56 Replies to “Another New Thing™, Another Violent Leftist Mob”

  1. It’s weird to see mobs of people actually getting violent for the legal right to kill baby’s. Sort of like a futuristic horror movie but real.

    1. You have to appreciate the irony of this happening during a radical, progressive Democratic administration. The universe does, in fact, have a sense of humor.

    1. As a 10yo kid who played throughout the oak covered hills and backwoods of my beautiful suburban town … I regularly trespassed on one particular “ranch” that ran horses and cattle (read: turned them loose to roam their property) on their land. The landowner enforced his NO TRESPASSING signs with a 12ga. loaded with rock salt. As a 10yo kid, I learned how to run like hell and hit the dirt when the old man found us hiking on his property. The old caretaker had no hesitation to shoot at us young kids. I’ve picked salt pellets out of my hair.

      As far as I’m concerned, these illegal protestors who are blocking thoroughfares deserve some rocksalt loads more than two 10yo kids hiking in the open hills.

  2. The Democrats want this issue to be a big deal and all the Justices in the Supreme Court have done is just stated that this is an individual States issue and not a Constitutional all States bound issue…
    Nothing about changing the actual law.

    1. Amen, Jojo.
      That is the missing part of the Narrative. All the SCOTUS is considering is making this a state issue, rather than a federal one.
      But then, as with LNG pipeline protests, graves by schools, criminals who were shot while assaulting officers, or a 99.7% recovery rate…..facts just don’t seem to matter.

    2. Your point was quite succinct, jojo, but the brainwashed minions of the far-left still will never accept it’s accuracy.

      The far-left regularly reminds me of a type of person I have unfortunately encountered many times over the years… the drama queen.

      They aren’t happy unless they have something to bitch about and get all emotional over. All that hatred, all that tribal instinct, desperately looking for a target, any target. Just like with their addiction to racism, they create hoaxes when they find real racism is actually quite scarce in America(outside themselves, of course). So, media will convince these hateful losers that this is a hill worth dying over and there will be much more violence.

  3. Didn’t take long for the cops to start backing down. That just emboldens the mob. They should have cuffed that fat pig right away. And the guy with the gun looked more funny then scary. Should have sent in the Rittenhouse squad instead.

    1. If they were peaceful and non-violent, Trudeau would have had police horses trample them.

  4. “We’ll never back down from protecting and promoting women’s rights in Canada and around the world.” – Justin Trudeau

    So why did he revamp the Citizenship Guide?

    “Senate passes bill to remove mention of ‘barbaric cultural practices’ from Harper-era law
    In a speech introducing her bill, Liberal Sen. Mobina Jaffer said the use of the term ‘barbaric’ is ‘insulting to cultures in Canada'”

    1. Because like all politicians–and malignant narcissists–he talks out of both sides of his mouth. Not a single thing he says can be trusted.

      1. he talks out of both sides of his mouth

        Not just his mouth…..

    2. I’m thinking of inviting the Liberal and New Democrat members of Parliament to a First Nations celebratory festival….Aztec style.

      Surely it’s not barbaric?

    3. Justin demands the total mutilation of women, born and unborn.

      Because rights or something.

  5. I was going to say this abortion thing seems dead-on-arrival. It really dropped down in the news feed. Did I get up too early?

  6. As if the Left needs an excuse to act up violently in an election year? OK black criminals … which one of you volunteers to violently resist arrest this summer? Who will trigger a violent police beat down? Where will the next Chop Zone get set up? Which leftist “blue check” city will be next?

  7. OK. Are they rioting to change the minds of people on the opposite side? No. Sane people don’t respond to threats and snot slinging, gibberish talking crazy people. They are simply throwing a fit like any child that has been denied their own way. Treat them like the anti-social throw-backs they are. Whip their butts with a switch and stand them in a corner for a good while.

    1. Insane tyrannical people don’t respond to kindness and bouncy castles. So there is that.

  8. They aren’t Antifa, they aren’t BLM, they aren’t “women’s rights protesters”…they’re straight up Democratic Party brownshirts…nothing more. And the police are acting exactly the same way as those in 1930s Germany did.

  9. So it’s an insurrection?
    With all the usual arrests and detaining people without charges for indefinite periods of time?

    The left know their base: Mindless puppets that dance to any tune.

    “Get vaccinated you racist bastard” yesterday and today it’s “My body, my choice.”
    Monkeys and organ grinders.

  10. The usual band of rent-a-rioter. There is no question that these clowns are the Democrat S.A…..but then that should surprise no one as the Democrats are full blown fascists.

  11. Demorat rent a violent mob, they all but disappeared once Biden was ensconced into the WH and now they are back to do the demorats bidding. Wanna bet the DOJ will turn a blind eye to their criminal violent actions? Last week liberals couldn’t define what construes a woman, this week they are screaming it’s wimmin’s right to kill their babies. So what is it liberals, gender is just a construct to you flakes but now you care about my gender-gag me with a spoon you lunatics.

  12. Go hard antifa, go hard blm, go hard death cult that uses abortion to cull blacks, go hard Democrats, go hard and don’t let up. Because if you start now, you’ll peak way too soon, and by the end of July the voters will have already turned against you, and as the remaining months approach before the midterms even more will turn against your violence, and vote against you, or not vote at all.

  13. I am so sorry to see that crowd so violent, so smug and confident, and so deluded. Our streets would be far better off without them.
    They don’t even know what the SCOTUS ruling is about – only that giving States the right to choose might yield results that the mob does not want. So much for being pro-choice.
    But as with so many other things, it is not about facts, arguments, or reason. It is only about a rabid dedication to what “side” one is on.

