64 Replies to “I’m Not Eating Bugs”

    1. That occurred to me as well, but can the company survive with chicken-feed prices?

    2. I might try a small cricket at the end of my fly leader? That’s it. Then I’ll EAT the wild trout … thank you

    3. I saw recipe for a deep-fried sweet chili heat chicken sandwich.

      Does that help?

    4. Not only do chickens love them, they are evolved to digest them, unlike humans. Good luck getting cricket carcasses cleaned to a normal standard for human consumption. Who will be gutting these nine million kg of crickets.

  1. Are they going to be raised on a ranch? If so, will cricket rustling be considered a crime? Will they be branded at round-up time?

  2. Let us look on the rainbow side of the clouds, OK? The shrieking blue hairs want us to eat bugs. In the near future, the bought and paid for media will unleash a shame and shock campaign to pump up your bug eating. Allies will pitch in, too. Movie plots changed to celebrate the diversity of bugs eaten. You know what is coming.

  3. I wonder how many of those 2 year out orders are from meat processing companies? And how soon will meat processors be mandated to have a percentage of bugs in their products?

    As the saying goes, you can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out.

  4. To be sure we should trial this on the federal government. End meal expenses unless the meal consists entirely of bugs. If our government isn’t willing to consume bugs then why should we ? Maybe while we’re at it we could apply a six figure per gallon tax on private jets to appease the climate gods.

    1. How about we just end meal expenses, and the government should not be encouraging keggers, so end all government spending on alcohol too.

  5. Francisco, are you sure about that ? (“I’m not eating bugs”). Because when there will be nothing else to eat, instead of cannibalism and eating rats we will probably be happy to eat bugs, who knows.

    Unfortunately I’m pretty sure we will get to that point no pb. Our dear leaders (North & South of the border) are clueless and careless enough to lead us-all to total disaster.

    1. I’ll go with the cannibalism. How bad can a good grass fed vegetarian be?

  6. Where is PETA (a boy is a dog is a cow) when you need them…

    Should I wait for the Animal Liberation Front to blow this place up, or is it like they only go after the old ladies wearing fur and not the bikers wearing leather?

  7. I was a Canadian grain inspector. Believe me. You already eat bugs. All foods have a tolerance for insect parts. But I’m not going to buy bugs as food. Got to draw a line somewhere.

  8. Nice to see our tax dollars at work via a hefty grant from the Sustainable Development Technology Canada.
    Aspire Foods recently bought EXO Inc. an American cricket flour manufacturing facility and the maker of EXO bars, made of cricket protein, guaranteed to have you rubbing your legs when you want to call your mate over for some fun. “I’m over here in the corner underneath the carpet!!!”

    PETA is strangely chirpless throughout this weird push to have us eat other forms of protein especially given their proclamation that insects are sentient beings no different than other lower forms of life like humans.

    The latest warning labels on beef and pork products from our gov’t sure makes me think there’s a method to their madness.
    If you refuse to eat it…it’ll be legislated so you do.

      1. *
        Rusty… as they say in the Prepper Community…

        “We’re just nine meals away from anarchy.”


  9. And how many billions will Trudeau pour into this fiasco?

    Is forcing kids to start eating bugs and other shit part of their manipulations?
    Or am I just being bugaphobic?

    “Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

    ― Theodore Dalrymple

  10. Does anyone have a cricket based perogie recipe to send to Fraulein Freeloader, the Deputy Prime Spinster?

  11. Good luck trying the redesign the human palate and disgust/aversion impulse.

    Crickets and grasshoppers are great feed for chickens and other poultry and pigs. The Palliser’s Triangle region in Saskatchewan and Alberta can, by themselves, supply all the grasshoppers needed in Canada. Just engineer and tractor attachment that can scoop them up off the fields and pastures by the tonne. Pretty sure no one on the prairies but extreme environmentalists will eat insects though. Why would you when, between our massive agricultural production (grains and livestock) and abundant wildlife, the two provinces have real food everywhere.

    1. Years ago I met a fellow who lived in Saskatchewan during the dirty 30s. Cricket infestations made for cheap protein for the chickens. Until the eggs started tasting like crickets. It wasn’t pleasant for him even after 60 odd years

      1. Egg flavor and quality will change with the composition of the feed. The farm fresh eggs we get from a farm down the road taste much better than grocery store eggs. The yolks look and taste richer. Added bonus, the eggshells aren’t paper thin. Way better quality.

        I assume farmers wouldn’t go 100% bug feed. That being said, I’d eat an insect fed chicken or egg long before I’d choose to eat insects. Frankly, I’d eat gopher kabobs or roadkill stew before I’d eat insects. Insects are last resort survival food but even then….

    2. LC Bennett – you haven’t been listening to the enemy enviros closely enough.

      They want to end traditional agriculture.

      The enviros convinced the British to cut back on cereal production back when Britain was self- sufficient, and that’s why they and Europe now buy Russian and Ukraine wheat.

