17 Replies to “They Will Soon”

  1. If I had a dollar for every Canadian MSM story covering this, I wouldn’t have a dollar.

    And if Canadian voters did find out about they wouldn’t care.
    They like being lied to by the MSM.
    It comforts them, somehow.

    1. Stan,it’s like we’re being read a bedtime story by Mom CBC, with comforting tones but without the kiss on the forehead or the love.
      In my wildest dream fantasies I imagine the day Hillary Clinton will actually have to answer for her actions, but then I wake up.

  2. Shorthand

    Brexit, Donald Tump, Des gilets jaunes, The truckers convoy, Pierre Poilievre, Elon Musk…a slow awakening.

  3. Someone should put out an APB on Bill Clinton. He sure isn’t standing by his woman but then what do I know. Haven’t heard nor seen hide or hair of him.

    1. He’s getting erotically massaged on some Wall Streeter’s private jet. You know, they always accuse the Right of what they do themselves …

  4. And what’s gonna really bake your noodle? These are the same people who scream “Democracy!” “Democracy!”
    They actually LOATHE “Democracy” … hate Freedom … and would like to eliminate the “people” of populism.

  5. Clinton..??

    Likely a Cadaver at this point….? If not in fact. Very very similar to Brandon.

    Dead men still mobile..

  6. Is Christopher Steele compromised by the FSB?

    /a question that has never been answered

  7. Clinton (and Bill Gates) are likely keeping company with the new Jeffrey Epstein.

  8. Makes you wonder what else is fake?

    Well… most of what the left and the media say is true… is not.

    It does not matter what the topic is, race, feminism, abortion, immigration, illegals, refugees, crime rates, covid 19, global warming, electric cars, trans gender, the number of fake Twitter accounts, or where most of the plastic floating in the sea comes from.
    roughly 90 % of what the left says is false.

    And this can be demonstrated, actually blogs like smalldeadanimals prove it everyday, they use unedited videos, original documents, links to scientific evidence the media does not want you to know about, etc etc and everyday they prove that most of what the left and their media are saying is not true.

  9. Elon announced he is putting together an elite legal team and that he will litigate frauds back to the Stone Age. He said he will even take on cases that he may not win just to prove a point.

    Business Insider Trading can kiss their rotten ass goodbye.
