85 Replies to “Garden Gnome Barbie”

  1. You sure know how to do the torture us Kate!
    Our politicians are painful to watch their idiocy.
    They don’t even make good actors and they practice at this crap.

    Could be worse, she could be representing Canada…quick hide the flag!

  2. Huh. I always figured the Canadians to be the smart ones. She’s speaking of the relative weight and count of a bowl of fruit loops. Sans milk, of course.

  3. Filthy Liberals. “She” is a Rhodes Scholar. Or let me explain. ….it’s, like a Road, only dumber” even kamala looks brilliant now.

    1. “A Rhodes scholar? So how come the new pavement is always darker?”

      Woody, questioning Dr. Frasier Crane.

    2. Simple Answer:

      Kamala Harris changed her skin color and appearance and moved to Canada.

      1. I went through the comments first just to see if someone else picked that up. So I will turn the table: what an outstanding impersonation of KH!

    3. What did she learn from her WEF tutelage? How to LOVE her own voice prattle on about nothing … but LIE about “peoples lives” … people who “tell her” to keep printing MORE useless loonies.

      More narcissistic than 10 AOC’s. She believes ALL Canadian women would like to get with her …

  4. Let me translate the Freerange Turkey speak from the Ottawa valley girl.

    “We are going to, like, watch what’s happening, and we are going to, like, keep watching what’s happening, and we are going to, like, spend money on useless stuff that won’t make a damn bit of positive difference ’cause it makes us look so fabulous. And when it collapses, we will, like, blame someone else because it obviously wasn’t our fault, dude. It was out of our control, like, globalism. Gnarly!”

    1. “We know exactly what to do but we’ll never, ever, ever so much as exchange a knowing glance on the topics because being a Liberal means never having to admit you’re a dunce. The Green Fantasy has killed the western world’s economy and if we don’t permanently reverse course on this stupidity and get $.50 a liter fuel and $20,000 trucks to the people and companies that make shi tin this country you can kiss it all goodbye.”

  5. In answer to the question, she is saying “I don’t know what’s happening”

    1. Which is why we all love Manuel the lovable Spanish waiter in Fawlty Towers when, protecting Basil, he proclaims proudly:
      I …. know ….. nothing.

      It’s a pity she couldn’t roll up sleeves like Justine when saying, We’re watching the data. I mean, that is really very funny.

    2. The lonnnnnng silence and hesitation while she formulates an answer betrays her total lack of any knowledge whatsoever … while she composes said say-nothing bullshitty answer

  6. We are governed by imbeciles, n a z i imbeciles, but imbeciles nevertheless.

  7. I don’t know about you, but when I went to school we were taught how to properly communicate in English. English can be effectively used to communicate a point clearly, where word salads accomplish the exact opposite…. the perfect ‘dialect’ for any lying sac o’ shit politician.

    Same as with Biden, Harris, Jean-Pierre, etc., they don’t have to make sense any more because they have the entire corporate and social media machine to clean up their messes and rework their messages. So now, they are free to stumble around verbally, making sure they don’t string more than 3 coherent words together at a time, so they can say the opposite when it suits them down the road. They know that an absolute army of loyal leftist footsoldiers and propagandists have their backs.

    And the sheeple still vote for these overtly dishonest, self-important, unintelligent, arrogant pieces of shit.

    1. CO

      She’s lying, and knows it, and therefore struggles to keep he thoughts sorted as to that lie.

      1. Ha, so how is this any different than any other time a Canadian Liberal speaks?

        I guess she must have flunked ‘Lying to the People101’ at the Liberal Politician Training Centre.

        1. I don’t think she really cares at this point.
          Just going through the motions.
          More interested in her hair.

          1. Exactly. All of their yadda yadda yaddas are there because “going through the motions” is apparently an integral part of building a tyrannical government within a democracy.

    2. At school I too was taught to communicate clearly in glurntz snurfle, but I’m not sure how well it took.

    1. Cute? Like, sausage cute?

      Between the head shifting, nodding, harrumphing (deep breaths), and body shifting, it appears she’s a nervous fecking wreck.

      Recall earlier pressers with Pinky Hitler, and her in the background, having a virtual nervous breakdown.

      This is what you get when a journalist is appointed Finance Minister of a country.

      She’s risen to her highest level of incompetence, the Peter Principle! And there’s a lot of company in the Liberal cabinet.

