Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia

Change my mind.

53 Replies to “Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia”

  1. Thin edge of the wedge, as alot of us knew would happen. It started with the acceptance of homosexuals as merely a type of culture, to gay marriage, to transvestites demanding acceptance as merely a type of culture, to now pedophiles… to be accepted as merely a type of culture… And by god you better fall in line, or you’ll find yourself sitting in a jail cell one day.

    1. Its been going on since the 1970s, at least, its just now that the internet has shone a light on it.

      1. Men loving boys loving men.
        But I’d argue it’s been going on since the dawn of man.
        Remember that ditty about Sodom and Gomorah.

        1. it was the 1970s when they started operating on kids and bragging about it. They have not stopped since.
          Operating as in surgery.

  2. While I taught at Armpit College, I was “required” to attend a presentation by an ardent on-campus feminist about sexual harassment, but, then, so were all of my male colleagues.

    Then there was the “training” I had to receive with regards to “alternate learning styles”. (The less said about that, the better.) Finally, there was a “sensitivity training” session our entire division was ordered to attend by the dean.

    All of that pales in comparison with being “encouraged” (i. e., ordered) to a conference on sexual perversion. Can anyone tell me just how in the hell that’s going to make students understand, say, basic physics or calculus?

    Who knew that Frank N. Furter was an educator?

    1. Alternate learning styles is a valid and important concept. I would not put something like that in the same basket as this garbage. Looks like the “sensitivity” training did not do much for you.

        1. Oh? Several generations of professionals who received their education that way may dispute that.

          1. Einstein wouldn’t have.
            In fact, many of the pioneers in physics complained about the Prussian system.
            It was the precursor to public education, and was and is more a method of forcing conformity than providing education.

          2. Yep, he was a political retard, and did more for the world than any politician, ever, no matter what their stripe. Lotsa German political retards, but we don’t love them for their politics. The English were, for a short period, qualified to run a significant portion of the planet, which is more than can be said for any other ethnicity. Now look at them.

          3. I must agree with Hiho.

            Should naturally gifted students or hard-workers be stuck in the Prussian model that wouldn’t allow advancement even if political correctness never got in the way.?

            I’ve had students who were visual learners and some who benefited from more kinetic or craft-based approaches.

            It’s the nature of the student.

      1. I surmise that you never went through such a course. It was complete and utter rubbish, led by someone with no educational background, let alone actual teaching experience. (He looked like Doug Henning with a hangover.) Once the course was finished, I treated the books with due respect and tossed them into the recycling bin in my office.

        As for the “content”, which made little or no sense at all. For example, I was told that I should consider an interpretive dance as a way of teaching mechanical design. You may recall a posting here on SDA a few days ago about such an activity in the European Parliament. If I had taken that bozo’s advice, and did something similar, I’m sure I would have been removed from campus on grounds of insanity.

        The only good thing that came out of it was the result of a survey that was conducted at the beginning. It turned out that I was one of the two most left-brained attendees, the one who was more so was an eccentric mathematics instructor. That persuaded me to buy a “test your own IQ” books, which, ultimately led me to becoming a member of Mensa.

        When I was an undergraduate, back in the Devonian Era, nobody cared about my “learning style”. The material was presented and it was up to me to learn it and, if necessary, consult with the professor if I had any questions or difficulties. There was no personal catering to me or anybody else in my courses. A standard for achievement was set and I had the obligation to do whatever was legitimately necessary to reach or exceed it.

        That, of course, damaged me for life. All I ended up doing was earning two master’s degrees and a Ph. D. in two engineering disciplines. Imagine how much I could have accomplished if the professor had made the learning “easier”.

        And, no, “alternate learning styles” is not valid nor important. Neither is introducing sexual perversion into the curriculum.

        1. Tutoring and mentoring are “alternatives” to the Prussian system.
          Now, anyone with the brains to understand tensors, linear algebra, calculus, etc, and the willingness to drill themselves a bit, can get was is essentially a graduate level of understanding in physics, at least, for free, or for a small fee if they want to have the drills and lessons spoon-fed to them.

        2. It is a fair counterpoint that that particular pedagogy worked for you, but by your own admission you are an extreme outlier.

