51 Replies to “Locking Up The Irish”

  1. Welcome to the Hotel Canada. “We’re all just prisoners here of our own device”

      1. Don’t worry, the government has legal doctor assisted “checking out” for you

  2. The day the restrictions drop, everyone who moved their money out of Canada to their home countries are going to flee. We’ll have a nice tiny population drop which will be an embarassment. And in the safety of their home countries, those people will be free to talk….outside of controlled social media.

    In any event, at some point everything breaks. The poisoned will be out for blood.

    Wait for it….
    Wait for it…

    1. Since the Spawn-Fuhrer has been PM, 180 billion dollars in capital investment has fled the deranged dominion. He won’t lift the mandates because he wants to constantly remind his enemies that he is in charge of his Reich (Gulag) with his loyal lap dog, Jagmeet at his backside enjoying being close to the smell of real political power.

    1. Bill: No

      I have a British Passport (and a Canadian one) and I am not allowed to board a BA flight to London, despite neither BA, nor the UK Government not requiring the jab.

  3. L – Historians note that General Washington thanked the Scots/Irish for their contribution to
    the founding of the United States of America. He opined that, without their stalwart service, the campaign for independence against tyranny, would not have succeeded.

    Would a Freedom for the Irish convoy get the same treatment(e.i. a beating and a musical ride over) as the Freedom Convoy of truckers received from the Trudeau regime ?

    Just askin’ for a friend… a leprechaun, as it were.

  4. Not that Prinz Dummkopf cares about people being illegally imprisoned in another country. After all, he didn’t exactly bust his arse getting the two Michaels out of a Chinese jail, did he?

    1. Heh, that Huawei broad who was arrested here at the behest of the American dropped of the radar, too.

  5. All of those federally imposed restrictions do not affect Trudeau, his family or friends. No reason to remove them. They do affect millions of middle class travelers, and most everyone who disagrees with his abuse of power. Once again, no reason to remove them. I do not understand how this arrogant man (or whatever he thinks himself to be) stays in the PM position.

  6. It’s ironic that Justin Trudeau is showing the world that the “great” legacy of his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, is a complete joke and an absolutely worthless piece of paper. I mean, of course, Pierre Trudeau’s Canadian Constitution and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Maybe Justin just hated his father so much he wants to corrupt and destroy PET’s proudest achievement.

    1. I prefer to think that he is validating the effects of positive rights enshrined with no property rights designed to enlarge the state and shrink the individual. Serfdom (or some academic version of it) was always his father’s preferred endgame.

    2. Actually, justifiably or not, PET was quite proud of the Charter and I can’t believe he would approve of this preening numbskull. I’m thinking he’d be blaming Maggie. Or Fidel.

      1. Yep. By systematically removing all of the protections in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Justin Trudeau is basically pissing on his father’s grave.

      2. The charter’s very first clause shows that PET was trolling us.
        The “but we can suspend it at any time for any reason” clause was not at the bottom in “fine print” but at the very top. PET loved Mao and Fidel. The RCMP had a thick file on him.

        Nor does his alleged son.

    3. When race-based hiring was implemented it was challenged for violating the charter and failed. It’s been proven to be worthless unless the government uses it.

    4. Justin is so devoted to the Charter that he’s not going to obey it! He just doesn’t feel worthy. It may need a thorough purification of the environment before he can sincerely honour the old Charter again.

  7. Like father like son.
    Castro ran a whole country prison camp too.

    Trudeau should go surfing.
    In Nepal.

  8. There is no health justification for these restrictions, but Trudeau gets away with it becsuse stupid people support him. Hopefully the courts will end this fiasco, but the issue is taking a while to make its way through the courts.

    1. There is also no longer a health emergency. Tin Pot Trudeau is maintaining mandates and other emergency orders because there might be another health emergency at some point in the future. That is banana republic tactics.

  9. Does Justin feel a need to grovel to Ireland the way he does to China?

    Or are there no Irish contributors to his dad’s foundation?

    He’s looking for a Mr. Bribe. Has anyone seen him?

  10. Info Hungry above gets it right. The turd is doing it because he can, and it has no effect on him and his world. Considering he’s an evil narcissistic thin skinned drama queen/child, he’s just getting his jollies off by infecting the lives of those who detest him and refuse to do as he insists we should, which puts his nose out of joint, just like the convoy protest did. A childish petulant temper tantrum cuz he didn’t get his way, and people won’t do as he insists, and he’s really upset about it. So this illegal demand to keep us from traveling will remain for as long as he can get away with it, probably until he’s booted from office. He is that vindictive!

    1. “The truth is like the sun: You can block it out for a while, but it ain’t going away.”

  11. Here’s my theory on PM Dunning Krueger.

    Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a lot of things, but he wasn’t stupid – and he looked down upon those who he felt were intellectually inferior.
    While I would guess he loved Fidels son like he was his own, he likely had little ability to relate to low IQ Justin.

    And Justin would have felt that somehow he never got Pierres love and acceptance despite vying for it.

    So Justin sees his installation as PM as proving he is consequential and prove to Pierre posthumously, that he is his fathers equal and was deserving of his respect.

    Justin feels never got the repect he deserved from anyone (primarily because he has never achieved anything on his own in his life)

    But lacking any self awareness whatsoever – Justin is now proving to the world and Pierre just how wrong they were!!

    And if he loses power he goes back to being the nobody he always was.

    1. Justin feels never got the repect he deserved from anyone (primarily because he has never achieved anything on his own in his life)

      His generation grew up with participation trophies simply for showing up. He was pampered throughout his boyhood and was never expected to accomplish anything as he was already amply rewarded.

      The real world doesn’t respect him because he never made any attempt to break from that and prove himself on his own, never realizing that his adopted father’s surname and money could carry him only so far after which he had to start paying his way.

      And, as a middle-aged adult, he still hasn’t accomplished anything of value by himself. If it wasn’t for PET’s money, he’d be a shiftless layabout sitting on his backside all day, smoking dope and drawing pogey.

    1. Those reviews were written by people who not only believe they have the right to micturate upon the deplorable masses, but the duty to do so. They’re convinced they’re our masters and will fight to the death to remain in that position.

  12. And here I thought we were just as bad as N.Korea.
    Not true.In fact we are worse.

    1. Not quite there yet.
      When I am eating grass to fill my belly then I will agree.

  13. I’m a Canadian stuck in New Zealand, hoping my elderly parents in Ontario don’t get sick. I don’t know which country I hate more. Probably Canada. I am hoping to see retaliatory, tit for tat arbitrary detentions of Canadians by sketchy regimes whose own citizens are being kidnapped by Ice Cuba.

  14. I’m a Canadian stuck in New Zealand, hoping my elderly parents in Ontario don’t get sick. I don’t know which country I hate more. Probably Canada. I am hoping to see retaliatory, tit for tat arbitrary detentions of Canadians by sketchy regimes whose own citizens are being kidnapped by Ice Cuba.

  15. In view of the discrepancies in the last US election using Dominion voting machines can we expect the same results in Canada.
