It’s Probably Nothing

Keep your ear to the ground on this, I’d like to know about any corroborating reports.

From the comments;

It is true. I have refused 3 loads heading to California from 2 local manufacturers in Manitoba. Rates was good for the trip down but did not accommodate any mileage to get to a reload. Reload rates have increased but not sufficiently. According to driver gossip other companies have been turning down loads to Washington state Seattle area and western Oregon for the same reasons as well. As well as the current issues surrounding those states re driver safety.

Loads coming out of Alberta heading south are just insanely low. And reefer rates and general Van rates are all over the place. One of the owner operators turned down a load to Vancouver for the long weekend to be delivered downtown construction site. Rate was higher than it had been but too low because of the extra to drive to the reload by Edmonton. Said no. Dispatch shopped it around but no takers.

It isn’t just west coast. Saw one trip on a load board from southeast Georgia heading to Saskatoon for 3800 Canadian last week. It was gone in 10 minutes. Whoever accepted it had better have made a ton going down. Fuel availability is becoming an issue now as well. And the summer driving season hasn’t kicked into high gear yet.

This summer is going to be absolutely brutal in all fronts. I am in good shape financially with no debts and I think I will be closing down till fall. Good luck to all and be careful.

The discussion continues here.

From a friend in the ag supply industry; My truckers are refusing loads between Regina and Saskatoon. All these are fertilizer loads so yes, become self sufficient.

52 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. What if truckers quit hauling stuff to the parts of the world that hate them? Horrifying! Haha.

    1. Sure. Give ’em what they voted for….. good and hard. Let’s see how San Fran Nan keeps her ice cream freezer stocked.

        1. She committed one of the unpardonable sins in this country: she criticized and even defied Dear Leader. Anything that Dear Leader does is good and right and she–horrors!–rejected that.

  2. It is true. I have refused 3 loads heading to California from 2 local manufacturers in Manitoba. Rates was good for the trip down but did not accommodate any mileage to get to a reload. Reload rates have increased but not sufficiently. According to driver gossip other companies have been turning down loads to Washington state Seattle area and western Oregon for the same reasons as well. As well as the current issues surrounding those states re driver safety.

    Loads coming out of Alberta heading south are just insanely low. And reefer rates and general Van rates are all over the place. One of the owner operators turned down a load to Vancouver for the long weekend to be delivered downtown construction site. Rate was higher than it had been but too low because of the extra to drive to the reload by Edmonton. Said no. Dispatch shopped it around but no takers.

    It isn’t just west coast. Saw one trip on a load board from southeast Georgia heading to Saskatoon for 3800 Canadian last week. It was gone in 10 minutes. Whoever accepted it had better have made a ton going down. Fuel availability is becoming an issue now as well. And the summer driving season hasn’t kicked into high gear yet.

    This summer is going to be absolutely brutal in all fronts. I am in good shape financially with no debts and I think I will be closing down till fall. Good luck to all and be careful.

  3. The Democrats of Hollywood and Silicon Valley can enjoy their pampered lifestyle, or they can have their splendid little war with Russia. Not both.

    Once the consequences of wagging the dog start to inconvenience them personally, Biden’s puppetmasters will cut Zelensky loose so fast your head will spin.

    1. Here in Burlington all the gas stations had to retrofit their digital signs to display $2+/L.

      I have a full freezer, no debts, low cost of living and a good job that pays in USD. If the truckers decide the GTA can starve until it comes to its senses I’m good with that.

      1. ah beautiful downtown burbank burlington l called it.
        used to wheel on my bike that road that curved around burlington bay, wound up connecting to the main downtown street. main? king? been so long. lots of 1 way streets hamilton. l used to get hopelessly turned around because its on west end of lake ontario.

        halton cops r complete a-holes. let a drug dealer screech and curse at me “hes on his property doing what he wants”. l deduced they were cultivating an informant and had other priorities than the rights of a citoyen to be free of SIX FCUKING MONTHS OF IT.

  4. Kamal the veep, Can use those 100,000 electronic school busses to deliver delectable frozen ice cream to Nancy and the Socialist West Coast.
    Back pack Unicorns can deliver when they have electronic grid blackouts.
    Socialists starving and Sweating in the Dark.
    Stalin will be grinning.

