34 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Publishing the truth about Nina Jankowicz is what they call “attacks”.

    Publishing her tweets of the last 5 years that prove she was wrong on almost everything from the Russia collusion to Hunter’s laptop is what they call “attacks”.

    Let me “attack” mathematicians


    there! I just “attacked” the entire mathematician community by publishing a truth!

      1. I’m gonna hafta talk to Geordy about that, or maybe I’ll go directly to Picard.

      1. Well, she could do like the original movie Mary Poppins did in a later movie. Julie Andrews went topless for a few seconds in the movie S.O.B.

  2. Now watch the Brandon Administration make Nina Jankowicz head of another new federal department: Bully Hunters.

  3. No pb, there’s plenty more Ninas out there, for ex a Dr. Erroll Southers from USC:

    ” “Wallace asked the University of Southern California professor how the government should respond to “extremism and these radicalized views that Donny said do represent a minority of modern self-identifying Republican white men, but a sizable number of them.”
    “My guidance is that we have to treat it as the terrorist threat that it is. You know, we rallied on 9/11. There was no question about what the country was going to do. We are facing the same threat, and we need to go one step further…We should label them the domestic terrorist party,” said Southers.”

  4. Oh, darn, here I was hoping for more of her ditzy on-screen warbling…..

  5. If only all woke stupidity was so easily derailed. I consider a sign of hope that this demented version of Mary Poppins has been sidelined. I will never be able to hear supercalifragilistic without having mild PTSD-like flashbacks.

  6. This is the sort of humor I look for each morning.

    Nina the evil clown …. she let her lunacy hang out and it got noticed.

    1. LOL. That pretty much sums it up. They always got away with it in the past but people are paying much more attention now.

    2. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. – Abraham Lincoln

      She made the fatal mistake. But the truth is … so have every other Biden cabinet member and Deep State leftist employee. Yeah … and they’ve used the internets to open their mouths … wide open.

    1. Well like an old school CRT screen. If you pause for long enough it gets burnt into the screen.

  7. Nina and Taylor should just do a Vegas stand-up act — or maybe get a room.

  8. Was that the ACTUAL headline?!? Are these morons so completely unaware of basic perception to not phrase even that headline correctly?

  9. It’s great that we won this but don’t for a second think they’ll stop. My bet is next time they’ll be a littler quieter about it and avoid having a literal clown be in charge.

  10. “…victim of coordinated online attacks…”
    Lady, stop being such a f***ing girl.

  11. At Washington Post and the rest of the media cartel, the disinformation central, they want to cover their asses and call everyone else that does not agree with them, disinformation.
    It’s what socialists/fascists and other such ‘ists do, they will run propaganda meme that everyone else is what they actually are.
    It’s what the rich socialists/fascists that are aspiring to control the world, pay them for.
    So far they have the mouthpiece and the plebeians don’t know the difference. This maybe changing ever so slowly.
    Certain commentators that subscribe to socialist ideas are noticing that and question it.

    1. The biggest risk they run when they accuse all their detractors of every vice known to man and lump it in with a right wing designation, is that eventually the reasonable folks get caught up in that dragnet. Once they do those unaffiliated by nature will respond.
      “So I’m right wing am I? Ok I’m right wing and the people tormenting me hate my guts, I’ll go join up with the other right wing folks and vote accordingly”
      Your welcome

  12. Pay attention. Nothing ever presented by communists ever goes away. Anyone who has lived long enough knows exactly what I am saying and referring to.

    1. This little group has probably been operating for a while.
      It was trotted out to see how the public would react.
      Not ready for prime time yet, need to soften up the public a little more ,slap on a new coat of paint , name change and voila.

      As Regan was fond of saying ” there’s nothing more permanent than a temporary program in government “.

  13. Guess who will replace Nina Jankowicz?

    Michael Chertoff

    Chertoff is the man who said Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation…and said many other such things that were ALL false.

    The ministry of lies is not dead, unfortunately
