disappointment.
    But the liberals are still stuck on stupid.
    Hopefully this will be the last Ontario election they run in.

  2. The netflix thing is crazy. I got the Vid recently and there was just nothing worth watching while I was sick on the couch. All these streaming services and mountains of content and it’s all garbage.

    TV seemed to have so much promise when shows like breaking bad were coming out, it was like we were entering a golden era of creativity and now it’s all just fallen in a heap. A boring, stupid heap.

    I’m one of those people that have cancelled my subscriptions to Netflix, there’s nothing there worth paying for.

    If anyone is looking for something to watch, there’s an awesome doco series on youtube called ‘deadliest roads’ made by some french filmakers. It follows truck drivers through 3rd world countries as they try to transport goods through all these crazy situations. It’s so interesting!

    1. Steve

      Well…I don’t disagree when it comes to PAID Subscriptions…nothing BUT garbage.
      2 APPS that are awesome .. depending on where you live and who you use for internet services, Kodi & Stremio are awesome.

      We use Telus for internet…Been using those 2 apps for near 6 yrs… $0.00/month.
      Android devices – for the first cpl yrs a “MINIX”, and lately an Nvidea Shield Pro.
      Can watch what I want when I want….No commercials.
      Use a VPN of course…

  3. Andrea and Del Duca, tied at 0% chance of becoming Premier, competing to see who might be the opposition. life is good.

    1. Wouldn’t count on it. Conservatives are going to abandon Ford in droves. Unless the Cons get a new leader they are dead in the water.

      1. maybe in your personal echo chamber, but that’s not what the polls are saying.

        take a minute and check

        1. Do you believe polls? Maybe it is just my echo chamber, but there is no way in hell I’m voting for him. What would be the point? How would he be different than the Libs? Maybe he’ll win because he picked up a lot of Liberal supporters by being a fascist pig over Covid, and if that’s how he intends to govern we’ll end up with a Liberal government even if the party in power wears blue ties instead of red ties.

    2. Fat Doughie Ford has one hell of a poison pill in place.

      TurdHole should come to Calgary today. Stand outside naked and tell us that he is sweating from the heat.

  4. Horwath proved to be a nails-on-chalkboard always unsatisfied hag. Never-ever ok with ‘this government’. And flubber-Dougie, like the stupid cuck he is, he tried a lot to make her happy. Nope, she wanted more masking, more lockdowns, forced vaccinations, boosters give this&that to everyone, tax more.

    And Del Duca? He looks exactly like a constipated dick head. Does he even have a wife/family? I can’t imagine such a person to be genuinely liked by someone else. Never mind, I’m not even gonna’ search on internet. My interest went to zero at ‘liberal’.

    Regardless, I will NOT vote Conservative if Ford is at the helm, and looks like he is and will be. People’s Party. And if no candidate from PPC in my riding, I will not vote at all.

    1. Hey, I like that…’Flubber Dougie’ really suits his personality.
      Now in reality, you’ve crossed into the Twilight Zone living in Trudeauland where he considers his subjects racist bastards but want you whole heartedly to accept his Assholeness.
      Or get run down by hitman horses.
      Your not queer so you must be a steer…assumptions are the backbone of our media and politicians.
      None of these Referendums for you…you might vote the wrong way.

    2. PPC has a provincial party?
      Option for true conservative voting with a clear conscience: Ontario Blue Party.

  5. If calamity strikes and Del Duca gets in or the Libs and Dips form a coalition and ban handguns I will buy an illegal handgun.
    Because eventually they will ban every gun and then Shanghai us all.
    Anyone against law-abiding citizens owning guns should be considered an enemy.
    Even if you don’t own guns, be very very afraid of these anti-property rights, anti-self defence and anti-liberty motherfckers.
    They would take everything from you.

  6. The only reason I have Netflix is one of my family shares their subscription. I cancelled it years ago and sure wouldn’t pay for it now, there’s almost nothing worth watching. It’s full of junk like Emily in Paris & Bridgerton. I do have a Prime sub and wish Cdn. Prime would allow family subs like US Prime does or offer the option of a Video sub only. Otherwise, I do most of my TV viewing now on YouTube where there’s a neverending choice of subjects to watch. Right now, I’m following The Duran, Greyzone, etc.

    1. We are on that ‘shared family arrangement’ as well. The new stuff this year is trashy. Bridgerton is porn.
      ‘Heartland’ is a winner! Wholesome family show.
      I also enjoyed ‘Queens Gambit’, ‘Maid’ and ‘The Crown’.
      Since you aren’t paying it might be worth your time.

  7. Ah yes…”banning handguns” always the go to for politicians who want to score points for the dumbest who live among us.

    1. That’s why I’d vote against Ford, along with his covid response. But if the liberals get elected then I’d see my personal property stolen with a handgun ban.

      That’s a hell of a choice.


  8. Satan club spoke person Lucien Greaves which is an anagram for evangelic ruse. Dude has numerous aliases wouldn’t surprise me if it was intentional.
    If not…it’s been fun.

  9. Banning handguns. They know it won`t reduce gun crimes. Just a way to get the votes of the gullible on the backs of the law-abiding.

    1. It’s a way of disarming the people who might shoot them when they continue on with their plans.

  10. Re; the extinction fools, there may be an opening for an animal handler type with some skunks.
    Could be fun and could chase the xr media sympathizers away as well.
    A perfect “twofer.” (Sp?)

  11. Ha….the EU still pushing the UNIFICATION Shit eh..??

    No surprise there. That pile of Globalist Filth in Brussels is a wholly Owned subsidiary of the WEF….just like EVERY Western Hemisphere Govt on the PLanet.

  12. Mask report in Sodom on the Rideau. Did my weekly shopping at the boozer and the supermarket. Still 80% masked rabbits at the boozer and 90% at the supermarket. Every time I go shopping these days I feel increasingly more human than the mask fetishists.