    2. Speaking of repulsive stumps… I was walking down the street the other day when I thought i saw the purple-ish Fraulein… I was about to give her the customary seig heil when I did a double take and thought to myself ,why is Fraulein Freeland lying in the middle of the sidewalk and then I realized that it wasn’t the snickering psychopathic nazi that I saw, but rather a huge pile of purple-ish dogshit, an easy mistake to make.

      I’m positive that when most people see Fraulein Freeland there first impulse is to bag her and throw her in the dog shit bin wondering why people don’t clean up after their Great Dane or their pet pig. I ‘m sure it happens all the time.

      The RCMP detail assigned to protect the anal Schwab MInister of the WEF are having to constantly push people back and explaining to them that, “its not what you think it is”… “put your bag away”.

      I hear Fraulein Freelands breath smells like George Soros ass too, which just adds to her, cuteness.

  8. It’s like listening to a story, as told by a 5 year old, but less articulate and informative!

  9. When you have the thoughts of what is actually happening, the ideas in caucus and what their agenda is. Then you have to put that in one compartment and then you have to open up the lies to the media, it takes mental gymnastics to get it right. It takes practice to lie everyday, not to worry tho, their leader will show how it’s done as every word is a lie.

  10. “I think, you know, I meant what I said…..”

    That was her first line in the response. She isn’t even buying her own BS.

    1. I had the same reaction, john. Real comforting that she “thinks” she “meant what she said”.

      As I stated above, wishy-washiness is key to the left remaining flexible to say whatever lies they think will help advance their tyrannical rule at any given moment…

      “Believe all women”… “Except that lying bitch over there, she’s accusing one of our guys!”
      “My body, my choice.”… “Now, shut up while the government injects some experimental shit into you!”
      “Blackface is racism.”… “C’mon now, we said that before we realized Trudeau was addicted to it.”
      “Black Lives Matter.”… “Yeah, they especially matter when we use them as gun-fodder in our big cities to keep gun-crime stats artificially higher.”

      I could go on, the duplicity just never ends.

  11. I imagined Milton Friedman and her in an economics debate, then realized how f…ed this country is !

  12. That was a disgrace. I’ve never heard such vacuous pap.
    All filler and not a single calorie.

  13. Simple Answer:

    Kamala Harris changed her skin color and appearance and moved to Canada.

  14. I’ve met lots of people like her – ask them for the time they’ll tell you how to build a clock.

  15. Question: Are there any consequences for wrongly invoking the Emergencies Act?
    Answer: No

    The End.

  16. And this is the genius-oh-so-capable-and-gifted ‘politician’ to replace the Shiny Pony some day! 🙂
    Screwed doesn’t even begin to describe the situation.
    I don’t know which one is harder to watch, Prime Moron and his fake-concern/dumb look or this retarded twitchy midget lecturing like a kindergarten teacher at every public outing.

  17. In fairness to her, she had to say something stupid so Canadians can understand it. ‘The budget will balance itself’ and ‘we’ll grow the economy from the heart out’ were already used.

  18. Spending 8 billion to fight inflation caused by overspending. What could possibly go wrong?

  19. A small point. Maybe she could do something with that hair so it is not a constant distraction. Very unprofessional.

  20. This Brain Dead Ukro NAZI is as Vacuous as she looks.
    Competing with Kamala for “uselessness”

    Canada is beyond Fooked…& far far beyond.
    It will rise to the Surface as UREA and DEF Shortages put a MASSIVE crimp in the movement of prepped Food, Goods & Food production itself…ANY Diesel Powered Truck built since 2010 will be impacted…

    And then we have that sack of Shit saying they will “watch the Data”…No Doubt, #’s of DEATHS is the stat they’ll be looking at. “Did We meet our quota for the month..??”

    Have a listen as to what Blackrock has mandated Union Pacific to do…

      1. ‘Officially’ governing is closer to the mark.
        Accusing the opposition of what you’re doing yourself reflects the ‘Cheney Administration’ mantra back in the day.

  21. Idiot Liberal voters love this gobbledygook, they think she’s being thoughtful.

    1. The CBC certainly thinks so. Tells you alot about the quality of a journalism degree and what type of person gets one.

    1. Well, those voters aren’t colour-blind, anyway. Their primary virtue is in knowing a red sign when they see one. Low-info voters got what they wanted: MPs just like themselves, but who try to look informed while frantically cranking the buzz-phrase generator. It’s no crime not to know what the economy is likely to do, and no crime not to have a detailed list of actions in response to the unknowns. But the people deserve a government that is willing to be clear about the uncertainties ahead and the need for (cranks buzz-phrase generator a half-turn) flexible response.