  5. The truckers should have done a nationwide strike when the turd sent in the gestapo

    1. The truckers should have skipped the Ottawa pow-wow and instead gone straight for the strike.

  6. These idiots have no idea the death and destruction a shipping Shutdown would do to North America.
    Biden and Soyboy could Mandate a nationwide emergency, but
    the way they have fcuked up just the last 3 month’s, Trusting those BASTERDARDS to deliver your food ?
    Screw that.

    1. These idiots have no idea the death and destruction a shipping Shutdown would do to North America.

      Yes, they do. America must be knocked off its horse, according to the greatest president in its history, ol’ Jugears himself.

  7. My favorite radio talk show host, Ron Smith, often spoke of the law of unintended consequences. They are so avoidable, but seem to be the driving factor of most of our demise. It’s almost as if we choose the stupidest and most vapid people among us to lead.

    1. WeRt41Rebel

      The very Base of humanity.

      Remember king Saul, lived in a pasture, eating weeds for years.
      Clinton & Obama would have smoked it.

    2. Actually, the stupidest and most vapid people among us are chosen by the Laurentian Elite, the local chapter of the Deep State as the candidates. We in turn get to choose which of them we want to be our very own criminals.

      These people do not represent us! They owe their allegiance to those who chose them to head the similar parties.

      Please, put the blame where it belongs!

          1. Only pencils and paper ballots in Canada.
            Can’t blame anyone here except the voters. They fell for the media ‘stories’ and the ‘narrative.’

  8. Assuming the laws of economics hold, that only means california businesses will eventually have to pay more for trucking goods.

  9. in medical terms its called chronic leftoiditis.
    no know treatment, best strategy is this, AVOID INFECTED AREAS.

  10. One ‘fly in the ointment’ is all those containers coming into CA ports. Can they all come out by rail? You know, the railways being pilfered by the gangs.

    1. no, especially when the railroads will cut their exposure to theft and high fuel prices in california. and railroads don’t do last mile for retail customers, so unless you have new trucks in california how do you get your goods off the trains into your stores?

  11. Won’t last. Rates will skyrocket within a week. Trucking is my field of expertise. Fresh produce is about to get more expensive

    1. On something types of items yes rates will increase but on many others it will not. Just because the increase in prices at retail for many companies will not cover the additional increase in rates that is needed. Demand destruction caused by the increase in prices at the retail level for the consumer will have a major effect on shipping rates and companies as consumer reduce and substitute.
      It does take sometime to start but the trend isn’t good. Then add into that mess relentless fuel price increases and potential shortages coupled with spot shortages of common parts.

      Just an example One owner operator I know had picked up a reefer of chicken from a plant in Iowa heading to Mississauga. His trailer axle hub failed and needed to be replaced near Minneapolis. The shop he went to, a major trailer dealer, did not have any. They were on back order two week delay. Imagine a common part like that no stock anywhere. He found one at FGI in Winnipeg and they shipped it to the shop at huge expense but it got him going. It doesn’t matter what the rates are situations like this are sand in the gears.

      The last item is trucker finances. Lots of new people over the last 2 to 3 years. New drivers and companies supported by non traditional financing. Particularly temples for new Canadians. How long will they last? Many to keep the truck running will cut rates and pay themselves nothing to keep going. Seeing it happen now.
      Eventually supply and demand will even out. The stronger ones who are able to cope will survive. But we are older and many will just throw in the towel and retire.

      Many different factors at play here. I did not even touch on the regulator side of the equation. But it will be a mess and not one that is going away.

      Take care all and have a great summer.

      1. My question is what happens to the chickens while awaiting repairs? Live or dead the truck needs to idle I imagine to keep them frozen or alive…chicken feed?

        1. Reefer unit means they are frozen. No chicken feed required. Has its own power unit. Just needed to top it off with diesel. Since it is in a trailer maintenance shop no issues. Also FGI had it sent ASAP.

          1. Gotta love Fort Garry Industries.
            Always have the parts, even if they are expensive.
            At least they had the presence of mind to stock up before the preverbial hit the fan.