          A better question is whether any particular pedagogy works best for students in general, and the answer is: no one knows, because no effective research on this is allowed. I’ve known a number of teachers, including ones who were juicing their careers by doing the educational conference circuit, and pedagogical fads cycle in and out of vogue every ten years or so. There’s no actual empirical evaluation of outcomes performed, just teacher and student testimonials and “ethnographies” (the cynic in me waffles between believing the teachers are deliberately producing non-falsifiable research so they can’t be discredited, and believing that teachers are just too stupid to design an effective research study). There is no interest in determining what pedagogy or pedagogies are most effective, because if that question were answered the lucrative conference and credentialism circuit would end.

          What little hard research has been done on this is over twenty years old and indicates that traditional memorization and discipline-based fundamentals education works best for the largest number of students, with provision for special programs for those at either end of the intelligence curve.

          And ultimately, there is plenty of hard and unwavering evidence that the number one factor in children’s academic achievement – greater than socioeconomic status, pedagogy, class size, you name it – is parental investment. If the parents demand the child do well, and they hold the child and the teachers accountable for this, the child will do well regardless of the circumstances.

          1. Part of the problem are the educationists, those people who claim to be well-schooled in theory but have little idea of reality.

            During my final years at AC, a lot of the aforementioned malarkey was being instituted by the administration. There were persistent rumours that the person who was overseeing it was actually imposing all that “alternate learning” guff not just on the teaching staff but into the actual definition of the course material and outlines was doing so as part of her research for her doctoral degree in education. Yeah, we were being used as her guinea pigs.

            Unfortunately, that’s what the educational system’s become. I first noticed it more than 50 years ago when, for example, one school I attended started experimenting with open classrooms. Now we have to introduce a sexual element into the curriculum and, probably, along with that, a whole truckload of deconstructionism and post-colonial diatribes.

            Somebody is making a lot of money by breaking something which had worked for generations and then pretending to fix it, only to have that replaced by something “better”. (Learn back better, maybe?)

            And don’t let my Mensa membership fool you. I was part-way through my second master’s degree when I became eligible. Until then, I didn’t think I was that smart. My transcripts certainly don’t reflect it.

            Besides, if I’m supposed to be so clever, how come I’m still putting on my socks one at a time?

          2. Some kids join the football team, some join the chess club, others join debating teams. All types have valuable contributions to make. IMHO, a more flexible approach to pedagogy in general is warranted, sadly, the Frankfurt School types have taken a system that I consider to be broken, and warped it so badly outta shape that its now a case of “ya can’t get there from here.”
            Roll on Armageddon, better luck in the next iteration of civilization (if there is one), etc.

      2. Basic math

        Alternate ‘Thinking’ which I use when I’m feeling lazy.


  3. I am afraid of disapproval from my peers. So I can only agree in silence. I never talk about ethics or the direction society is moving in. So, I just do my bit to self-actualize while others normalize. I am just trying to make ends meet and keep the freezer full of meat.

      1. John, can you ask Jeffrey if one small Kebab make me a cannibal?
        Asking for an acquaintance.

    1. As one of your peers, allow me to express some degree of disapproval. Be afraid, or at least be somewhat anxious!

  4. Not being a prude, don’t really care what those characters do on their own time in their own space.
    It is a full stop to force their conduct on others, very specially on young impressionable minds that don’t have the capacity and moral power to defend themselves against these people.

    1. What consenting deviant adults do in the privacy of their own venues is none of my business.
      When they start foisting their deviance off on pre-pubescent kids, its a crime, and should be punished as such.

  5. This has been the goal for thousands of years. I know most people do not think beyond today but hell the evil perversion is piling up[ folks . Wake the hell up.

    1. Agreed. The internet has merely shone a light on the idiocy and perversion that humanity is heir to, so now its out in the open for everybody to see, and they don’t like it, just like your average 14th century serf would be aghast at the nobility’s use of catemites.

        1. I am reminded of Quasimodo dancing a jig and singing “Molten metal, molten metal..”

  6. ”… children are screened for their gender journey …”

    This is the replacement they’ve/theirs have made for Jesus Christ. For Western Judeo-Christianity. This is what the San Franfreako TOP top-surgeon glibly proclaims. That he ”screens children for their gender journeys”. And if you don’t believe that “screens” means coerce little girls to remove their breasts … then you are deluded.

