24 Replies to “Kids says the darndest things…”

  1. Damn! Got to head out to the pasture and flip over a few more cow turds to find a new worm.

    1. New normal in Canada…
      Being arrested for verbal assault.
      It’s stressing the other person into a mental condition and needing PTSD counseling.

  2. He used a homophobic slur???
    Oh the horror!
    One must never dis a Rump Ranger … or your life is pretty much over.

    1. Butt Buddy? What’s wrong with THAT?! It’s so “friendly”! It’s like saying “tits”?

      George Carlin found 7-words you cannot say on television. Well those words are ALL in full use now … on every show imaginable. But say “faggot” or “fag” ?? You’ll be cancelled for LIFE.

      1. Kenji…

        I prefer the Soft core phaggot myself…
        Fudgepacker etc..

        Could give a shit – it AIN’T and it NEVER will be “NORMAL”

  3. Could it be the same 6 letter f word that dear leader used? The hypocrisy of the left has no limits.

  4. News yesterday swirled a lot around something minor about Ontario Conservative MP Lecce, some BS from his youth (didn’t even bother to check in detail). Apologies came up promptly from Lecce and his flubberBoss-Doug and I noticed that no one said that Dear Leader did faar worse and no one blinked an eye.
    It was just another confirmation that Evil Party vs Stupid Party applies to Ontario as well.

  5. Why do people continue to use “stupid party”. That allows them to continue to be “stupid”. More accurate is the “venal party”.

  6. Zem is a Liberal. Shouldn’t zhey set zhemself on fire for such a crime as uttering a homophobic slur? How did they ever expect to graduate to full on same-sex pedophilia? If they can’t do that then they’re definitely NOT Liberal leadership material.

  7. Another example to delete all your social media accounts; or at least scrub them. Alec was a fine upstanding Liberal fellow until a malignant person decided to look at his social media to cause trouble. Think they will give you any more mercy if for any reason you end up in the spotlight?

    Remember the guy that asked for beer money, and ended up contributing a quarter million dollars to the U of Iowa Children’s Hospital? He did well, and ended up unpersonned by some A-hole reporter.

  8. Wow, the current “F” word is Faggot? I always thought the “F” word was Fuck but times do change. Maybe “Fucking Faggot” is now the equivalent of double-speak hate speech. Nina Jankowicz has a new target and is sure to prosecute.

    1. Cardinal Richelieu:
      “If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.”

  9. If a 15 year old commits a serious crime, the record is expunged when he reaches the age of majority and it can’t be used against him. But if he made a racial slur at age 15,it’s worse than rape or murder?

    Imo no one should be allowed to run for MP or MLA until they are 40, with at least ten years experience in the private sector. Wtf are we doing allowing kids to run for office? Out of Mom’s basement and into Parliament!?