      Anyway, this is what the Canadian people get for voting in a parliament full of activists, ideologues, and Authorized Knowers, instead of real folks.

      What struck me was her hair-flipping and paralyzed Jack Nicholson grin. As for the substance, Reg Leach once said it more succinctly, and honestly, when interviewed after a game: “I dunno…I dunno, y’know.”

  22. The symptoms of Korsakoff syndrome are never pleasant to behold.

    If I didn’t think Chrystia’s very birth an outrage to the memory of the Six Million, I’d probably pity her.

    As it is, the syndrome is rarely reversible, so euthanasia might be a genuine act of mercy.

  23. I’m a retired professor of economics, and this is incoherent babbling. What she does here is speak in unconnected catch phrases, instead of using words in direct thought. What gets me that the Ottawa press corps let’s powerful Liberals like Ms. Freeland off the hook.

    Btw, anyone know who Alan Freyer is? I did a Google and couldn’t find anything.

    1. Yes, he was a Tv and paper reporter in Vancouver back in the 70s and 80s with spot appearances since. Used to be on the old CKVU for a time, and maybe a cup of coffee with BCTV and the Corpse.

    1. Name Chrystia Freeland
      Net Worth $5 million
      Occupation Politician, Former Journalist
      Height 1.68m
      Age 53 years
      Husband Graham Bowley
      Children 3
      Salary $162,574 to $575,483

  24. Does anybody understand what she’s saying? I do! Witch Hazel is saying that she doesn’t have a clue of what to do next, so she’ll play it by ear.

    Does Witch Hazel care? She’s laughing at us with that evil cackle of hers, because she thinks that we can’t get to her.
    The resemblance is uncanny!

  25. Incompetence is a LIEberal trait. It’s a feature, not a bug.

    Beyond this execrable example of a Finance Minister, the cabinet is a rogue’s gallery of misfits.

    PM Pinky
    The Dweeb Transport Minister
    The Prince of Darkness Health Minister
    Hans Gruber
    Ms Nervous Breakdown

    I could go on, but we see the trend. A country of morons, led by morons. What could possibly go wrong?

    1. They may be morons but they are our morons! There! Aren’t you proud?


    2. (The Colonel Turdoo March)
      Buttsy had only one wee stone.
      Morneau had two, but VERY small….
      Garneau was just like Morneau,
      but Justyn Turdo had no jewels at all!

      Long after this gang has been swept off the Canadian stage, the impact of their statecraft will go on…

  26. Top secret government information will not be released to the public or to the opposition or to the NDP which are part of the coalition:

    “Liberal MP Churence Rogers (Bonavista-Burin, Nfld. & Labrador) said the motion requesting medical data was a breach of cabinet confidentiality. “For us to try to pass a motion that requests ‘all relevant documents,’ I think that’s a bit of a stretch,” said Rogers. “It sets a precedent is what it does. It sets a precedent which is not good.”

    “Every government, regardless of political stripe, needs to protect certain kinds of information for reasons of confidentiality, which I think most members understand, and to protect legally, commercially sensitive information that could cause harm were it to be made public,” said Rogers.”

    =They were asking for the medical information used to justify the vaccine mandates=:

    “According to Blacklock’s Reporter, opposition MPs expressed support for a New Democrat motion for “a copy of all relevant documents containing public health advice and scientific modeling received by the Minister of Transport” on regulations like quarantining, masking, random testing and a mandatory vaccination rule for air travelers that expires Monday.”


    Will any of the corrupt frauds in the Trudeau funded media report on this?

  27. The Liberals tried hard and they finally found someone stupider than Turdeau. Rhodes Scholar you say? In Girly Studies?

    1. The Cecil Rhodes scholarship is just an underhanded way for the elites at Oxford’s Round Table to groom the next generation of boot licking political sycophants.

  28. What is worse is that people put her into power and never expect any real effort out of her.

    This country is screwed.

    1. Yep.
      Its over. You know it, I know it.
      Death piled upon megadeath, over all the centuries of human misery.
      I’m quite angry.
      Cheri vs Madame Currie, as if Man was qualified to choose, and impose that choice on…everybody.

  29. Next step?
    When the Canadian economy implodes because of Liberal stupidity they will blame it all on the economic impact of the Freedom rally.
