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What They Say About SDA
"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
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Holy hell, woman. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. - Sean McCormick
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The EA had nothing to do with blockades and all to do with showing who was boss. Still waiting for word of arrests in the Houston, BC Gaslink terrorist attack.
The Libtard comments in response are all typical. Once a walking brain dead cult member, always one. No amount of deprogramming will work.
I wouldn’t bet the farm waiting for an RCMP investigation of that bunch. People are either pro-terrorist or scared shitless of them,and most FN’s have absolutely NO trust in the RCMP.
A savvy undercover agent could probably find out who every one of them is within a few weeks just by hanging around the local bars and listening to the gossip.
But they probably don’t really want to know who it was .
I stopped reading after the first stupid comment.
These are the good Germans were warned about.
Why did David Akin lie to Canadians about the Freedom protesters?
Was it on orders from the PMO and threats to remove the media government funding?
Color me surprised at Akin reporting this little tidbit.
Real journalists might have asked Herr Trudeau several questions along the lines of “evidence” when Big Chief Gay Eagle was attempting to justify his intention to invoke the emergencies act. A little noticed tweet several months after the fact though – is that an attempt to appear impartial?
All Liberals Lie
All Liberals – WEF Acolytes
All Liberals Pure Unadulterated Filthy Scum
The WEST: Alberta – Saskatchewan must Leave this Disaster of of a CON Federation.
To stay means to die on the vine…
Yep, we have nobody to blame but ourselves for letting Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver dictate what freedoms we are allowed.
We have stayed in confederation 50 years too long.
117 years too long.
I agree, the West would be better off as a separate country. Now WHO will lead the revolution?
If I can vote for Tamara Lich I will.
“Now WHO will lead the revolution?”
Ya know, don, I’ve been an avowed western separatist for about a decade now, & considered it for a decade or more before that. In all that time, I haven’t seen a politician with the charisma to pull that off. We need somebody with balls this big to sell the crowd. Judging by current & recent performance, there isn’t a testicle to be found in a political scrotum in this province.
DB, you need citizens with courage and that is lacking everywhere in Canada.
Why does nobody ask the important question? All border blockades were cleared BEFORE the Turd decided to invoke the EA. So what would the need for EA be if the borders were already cleared? National economic harm from honking near Parliament hill?
It was Lib revenge over trudy’s hurt feelings that some people didn’t worship him properly.
Yuppers. I’ve had bosses like that and I was made to pay for my not being sufficiently worshipful of them.
I had those types as well. Yet I outlasted each and every one of them.
In most cases, those bosses did me a favour by getting rid of me as I found something better afterward, though that wasn’t their intention.
The public sector needs its beauty sleep.
Economic harm….. yeah, right. It was all about Prinz Dummkopf showing that he had testicular fortitude so that he could be invited to sit at the big kids’ table when the fancy people get together at Davos and places like that.
Why have Canadian Media recipients of Liberal taxpayer dollar largesse not revealed who and how much?
I wish George Jonas, Lubor Zink, Fotheringham, Hitchens were still alive today.
Trudeau and the trained cretins in his cabinet wouldn’t know truth, honesty and integrity if it was forcibly injected into their lying asses. This government is the enemy of freedom and democracy.
Oh, In addition LSH’s (L’il Spud H**ler) Volk appointed a bestie to commit his nefarious enactments into the memory hole: https://twitter.com/nspector4/status/1518988271207866369
In other words, he’s supposed to confirm the expected outcome.
That’s a Trudeau tradition. I’ve referred to the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline a number of times here on SDA. PET didn’t want it built, so he got his lackey, Tom Berger, to come up with a sufficiently lame excuse not to go ahead with it. Berger did just that and PET got what he wanted.
The interim police chief in Ottawa Steve Bell is probably the most dangerous man in that city and should not be carrying a gun
Remember folks, if some clown shows up with a Swastika flag at a Support The CBC rally and they toss him out it means that everyone who was there and everyone who watches CBC is a Nazi.
Trudeau Media Logic.
We just drove from Toronto to Central Wisconsin. I have never seen so many trucks on the road. Around Chicago (and that is a long way around) was insane. The only thing crazier are Illinois drivers in general.
I thought Akin was a Trudeau fanboy. What gives?
RCMP? Ha. Good luck.