What Is A Woman?

Matt Taibi;

After publishing a review of Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman? this week, the expected avalanche of blowback from activists and even a few friends did arrive. Most went straight to the word “bigot,” while others decried “platforming a fascist.”

Let me explain my thoughts on this subject, since some seem to feel that laughing when a professor is caught calling “truth” transphobic is equivalent to supporting genocide.

18 Replies to “What Is A Woman?”

  1. I watched the movie. It is well done and not the least bit condescending. The liberals with the agenda in the movie make Matt’s points for him. When confronted with simple questions, they obfuscate or head straight to being rude, as in the health “professional” who recommends Lupron as a puberty blocker not willing to acknowledge that the same product is used for chemical castration of sex offenders.

  2. Matt Walsh gets some goofy elite Gandhi wardrobe admiring professor to say, in all seriousness, “Do chickens cry?” for him. At the same time he’s riddled the internet with pointing out how unfunny feminist comedians are, to become the front-runner for the Intellectual Hulk Ragdoll Award so far this year.

  3. Watched it – well done. These people are cultists who do not have any connection with reality – nor desire to have one – as Walsh demonstrates.

  4. I’ve been unable to even watch all the way through the trailers for this movie. Not because it is bad, but because it captures these trans-activists and professional Liberals perfectly. Watching crazy people lie is something I simply can’t do.

    And I’m talking about the activists and SJWs, not the trans victims with real body/gender dismorphia. The stories of the trans people themselves are horrifying and tragic. Those I can’t watch because it fills me with rage that their tragedy was hijacked for political leverage by liars. I can’t really have that, I don’t have any spare liver cells left to burn with that much choler.

    Very effective movie, and long overdue.

  5. As I always say these days – “a woman is a man that hasn’t become one yet”.

  6. That trailer is pretty damn funny, but the subject is serious shit.
    People looking to change/morph/disfigure children need to be sent to the island of misfit weirdos.

  7. Can you possibly quantify the damage this ‘person’ has done in their medical career…..sickening

  8. Trans and gays don’t reproduce. As we enter a demographic spiral, cultural “norms” will change.

    1. in some expansive world view, could it be the gods of the calendar decided one way to tampen pop. growth switch on the gay gene all over the place.

      lve actually seriously wondered but never in location l cd safely pose the Q

  9. More and more, it seems as if a large swatch of humanity has sub-contracted out their decision making. When called upon to explain their position, or justify their actions, they are left dumbfounded because it never occurred to them to evaluate the position personally. They are so concerned about fitting in and belonging that they neglect to consider the price of that status.

    It is not unlike the fashion industry. Some of the most celebrated designers create these ensembles that look ridiculous. And yet, they are heralded as geniuses by those who wish to be associated with “taste”. These type “individuals” haven’t the courage, motivation or honesty to look them in the eye and say….”she’s wearing a burlap bag you effing charlatan.”

  10. Why is an entire documentary needed when simple biology should suffice?

    People who believe these trans fictions are beyond help.

  11. Remember kids you can fully support the Trans Movement and their hopes and objectives, or you can fully support women and their hopes and dreams.

    But not both.

    Either you accept that anyone can be a woman just by wishing really hard and changing their pronouns, or you can accept that to be a woman and do real WOMAN things you need to be born a woman. At the surface level there is a lot of minor stuff that doesn’t really affect people, but once you start following the logic to the natural conclusions you reach situations where both statuses cannot co-exist and all the feelings and hash tags in the world are not going to change that.

    Pick a side.
