34 Replies to “He’s Not Wrong”

  1. Agreed and not just more than any politician. She and the convoy did more than politicians, police officers, unions, employers, courts and judges, doctors/nurses/medical organizations, human rights organizations, 99% of Canadian journalists, academics, and there is probably more that I’m missing.

    1. Freedom George is out of jail after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor crime of consulting to commit mischief.
      After 110+ days behind bars.
      Pat King still not released. 119 days and counting…
      Govern yourselves accordingly.

  2. FACT!

    As per Dave’s comment a few days ago: “338 MPs. And not one of them stood for your freedoms.”

    Not one of them.

  3. Agreed, but why leave it there? I believe a groundswell of the plebs should nominate Tamara Lich for the Order of Canada, anybody can make the recommendation and were there several thousand recommendations it would be hard for the GG to ignore.

    Do I think the advisory council (who are undoubtedly lieberal functionaries) would review the nomination fairly? I doubt it, but as Kate always says MISCHIEF IS IMPORTANT. And while we are at it why not nominate James Topp too.


    1. Forget that. President of the CBC with Don Cherry as Chairman of the Board.

    2. They gave the Order of Canada to Morgentaler.

      It has meant nothing ever since.

  4. When Pierre Poliviere is pm he really should put her in the Senate to make the bastards seethe. After he makes Ezra Levant one of course (in keeping with the tradition of appointing journalists).

    1. PP PM


      Wait @PierrePoilievre voted to pass Bill C-6?? @jordanbpeterson chatted with him for an hour and a half and this never came up?

      @jordanbpeterson is a disgraceful hypocrite. Disgusting @PierrePoilievre
      did indeed vote to pass Bill C-6.

      And @PierrePoilievre, you fool, you voted to criminalize parents who try to stop this from happening to their children.

      You voted to criminalize parents who object to the sterilization of their kids.

      You, along with everyone in our government. Useless buffoons, all of you.


      1. Fk off you left wing …. Don’t pretend your not a liberal Freeman Just fk off You sickening Ontario prick

      2. Fremen

        The MAssive Wall of Silence for 2 Full years…from every ass kissin Politician in this country Mayor on up…??

        100% Collusion with the DAVOS NAZI’s

        …and when one contemplates the vey very real possibility that our elections have been screwed with on more 1 occasion…..Yea.? As a Calgarian, I’m still wondering who da F is that skank that’s playing Mayor in Calgary….?? Gondek..??

        Never heard of that Commie beotch.

        1. Real shifty spelling freeman wrong why do you reply to your own posts? Used to be a great website.Personally just hanging on out of respect for what it once was.

  5. The powers that be already planned to wind up Wuhan flu hysteria before the Freedom Convoy came to Ottawa.

    Outside Red China, most governments that still pretended very hard to be “democratic” had slowly figured out that with Donald Trump removed from office with little chance of returning there, WFH had become far more costly than it was worth as a means of social control.

    (For starters, they hadn’t expected quite so many skilled white men to take vaccination mandates as their cue to “go Galt” and leave the official labour force.)

    If Tamara Lich had been part of a successful effort to remove Trudeau and Freeland from power with prejudice, and replace them with people less inclined to plot a genocidal war against Russia, Canadians might indeed be freer and more prosperous today than they are.

    As it is: let Tamara enjoy the rubber chicken circuit while she may. She failed us. Now Canada, and all mankind, must pay the penalty.

  6. Like I said,Tamara is the face of the true loyal opposition of Canada..
    And Canadians recognized her..$ 10 Million donated in days..
    Most all from Canadians who have had enough.
    Of our 338 Posers,not one spoke for our God Given Rights and Freedoms..
    All presume a citizen’s rights and freedoms are privileges extended by Government..They are Statists,Thugs of the lowest order.

    Tamara has not failed.
    This is a slow process..
    She is winning.
    The Liberal/NDP criminals are losing and they do not even know why.

      1. Yes, I also agree. Just need to help get her message out to all the people who don’t know her name.

    1. Quite right. And it worked. Justatwit did what he always did, hid under the bet. But what Lich and friends did was not lost on the Ontario government. Doug Ford was committing to terminate mandates before the end of the blockade. He knew full well that Canadians were fed up with this stuff. In a very real sense, the truckers won. The mandates came down for most Canadians and private businesses after the snowball throwing in Ottawa.

      And Ford was right. He won a resounding victory in the provincial election in May, crushing the NDP again, and again reducing the provincial Liberals to non-party status. Many people long remembered how Wynne and the Liberals put tens of thousands out of work with their green energy stupidity. Steven Del Duca got soundly kicked for policies he was part of.

  7. Strong woman, crushed by Trudeau the feminist.. It didn’t have to be that way.. As for giving her a hard time.. What could she do against the full power of the state?.. Nothing but sit in a cell until she regrets challenging the feds..

    Remember.. You get to keep your rights as long as you don’t use them in any way the government see’s as a threat.. Right down to simply insulting them.. The cops?.. they never were your friend.. Same goes for the military, doctors or any other arsehole on the payroll..

    It just the way it is..

  8. “Put her in the senate”
    Please no.
    Make her premier of Alberta and lead us to a vote on U D I!

  9. Love this woman!

    Courage. Bravery. Guts. All three words now have her picture next to their definitions in non-woke dictionaries throughout the universe.

  10. I’d rather have someone like her in the House of Commons than the career politicians we have now.
