69 Replies to “The United States is in the Very Best of Hands”

  1. She’s Canadian and a DeMarxist enviroNUT.

    Incompetence, or Deliberate, is the question.

    No further explanation needed.

  2. This is why we’re in for a terrible, terrible decade. We have fundamentally stupid and unserious eco-warriors in power all over western society. They will burn the whole house down and proclaim it good in the eyes of Gaia. The people who go up in flames with it? Collateral damage.

    1. Reply to I.M.

      What is that Canadians say?


        1. ‘We Don’t Want To See People Hurting?’

          Pull up your pants legs, Boys and Girls,
          The Bullshit is getting deep hereabouts and around her.

          1. Yes they do. They want you poorer and dependent upon their benificence.

    2. Absolutely no doubt the first two years of this decade were the worst since post-WWII. I sadly agree it’s going to get much worse before the turn. One thing is certain, there will be a turn and the longer it takes the uglier it will be.

      1. I predict that some point in the future we’ll welcome the Chinese as liberators.

        1. The Chinese don’t want us as a people.
          They only want our resources , land, minerals, water , etc.
          Unless you are useful as spare parts then into the ground you go to be used as fertilizer.

          We are of the race of White Devils , as far as the Chinese Elite are concerned, that poisoned the Chinese with drugs back in the 1800 and 1900’s for their homeland resources.
          They don’t forget easily nor forgive.
          Damn any help we gave them during WW2 to fight off their Nippon oppressors.
          We shall reap what our forefathers sowed.
          Remember that.

          1. Slow down man. The Russians are our enemy right now, the Chinese will have to wait their turn.

  3. Command Economy..
    By the command of retards.

    Our Progressive comrades progress just like rust,at first a little discolouration under the paint,then suddenly the whole structure falls apart.

    And yes,they really are this stupid.
    For you have to have real experience with building things to appreciate the realities..
    It all looks so easy,when you watch someone else do it.
    “The oil companies can ..do as we command”.
    Funny how shareholders might just get a little mean and vindictive if the companies were insane enough to follow “Government Advice”.

    But this is our reality.
    Idiots who have no competence,who believe at least 6 impossible things before breakfast each day,believe they rule.
    And they use the abusive force of Government regulation to enforce their delusions of adequacy.
    As stated no country has ever voted their way out of State Enforced Madness.
    S.E.M designed to seek and mainline O.P.M.
    Other peoples money being the opium of all our Parasitic Overload.

    If you think crackheads are desperate when strung out,wait until the OPM runs out.

    Oh ?
    Why wait? It is happening in real time..
    $9 Trillion..That we know of.

    1. They’re in a rush now because they will not get such a compliant US President in the future.

  4. Central planning at it’s finest.
    Well, not at it’s finest. It will get much much worse.

    Anyone got any good recipes for Venezuelan Dumpster Rat?

    1. Hey Stan – first you catch a seagull…
      We here in Alberta have a dearth of rats (allegedly) notwithstanding those that we elect!

  5. That woman has shown in the past that she is of unstable mind, to say the least.

    How long before she and other Gloablist fascists start getting lynched… she is a dangerous ideologue and most likely a sociopath.

    These people are playing with fire.

    1. It is all about the NWO and end times. it is time too get yourself right with Jesus.

  6. “petro-dictator, Putin” So gas prices are this high because WE refuse to buy his stuff.

    She screwed my state, now my country…c’mon, man, can’t you guys take her back?

    1. Finders keepers. No way! We have enough of her ilk here. She would be one more foot on the gas peddle of the destruction of this country, which I feel is imminent.

  7. Diesel from local dealer is up another 10 cents tommorow for farm and commercial diesel.
    Current trajectory will lead an unavoidable reccssion. Enjoy !

  8. There’s nothing interesting or new here. She’s just lying. Even the CNN dude called her for lying.

    No company is going to invest money now, knowing that the government intends that they go out of business in five years. Particularly not an oil company run by guys who -know- what will happen when the fuel runs out. That’s just another obvious lie, told so that the stupid people will keep voting Dem.

    One of the biggest problems the USA (and Canada!) has is that the number of credulous idiots who can be gulled by so obvious a lie is only growing.

    1. “One of the biggest problems the USA (and Canada!) has is that the number of credulous idiots who can be gulled by so obvious a lie is only growing.”
      That’s putting it mildly, too mildly, IMHO.
      I’d say the problem is a citizenry that gets continually flogged, and told that it’s for their own good, and all they have to say is “Thank you, sir, may I have another!” after each lash.

  9. Years ago we all agreed this wasn’t right and should be corrected:
    1st world luxuries > 3rd world holes.
    Our politicians solution:
    1st world holes = 3rd world holes.

  10. The west continues to fade into insignificance.
    Western culture is now nothing but a bunch of gender-confused watermelons who aspire to eat bugs, and viciously lash out at anyone who interferes with the power and money monopolies of its elite.