  12. Yup
    People best get their veggy plots going.
    I think UnMe’s vertical farms are going to really take off if transportation costs keep climbing.

    The Globalist Elites want us to stay in place, own nothing, eat little and be happy…while they make the world into their Godless Eden.

  13. Well we can start with the Anti-Oilfield political climate in Canada since 2015 that has shuttered over 100,000 Canadian oilfield jobs, bankrupted junior companies, moved larger producers and services companies to the US.

    Whats left are skeletons maintaining reduced infrastructure which would take years to retool and re-man to meet any viable increase in production.

    Lets start with recognizing where these recent North American supply issues and inflation began. It’s laughable to now watch people like Alberta Health Services cry about layoffs and no wage increases when much of them were the first in line to demonize Alberta Energy and have it shuttered. The same goes for the Liberal East Coast that has cancelled billion dollar projects, abandoned viable offshore Oil & Gas fields, and regulated new permits beyond profitability for even the largest of Producers.

    From Health Care, to gas pumps, to the grocery store costs these are the consequences of those earlier “Progressive” decisions that no one will own up to.

    1. Whats left are skeletons maintaining reduced infrastructure which would take years to retool and re-man to meet any viable increase in production.

      I remember that it took several years for the oil industry to get back to pre-NEP levels. A lot of people got hurt during that attack on Alberta’s economy.

  14. This might a factor , not the main reason, but a factor

    Starting in 2023 Diesel trucks made before 2006 will not be allowed in California.

    California is becoming more and more hostile to diesel trucks.

    1. 2010 or newer engines are required in 2023…

      and it’s not going to get any better

  15. I run the parts department at a medium size truck repair shop in Ontariowe.
    I can tell you that stuff is drying up, and getting pricier. Basic stuff like brake parts, motor oil, gear oil, bearings and seals, lights.
    Lord help you if you want your RV fixed. We have a four-week lineup for RV repairs, due to staff burnout and prioritizing our fleet customers.
    Interesting times.

    1. Why get your RV maintained when there is no place to go. Provincial and National parks have not kept pace with the growing Canadian population over the last fifty years. Private campgrounds cannot provide the same experience of an outdoor ‘wilderness’ vacation, may as well leave the RV in the driveway and live in it for two weeks. Then there is the cost of travel and the escalating cost of ‘parking’. The Liberals in Canada have outdone the the Democrats in America by “fundamentally changing” all that used to be held near and dear to the Canadian psyche.

      The finest form of human endeavor in forming a government based on the principal of human rights has been relegated to the dustbin of history, all in a matter of fifty years. Talk about unintended consequences!!!!!

      1. @Antenor – “Private campgrounds cannot provide the same experience of an outdoor ‘wilderness’ vacation,…”

        Not only private campgrounds, they have closed off the “wilderness” to all but the dedicated and inventive workarounds. Oil lease roads gated, cut-line access blocked with berms and rocks. Unless you have a small beater camper that can do some serious off-roading you are at best stuck off a maintained gravel road pullout with nothing around.

        Then of course begins the Fish & Wildlife harassment campaign………….

        All made to corral the populations into overcrowded zoo like encampments and call it camping.

  16. There’s lots of reasons not to go into California, but the fuel price probably doesn’t even crack the top 5. You can just grab fuel before crossing in and it will last you until you leave.

    1) California has insane emissions equipment laws. Older trucks need to be retrofitted with expensive equipment. My truck won’t be, so it cannot go into California.

    2) California has insane dimensions laws. A 48 foot trailer is fine, but a 53 footer needs to have the tandems pretty far up. 40 feet to the rear axle instead of the usual 41 to the middle of the axles. A lot of equipment – including my trailer – cannot do this.

    3) anti idling laws. No matter how hot it is, you cannot idle your truck.

    4) Reload availability.

    5) Routes not friendly to trucks. There are many major routes that you cannot take a highway unit down. Cops are always sitting on these routes waiting for you to come down.

  17. The way things are going in the trucking industry Sleepy Joe may have to get behind the wheel once again.

  18. Thanks for highlighting Rov’s comment and the discussion about it. The supply shortages and the related food crisis is the next big time event about to hit us. I’m an economist and the upcoming crises will be devastating, especially to lower-income people.