    1. It’s called cognitive dissonance when someone believes rights of bodily autonomy are limited one day to force everyone to be a lab rat, and absolute the next day because they won’t accept what conception is.

      FYI there is a cognitive dissonance test.
      If a charter right is absolute, why does section 1 state that rights are subject to reasonable limits by legislation?

      1. Absolutely, Joseph.
        The Government of Canada cannot take away your rights…..unless there is an emergency.
        And guess who gets to decide if there is an emergency??? The Government of Canada!!!
        IOW, your rights are not inalienable….they are subject to the whims of your ruling elites, which makes the document not a charter of rights… merely privileges granted or denied when convenient.

  14. I have no insight as to the identity or ideology of the leaker(s), nor do I as I am by nature unable to read minds to know why they would want to do it.
    But I can see what the result of doing it is.
    It brought chaos and justification to bring in “emergency measures” just to be safe.
    But will this last until voting day?

  15. I read dozens and dozens of tweets by angry feminists.

    They say that taking away abortion rights is taking away the right of women to decide what they do with their own body.

    What about keeping their legs closed and saying no when there is a risk of an unwanted pregnancy?

    Are they saying “we are whores who cannot say no to sex, so everyone else must pay for our mistakes and take care of that unwanted baby and kill it so we can go back to getting drunk and having sex like there is no tormorrow”

    sounds to me is what they are saying.

    Rape and incest pregnancies are only a microscopic percentage of those who get abortion, so no, don t even try.

    1. This is what women are like. This is why when we were a civilized country we didn’t let them vote or have political power. They don’t understand cause and effect and they have no self control. All the evidence you need for this is on display right in front of you.

        1. Some may consider my comments harsh,
          ok , maybe

          but they are not as harsh as sucking the brains out of a baby while it is alive at 6 month into the pregnancy.

          yes in New York State a woman can get an abortion at 24 weeks, and they suck the brains out while the baby is alive, and yes the baby feels a pain, lots of pain.

          compared to that, my comments are a picnic.

          Feminism has turned women into cold hearted monsters.

      1. Feminists call abortion ” the right to chose”

        but when she chose to have unprotected sex she did chose.

        when she knew she was not on the pill and the man did not put on a condom, she chose to have sex anyway, it was her choice.

        and if she was too drunk to care and had sex, well she chose to get drunk, and she chose to have sex, it was her choice.

        One of the main goals of feminism is making women unaccountable but making men ( especially white men ) responsible for everything.

        Abortion, except in rare cases ( rape, incest etc ) , is like after you crash your daddy’s car, because you drove like an imbecile, and he pays for all the repairs and he forgives you and lets you drive the car again; it is a world where women never suffer consequences, others must repair her damage for her, society must pay for her stupid actions.

        Women think it is their right to have society fix their mistakes for them.

        PS: I say women, but not all women are that messed up in the head, many are but not all.

  16. re the vid, l didnt know mikey moore was a transgender now.

  17. Demonic. That’s akin to all of the notorious murderers protesting their “right” to conduct their business.

  18. might I add…..I think it should be mandatory that all junior high school students watch a recording of an actual abortion. None of those bullshit pamphlets and hygienic utterings that abortion is “reproductive health”, “family planning” or a “procedure” to be discussed “privately between the woman and her health care provider”

    All quotes are copyright of demonic looney left.

    1. They’ve all seen Jennifer Jason Leigh get an abortion on Fast Times at Ridgemont HS. The lesson taught? That men are PIGS who don’t take responsibility, and force the birth-mother, err -person get an abortion alone. But when it’s all done, you go to lunch with your brother. No big deal. That’s what our culture has taught … and that’s what I’m hearing all over again … “Men are PIGS, who have no rights over women’s bodies”. “If men gave birth, Abortion would be legal and safe in all 50 States.”

      1. “If men gave birth, Abortion would be legal and safe in all 50 States.”

        Since men can give birth now, why isn’t it? (sarcasm = off)

    1. They are, as far as he’s concerned. Words and unacceptable views are violence, aren’t they?

  19. This is all part of the Dem’s plan to hijack the mid terms. Including the abortion leak. See, vote Republican and you will get the anti-abortion fanatics in power. Scare tactics.
    In Canada, wait for the Liberal machine to insert some individual carrying a Nazi flag at one of Poilievre’s rallies. Poof, game over for Poilievre.
    As much as I like Pierre P, strategically the Cons would be better off to vote Leslyn Lewis as their leader. That would silence the Lib’s branding the Cons as racist, red neck, misogynistic radicals.

    1. Sadly, not.

      The knives will be out for her and she will get the “Aunt Jemima” treatment in no time.

      The Liberals are thugs, racists, thieves, misogynists and liars.

      Canadians are fine with it.

      1. CBC reporting today (after lying about the SCOTUS being set to “strike down abortion laws) that Leslyn Lewis is the only candidate for Conservative leadership who has an anti-abortion position in her platform.
        First….did they get this as wrong as the SCOTUS story?
        Second….wonder why they are going after her so early? The media, not Mr Scheer, made abortion an issue 2 elections ago. Do they think they will need to do that to Ms Lewis as well?

        1. Yes, because as soon as one can get rid of the black AND socially conservative candidate, you can go back to the yes-men, the soy-boys and useless hags who live off of their rich husbands’ money.

          I told everyone that the “Aunt Jemima” treatment would happen soon.

  20. Just an observation. I have noticed that with this issue making the headlines, “pregnant people” have become “women” again. I think it is because a “pregnant person’s right to choose” just does not have the same resonance. Media is nothing if not hypocrites.

  21. Soros’ paid freaks on demand. This is why we’re hanging onto the Iowa acreage.