      It’s all part of globalism, which is just a stalking horse for environmentalists imposing socialism on the west. The other half of globalism is to strengthen the West’s enemies, or at least make the West weaker wherever possible. That means locking in Saskatchewan and Alberta’s bounty.

      You will own nothing, eat crickets, and be happy.

      1. Hunting, growing food and raising livestock is as old as civilization. As is bartering and trade. The mistake is believing we need the government’s permission to engage in agricultural production and the buying of food. That’s the mentality of a serf.

        Stopping agricultural production on the western prairies because of aristocratic decrees from far away politicians in Ottawa just won’t happen. Danielle Smith recently said it well…we’ll just stop following stupid federal laws.

  12. Once the blue haired hippies change their diets to bugs and stuff, the demand for real food and their prices should drop….

  13. Yes! And the Beyond meat industry is doing so well that the local Walmart were I live has to throw out %99 of all the product that they put out because no one will buy it!

    1. *
      VANCOUVER – “Researchers at the A&W Centre for Theoretical Food at the University of British Columbia were found yammering incoherently after piercing the scientific veil and briefly seeing what lies beyond ‘Beyond Meat’.”

      “Everyone was screaming, brandishing forks, and spraying condiments this way and that,” reported a first responder. “And the smell, it wasn’t meat, but it wasn’t not meat, either.”

      Several of the younger researchers had removed their clothing and were screaming about a “flavour that should never be tasted” and demanding their tongues be removed so they could never taste again.


  14. And the company name: A S P I R E.
    I have a weird sense of humour and am exceptionally sensitive to linguistic nuance, so this company name cracks me up; no one, least of all the company founders, our insane political leaders or eco-nuts, are aspiring to eat insects. It takes real chutzpah to make a word denote its polar opposite. D R E A D would be a more honest name. YUK would be cool, or Ewwww Inc.

    1. It sure rings of Gov., Aspirational. Who ,in their right mind but leftists would propose “I think 90 million dollars would be well spent on a beetle factory”,No?. “Lets see if the gov. will give us some money?”..I hope Andy Lee finds out who is in charge of this company.

  15. Reminds me a little bit of what happened in Ontario some years ago when more than just a few farmers thought Ostrich meat was the up and coming thing and invested quite heavily in it.
    Nah…people just weren’t interested.

  16. I can’t even feed cricket based dog food. My dog would bite me and then piss on me.

  17. If people want to eat bugs, they’re welcome to.

    If an entrepreneur can start a successful business that caters to those who want to eat bugs, all the best to him.

    That’s freedom. That’s capitalism.

    As long as they don’t REQUIRE me or anyone to eat bugs, and as long as they don’t give them any taxpayer dollars.

      1. Oh I know that there are miniscule amounts of insect parts that find their way into the foods we eat. That doesn’t bother me at all. But replace meat with bugs? Not!

    1. They won’t require you to eat bugs. They’ll just make cattle farming uneconomical.

  18. A colleague of mine runs a cricket protein operation in Thailand. He says cricket protein tastes ‘a little more earthy’ than whey protein and doesn’t taste nearly as bad as sprouted pea protein. However, you shouldn’t take cricket protein if you have a shellfish allergy, which I do, so I can’t taste it on behalf of you lot.

  19. There is BOC, and there is GFR. The rest are little pussywillows, cashing in on the masses.

  20. I’ve used European grey crickets as a food source… For my tarantulas!!

    1. All those food processing plants in the USA have been burning down. It would be such a shame if this new cricket plant at 2450 Innovation Drive, London, Ontario, should also burn to the ground. But when I say this all I hear is crickets.

  21. Factory produced bugs, or locally raised cattle, hogs, chicken, turkey, lamb, goat…

    Tough call.

  22. I like eating those crickets and I cook with cricket flour. It’s good plus I like grossing out friends. Honestly I really like eating crickets. Bit of an acquired taste.

    But I prefer beef, pork, chicken and fish. And goat, lamb, shrimp and duck.

    I don’t want it taxed and I want it as healthy and tasty and cheap as possible.

    I want it fatty too. This skinny gal eats boatloads of fat, butter, nuts, whole fat dairy, coconut and avocado.

    If you eat high fat you get satiated quickly and can literally go 12 to 24 hours without eating no problem.

    Wanna get thin? Like so thin you’ll scare your momma? Eat fat. Don’t eat fruit sugar carbs or booze. You will get rail thin and muscled up too with little exercise in fact.

  23. I’m waiting for that fat little guy from the drive through family burger chain to start extolling the virtues of the “bug burger.”

  24. Just another take the grant money and run scam. Within six months they will be defaulting on their liabilities. Despite all the taxpayer money dumped on them the plant will bust and the money will disappear.

    1. A certain percentage will “disappear” into the Liberal party of Canada.
      This is how they roll.
      Just as the same “certain Percentage” has contributed to the massive cost overruns on the Kinder Morgan Pipeline..Another “well managed” public works project..
      Notice how that Canadian Government Owned Pipeline Project never gets any media attention anymore?
