9 Replies to “Waterloo Board At It Again”

  1. So, if it bleeds, it is female?
    What if I cut my hand…it bleeds too…
    I’m so confused.

    Pregnant men…you bastards.

  2. Maybe people in the Waterloo region, should ask if anything normal is taught in their schools.

    It certainly might be faster.

  3. Menstrual Health Day!
    Took a bunch of drips and clots to think that up.

  4. Where the hell is all this stigma around menstruation? I feel like I’m missing out.

    1. Where is this “indigenous celebration” of menses? … “… adding that we should all be like Indigenous people who celebrate their periods.”

      I missed that one in EVERY native textbook I ever read. Is this some phantom moment of intersectionality where the weirdos can drag Natives into their perverted games?

      1. Actually it’s a tradition for several tribes to place women in the middle of their rez in a Teepee to announce they’ve become a woman at the start of their mensa. I learned this from a medicine man when I was studying Criminology.
