12 Replies to “It’s Wrong To Call Needle Exchange A Failure”

  1. What was not going on in 2001 that is going on today? In Saskatchewan. Because that is a massive increase. If my investment portfolio was up that much I’d be typing this from the Bahamas.

  2. I am certainly no fan of government enabled drug abuse, but current stats are near meaningless as a fair indictment unless we know what Sask’s HIV rate would have been without needle programs.

    Also, … “Sexual contact was identified as a risk factor in 68 per cent of new cases.”

    I found this link which puts things in perspective, nationally. Sask’s HIV stats are indeed waaaaay out of whack with the rest of the country. It’s 6X higher than BC, for cripes sake, and more than double the next closest province. But that doesn’t mean that you can then claim BC’s needle program has been effective in lowering HIV rates.


    What the hell is going on in Saskatchewan?

    1. I haven’t done the math, but I would predict that the free needle per capita of SK far eclipses that of BC. It was sold on the premise of stopping the spread of HIV, now they’ve moved on to supervised injection sites to curb overdoses.

      Seems to be firing on all cylinders.

  3. Well if it were (V)AIDS they were graphing….??
    Pretty sure they’d need much larger paper….Much Larger.

  4. I think if you looked at a geographical representation of hiv in SK it might shed some light on what is happening. Just guessing.

  5. Seems as though the 14 gay men living in Saskatchewan… have been VERY busy!!! Very busy indeed.

    Next? A massive Monkeypox outbreak in Saskatchewan…

  6. Some bureaucrat is getting filthy rich on this scam. So, yes, that life-form would say it’s a resounding success. But, just for them.

  7. I am going to say some truth and reconciliation is what is required to understand the cohort most affected.

    Yes I am being flippant, but lets have some close examination of the downside of current aboriginal lifestyle which has no relationship to past “abuse”.

    Of course, being “vibrant” university town does not help.

  8. how much of that is from the subculture known as “bug hunters”?
    how much of it is from illicit drug users who are famous for their decision making skills?

    how much of it is from the outlawing of single use plastics?

    there isn’t enough data in that chart to make any claims, and I suspect the data they aren’t releasing isn’t much better
