24 Replies to “Pollspotting”

    1. *

      “Meanwhile, the House of Commons is still considering BILL C-5, an act that would
      REPEAL A HOST OF MANDATORY MINIMUM PENALTIES, including those for smuggling
      firearms. The idea is to reduce the ‘overincarceration rate of Indigenous peoples‘ as
      well as for other ‘marginalized Canadians.'”


  1. W t f. ..your not allowed a hand gun for self defense…for us simple people…cops…and the hair doors security are allowed…the stupid hurts with this one oy

    1. you are if you have an ATT3, which is the license they are trying to get cute about.
      Outside of businesses in specific industries, there is somewhere around 5 that are personally held.

      so of the answers there, all of them are for more restrictions.

      1. My mistake, the number in 2018 when the gun blog requested a count, it was 2 people in all of canada who hold a permit for Authorization to Carry.

  2. It might be an older one but the 69% for licensed ownership still stands out.

    1. Do you have a 3D Printer?
      Are you making your own guns?
      Did you not add a serial number?
      Did you exceed our government regulated capacity?
      Are you queer?
      Is the color pink?
      Did you have a matching color slippers?
      Can you name what laws your not breaking currently?
      Please apply…we need inspectors…
      We have hundreds of thousands of positions, if your qualified.

  3. If every liberal voter keeled over with a heart attack at this very moment the country would be better off. Change my mind.

    1. He’d still be in office til the next election, so we wouldn’t be any better off for at least 3 years. (Unless of course ‘Liberal voters’ includes ‘liberal politicians’, then yes, instantly)

      1. There is another option by it involves a pointy tip traveling at terminal velocity.

  4. The rational thing to ask would be, Should people be should be allowed to own handguns if they have a license? Period. Of course they have to throw in the “for self defense” angle to give the impression there is so much gun crime out there. I know many law abiding people with an RPAL that use their handguns for shooting at the range. POS bought and paid for media has to put their Libtard spin.

  5. If you offer the correct responses to these questions, you should be able to get the answer you’re looking for.

    I looked for the response that said, “the right to bear arms, shall not be infringed” but didn’t see it anywhere.

  6. Even the majority of Red Star readers (presuming they were the primary responders to that poll in April) didn’t buy into the bullshit.

    Ford, in the linked story, even said the problem is gangs, not legal guns, but his position is likely “pre-election posturing”.

  7. No. If they have a license, people should be able to own handguns for self-defence. Currently illegal in Canada but the majority support it

  8. I cannot wait until Canada collapses and disintegrates. This pretend country doesn’t deserve to exist.

  9. If you don’t let people protest peacefully, they will protest violently. If you don’t let people own guns legally, they will own guns illegally. All of these actions will not solve the problem.

  10. Ontario can FOAD they are not our friends. Quebec has historically been more friendly to Alberta, Think about that. Who needs enemies ?

  11. I’ve said it before here ” A government that wants to curtail my right to self defence is not a government it is a dictatorship.” We have seen in the last several years of Liberal dictatorship our rights being removed, without a covid passport you can’t travel, without a duly authorized permit you cannot protest, your movements are being monitored, your conversations are being monitored, and now the government is about to dictate what you can and cannot own ( gas or diesel vehicles, guns, etc.), and the next step is a tax on the equity of the house you have striven all your life to own. When are Canadians going to wake up and throw these charlatans out of office and elect a party that will adopt a constitution similar to the United States.

  12. I would be more open to the discussion on the need to own guns if the people screaming the loudest about the topic were not also the same people who screamed that police needed to be defunded and replaced with a more community based system of enforcement.

  13. “Handguns for self-defence”? You mean after you get them out of the gun safe and the ammunition from the other locked container?

    Please. That is ILLEGAL in Canada, like any other kind of “self-defence”. You can’t carry or use a weapon of any kind…no pepper spray, no stun guns, no knives…nothing.
