30 Replies to “From Their Cold, Dead Hands”

    1. Stool sample. Not sure who else’s DNA will show up, of course.

    2. What? And have him risking the possibility that word would get out that he actually is Fidel’s son?

    3. Time for some T shirts.
      Including the pictures that compare the likeness
      You go first and prove your not the ” Bastard Son of Fidel and Maggie the Ho”!!!!

  1. “Statistics Canada is mailing out test kits to tens of thousands of people to study the prevalence of coronavirus in the country, in the first survey of its kind launched by the agency.

    The survey involves asking 48,000 Canadians to poke their fingers and return a blood sample. That sample will be sent to the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg where it will be tested for the presence of coronavirus antibodies. In order to get a good result, the agency is hoping for a minimum 45 per cent response rate.”

    It would be a no from me if I got a blood sample request.

      1. Not sure but I guarantee that journalists like Andrew Coyne will insist that the census canada blood tests must be made mandatory. Maybe save the middle finger for those control freaks.

    1. Considering how much booze he guzzles at our expense, there might be only a small bit of blood in his alcohol stream.

  2. I throw every census form in the garbage.
    Not much chance they’ll get blood from me.

    Well, my blood that is.
    I’m sure I can find a gopher or bird or something that will donate.

  3. That would be a cold day… How far would it be from what they are asking to demanding a mandatory sample to be kept in a police database? (spit)

    1. Any information the police organs get on you , is NEVER destroyed , regardless of how they obtained it or why.
      That includes DNA.

  4. L – While this totalitarianism may be the Trudeau regime’s fantasyland. If he truly wants the blood of Canadians. It is for establishing a citizen DNA database.

    Is the DNA database needed for the same reason that the C.C.P. in China did to the Uyghurs? Is it to enslave, incarcerate and to facilitate organ sale and harvesting? The Lockdowns and coerced experimental genetic “therapy” injections. Which is what they are more likely measuring.

    Anti-bodies disipate over time, as they are too draining of resources for the body to keep producing them. Evolutionary adaptation produces anti-bodies in response to a viral pathogen, but in a normal human interaction, a viral infection goes through the vulnerable segment of the population and dies out within a few weeks or months. As more of the population has acquired or cross immunity or natural innate immunity percentage wise. The viral infection then dies out or ceases to be a threat to the population, as a whole.

    Long term naturally acquired immunity can only be tested via T-cells, which continually circulate in the blood stream. It last for decades and has been measured as lasting for 90+ years. This was done by testing people who had survived the Influenza Epidemic of 1918-19 and for those who had recovered from SARS Covid pre-19 infection.

    The Canadian government does not recognize T-cell immunity. They can’t, as such a medical fact, would point out that a very large and a growing percentage of the population had already acquired long lasting immunity. Thus invalidating the ongoing vaxx(genetic therapy experiment that Canadians have been signed up(sold out for $?) for by proxy.

    Instead of informed consent, governments have violated the Code resulting from the post WW2 Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. Trudeau acts like he’s successfully staged a military coup and is governing from that premise. I’ve a sneaking suspicion that the Trudeau regime and their provincial counter-parts are going to be quite surprised at their future trials.

    Justice delayed is justice denied, may be the judicial principle most applicable here.

  5. I will be self identifying as a house cat,should Census Canada be so foolish as to darken my door again.
    I wonder how many nonhuman blood samples they will receive?.
    The premise of this survey is foolish and no sane Canadian is going to trust Stats Canada and their promises of complete confidentiality.
    They are lying.
    The blood samples will be identified with donor all the way through.And that information shared freely amongst the parasitic overload.
    Remember these are the same bureaus selling the information they collect.
    Their promises are worth exactly what they paid for them..
    Oh thats right,they pay nothing..you do.

  6. Given that this is an official study of Statistics Canada, Jiao said, the privacy of the results will be protected by the federal Statistics Act

    What privacy? The government has it.

    1. Statistics Canada sells its data to researchers.

      They say they delete addresses and names, but the data includes postal codes so the researchers can do their work.

      Now all you have to do is get a listing of telephone numbers, mailing adresses etc and with big data techniques (cell phone location data), and you can match up the stats Canada data with surprising accuracy.

  7. If, upon verification of the presence of COVID antibodies, the gov were to grant an immunity passport, the equivalent to that of a vaccinated person passport, I would mayyyybee kinda take a very long time to possibly think about it…

    If the gov wanted your DNA, they could probably subpoena the information from any blood tests you may have had in the medical services industry.

    If you’ve ever had a security pass to an airport, you’ll know they have your pictures, fingerprints and retina scans, you have provided for access to restricted/airside areas. CISIS most likely has a dossier on you, with at least that information and possibly more…

  8. Does anyone know when our federal Public Health emergency order (or whatever its called) is set to expire? (I assume there is an expiration date) I cannot find that info anywhere. Wouldn’t it be lovely if they simply didn’t extend it past that date and all the mandates etc. disappeared. … I know, I know…. but a gal can dream can’t she?

  9. As a follow up,does anyone still believe that their healthcare records,held by government, are confidential? .
    After two years and counting of Dread Covid Theatre?
    Proof of Vaccination please!
    How can the veracity of said proof be checked?
    Unless these same Minions are rifling through your medical records..
    Sure I am paranoid.
    This is just a conspiracy theory.
    Just as the theory that the RCMP gun registry would be used as a guide to where to steal the collectors guns..remember that?
    Somehow,thieves managed to access the registry and steal antique firearms,worth a whole bunch of money..Oh no chance of a corrupt individual wearing a yellow stripe up their leg,inconceivable!
    Government ,totally trustworthy with your private information.
    You can “Trust” that your information is not private..

  10. While I was still foolishly trusting of government early in the pandemic I foolishly allowed the gvoernment to get a sample of my blood. I was told it was a small private study out of cGill which is why I consented. Turned out this was a pilot study for the larger Stats Can one.

    Also of great though supposedly unrelated interest, genetic studies of those who developed and died from COVID showed the majority have a SINGLE gene mutation inherited from a long dead neanderthal ancestor. The gene is extremely common among most nonAsian Chinese, rare but present in about 2% of Chinese and rare but present in 15% of whites. I find it absolutely astonishing and horrifying that the deadly virus could be deadly via a single gene variant. To me it makes the lab leak theory even more plausible. Dr. John Campbell did a vlog on that one.

  11. Um, how about not happening liberals. Stats Canada collects data it’s not qualified to process blood samples so who is actually doing the testing?

  12. We received a kit, and several follow-up letters. What is this program costing taxpayers, and who asked for it? After my initial rage subsided, I began to consider sending in samples of Canada Goose feces. HONK HONK!
