It’s Wednesday On Turtle Island

CBC celebrates Calgary going Woke.  CBC explains apartheid in Israel.

A Florida parent sues school over transgender support.  Canada needs girly boys.

The Liberal/NDP coalition.  Singh declares women will die if they can’t get an abortion.  Also wants voting age reduced to 16.

Leftists call for America to be burned down.  Meanwhile more gaffes from Biden.

Trudeau’s Islam.  Christian woman slapped.  Your morning meme.

27 Replies to “It’s Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. A significant portion (or is it a semi-significant & Loud portion of women?) really seem to hate the world and hate men as these stories and stories from every day clearly indicate.
    (I consider Jugmeet a woman.)
    Of course hating men, especially Honkys and most especially Honky Christians who like women, is socially acceptable. To put it mildly, as the gay Prime Minstrel of Canada proves every lisping day.
    If women want to burn it all down, then go right ahead and live in your foul wasteland, separate and miserable, consumed by your madness, but some of us appreciate modern society’s comforts and luxuries, so just fukoff.

    1. Who needs food?

      The Great Liberal Reset, taking you back to the 1800s and beyond!
      Chicks are gonna love it.

  2. George Takei’s sure become a pain in the proverbial since he came out of the closet, hasn’t he?

    1. The first time I voted in an election was when I was 18 and I was proud to cast my ballot against PET.

      1. I had a Robert Standfield sticker on my bedroom door when I were but 12.

        May have been the most right I was ever to be.

        $*&^#@!#%&*$@#$ Trudeaus!!!

        And the Media that vomited them on the country.

        1. $*&^#@!#%&*$@#$ Trudeaus!!!

          Are you not rejoicing that they rescued Canada from the abyss and that this is now the Golden Age for this country?

          Oh, it’s a golden age, all right, but the gold isn’t metallic and, no, it isn’t raining…..

    2. As soon as Obamakkare allowed “children” up to the age of 27 to remain on their parents healthcare plans … I was in-favor of raising the voting age to 27. If you can’t even handle BASIC life needs, such as a “major medical” policy as a young, healthy, 20-something … then how can you be wise enough to vote? If you don’t have a JOB … how can you be trusted to vote?

  3. The loathsome Left speaks:

    “I want to start off today just reflecting on the leak in the United States and what it must feel like for people in the United States, for women, to wake up and see their fundamental right to have a legal abortion potentially and very dangerously threatened,” Singh said in Ottawa on Tuesday.

    Singh is not only a liar he may be stupid, and it seems he cannot read, or at least cannot understand the written word.
    Justice Alito wrote no such thing. Legislation covering abortion will be moved to each state where it properly belongs.
    Abortion is not “a fundamental” (Constitutional) right.

    1. Politico did it’s part in upping the drama by lying, saying that SCOTUS had voted on the matter. It was just an early draft that, along with drafts submitted by other justices, will be debated and maybe in six months some form of consensus will be agreed upon by the majority, or not. But your last two sentences are indeed correct.

    1. It’s no secret that Canada has been training nazis.
      Hopefully the Russian legal system will deal with it in the appropriate manner.

      1. I thought the Liberals were just buying their voters but I think you’re right.

        It takes much training to get that obtuse and vindictive.


        Potayto. Potatto.

      2. Greg…

        I don’t think it’s a secret that the Entire West (much of NATO), has been involved in training the AZOV’s for DECADES.

    2. JoJo
      I’ll wait for the COLON’s opinion on that, he should be able to shit some lite on it!

  4. Ukrainian forces, armed by the West, fire a missile at another school.

    Don’t tell me, Colonialidiot and/or your sockpuppets, that the Russians fired a missile that can do a complete 180 degree to land in a school. Moron.

  5. RE jagmeets comments ..

    “… The right is important, but what’s more important than the right is access to the right,” he said.

    Now do mobility rights, and access to means of travel for unvaccinated?

    Also, jagmeet, its not a right.

  6. Leftists have been dreaming of burning down the USA since at least the 1960s.

    They will eventually do it.

  7. If transgenderism was real, why do liberals feel the need to bully and nag emotionally fragile children into that cult? Predators should be labeled as such, the damage they are doing to minors should be criminal.

    1. They are brainwashing children to accept the deviant as normal. It is mental and emotional abuse of innocent children. It is actually astonishing and frightening to see how childhood is under attack. We had to pass child labor laws to prevent children from being exploited doing grim, dangerous jobs in the 19th Century … it seems as though now we need child exploitation laws to keep children from being USED as sex toys for the deviant perverts running our public schools.

      You think it’s just a coincidence there has been an explosion of teacher-student sexual relations!? By MOSTLY women teachers!? No. This is who your children’s teachers are.