    Yes … this is playing god. Some gay surgeon is pretending that he will “fix” what nature/God has gotten “wrong”. In the 60’s … the placard “God is Dead” were held up on street corners by bums. It seems as though mankind has finally got his wish … he has now “killed-off” God. Trouble is … that it’s just so much self-delusion. God is very much alive … and His Nature is in full control. These people, who all sound and act like Charles Manson disciples … will face the FULL wrath of nature. Human nature … as created by The Living God

    1. God gave us mastery over the physical world. Not stewardship, mastery. We are created in His image, and these facts gives us a terrible responsibility that very few can reconcile. The Founding Fathers made a pretty good stab at it, but they, like the rest of us, are fallen. The Logos-driven industrial civilization suffers from a lack of humility in the face of God that is resulting in a downfall of biblical proportions.
      God help us.

  7. Maybe you should start worrying about what pedophilia is a stalking horse for. There are worse things out there and I have a bad feeling we’re gonna find out what they are. The living will envy the dead.

    1. Well, as a society, we’re already firmly into child sacrifice, maybe its a stalking horse for increasing the age of eligibility for sacrifice to 12 years old?

  8. Radical transgenderists are akin to vampires. They prey upon the young and the weak.

    They really need to stop this madness before they are dealt with in similar fashion.

  9. 52 Division in Toronto includes Yonge & Wellesley and Church & Wellesley – this is where the majority of Canadian trannys live and play and shoplift.

    People used to drive in from outlying areas to ogle and throw eggs, insults and punches.

    Want to know what’s going on at the ground level with these retards and their clingers and those influencing them – talk to your local beat cop – if you can find one.

  10. An employee of mine had to attend a sensitivity workshop after accusations of harassment of female staff. He came bouncing back telling me he had ‘learned a whole bunch of new harassment techniques’. He really enjoyed the class.

    1. When we had to attended that sexual harassment class at AC, we made sure the “facilitator” knew that we disapproved of not just having to be there, but that it was blatant discrimination against men.

      During my remaining years at that institution, that class was never held again, unless it was part of the in-service for new employees.

      1. The fact that “the new way” is insane does not make “the old way” the optimum.

        1. The fact is that educationists have, for at least the last 2 generations, worked to place the entire responsibility for learning on whoever is teaching the material. According to them, students are simply empty vessels yearning to be filled who don’t have to do anything to learn the material.

          Those who came up with that horse puckey never set foot in a lecture theatre and wouldn’t know how to teach if their next soyboy pumpkin spice latte depended upon it.

          They have never encountered students who should never have been admitted in the first place because they have neither the talent nor the work ethic that’s required to pass a course.

          They’ve never dealt with students who openly cheat and who’re supported by administrators for doing so and, thereby, graduate because of it.

          They’ve never faced administrators who manipulate grades in order to get favourable reviews from the government in order to get the “gravy” funding, so that the department heads can have bragging rights.

          Now they want to add a new wrinkle by indoctrinating teachers and professors with all sorts of kink and perversion. No doubt, the course outlines and curricula will have to be revised to include all that crapola.

          1. I agree 100%, BADR.
            What kind of idiot would take a course, and indeed pay thousands for, in some subject they don’t wanna know about? It beggars the imagination. The Prussian system robs children of curiosity, at least it does now, as do the attempts to replace it with a facile imitation, marketed like the freakin’ pet rock or worse. Surely more robust systems exist. If these systems exist and work, they’re worth money. The kinda money that puts men on the moon. We are at a watershed moment.
            Yes, I called ya Shirley.

    2. LOL.
      So the sensitivity workshop was “how to pick up woke women.”
      A more valuable course would have been how to escape them unscathed. Just ask Johhny Depp.

    1. Rodents and insects everywhere took umbrage at that comparison.

  11. So you’re going Full Retard and throwing down with ’70s style homophobia but with a new coat of paint? Have fun eating in the culture wars, and that will mean eating it in politics. You will be buried for this.

  12. Does anyone think that these creeps would try this if there hadn’t been a sexual revolution and normalising perversity?

    1. Yet rarely do we ever hear that two letter word, NO. NO, we will not accept your perversion and insanity should be yelled in the face of every insane person who supports the moral destruction of our society.