    India and Russia have their International Transport Corridor Ready

  11. Everything she says is absurd.

    The day everyone drives an electric car, the USA will still be at the whim of whatever nation that has the important minerals and rare metals necessary to make electric cars that the USA does not have ( or not enough of ).

    Going green does not make the USA independent in any imaginable way. Quite the opposite since 90% of rare earth metals come from China.

    Also when Trump was President the USA became the largest producer of oil, was energy independent thus was at the whim of no one.

    Oil companies are not to blame, the Biden administration is, and most people know that, even under informed leftards.

    She said other things that are completely wrong.

    She also contradicted herself a couple times.

    That woman is obviously not very intelligent.

    1. Not to mention the “fossil fuels” needed to make such plug-in toys.

    2. She must have gone to a Canadian Government approved school, which was staffed by Ontario teachers union indoctrinators. No one with any sense of objectivity could describe them as teachers!

  12. That is like holding a man down and then telling him to get up.

    This is why we need Romanians and convoys.

    1. You are laboring under the false assumption that western culture can be fixed, but by all means, continue to flog the dead horse, as our economy tanks, our freedoms quashed, and our children reared by drag queens and mutilated by the state, to the applause of pretty much every single social institution.

      1. Yeah, we’re all doomed, just drink the koolaid and die, right?

        You first, buddy.

          1. Oh, so I should just give up now and avoid the rush? Sure I’ll get right on that.

            Chinese or Russian doom troll, sir?

      2. Except that history has proved it.

        The Roman Empire fell, yes. Wait a few centuries and – voila – the Enlightenment.

        Try reading about it.

  13. I grew up with the oil industry and worked in it myself for a while. She has absolutely no idea of how the business works and, no, a lot of producers do not have deep pockets.

    Bleedin’ watermelon commie.

      1. Many small oil companies are traded on the stock exchange. I’ve looked at the annual reports of some of them, focusing on the financial statements. Many are mortgaged to the hilt as leases and equipment cost money and it may take several years before they turn a profit.

        Even if one has acquired a lease, there’s no guarantee that the formations will be productive. Lots of times, those companies end up drilling dry holes and they likely can’t recover the money they invested. If those wells do produce, there’s also the question whether there’s enough yield to turn a profit. Sometimes the wells have to be stimulated but, again, that doesn’t mean there’ll be more oil or gas flowing.

        That dipsydoodle of an Energy Secretary doesn’t understand that, thinking that every oil company is a BP or an Exxon, regardless of what size it is. Then again, neither do the likes of A. O. Donkey Chompers.

        They need to be involved with a well workover or a refinery or gas plant turnaround to see what’s involved.

  14. If Jennifer were serious about making sure the US doesn’t run out of gasoline, all she would have to do is embargo exports of refined oil products until the Europeans showed willingness to recognize Russian sovereignty in the Ukraine and cut Zelensky loose.

  15. You can see CNN inching towards more balanced coverage these days, striving to reclaim their previous (alleged) stance of political impartiality rather than serving as a propaganda arm of the DNC.

    It’s a strategy that they should have adopted the minute Biden won the election. Their ratings are bumping along the river bottom.

    1. Right? I was very surprised to see the newsreader call her on that bullsh1t. Usually they just nod and say uh huh.

  16. Demonizing the petroleum companies even as they demand these companies save their political butts. Straight out of Atlas Shrugged.

  17. Explain the concept of cause and effect to a liberal.
    It is impossible.
    They are incapable of understanding how a specific action can cause an effect because they simply don’t have the intelligence to grasp that there is any connection between cause and effect.

    They ran up a few hundred grand in student debt studying the humanities and can’t grasp the idea that economic energy policy disincentives affect people’s decisions on oil and gas investments.

    1. Liberals use emotions the way we use facts and logic

      which is why they are wrong on almost everything

  18. Dems know they’re going to get slaughtered in November and they’re hoping to boost the economy so as to prevent an all out rout.
    Oil is what makes the world go round and all the green pie in the sky isn’t going to change that. Sadly, for Democrats they’re finding out the hard way.

  19. The problem with the left is they believe in policies that don’t work. Even in the face of demonstrable failure when those policies are enacted, they still believe.

    1. Dirt
      Belief is an emotion, and fMRI studies have shown that the emotional area of the brain, when active, shuts down the logical area of the brain. And yes religious belief is also an emotion that adheres to this rule!

      1. Belief is an emotion, and fMRI studies have shown that the emotional area of the brain, when active, shuts down the logical area of the brain

        After the last two plus years I call bullsh*t…

        The only thing dummy down the population currently is the clot shots…

        First and foremost, affective immunology is a framework of research based on two fundamental assumptions: (i) the immune and emotional systems mirror each other; (ii) both the immunological and emotional responses are dynamic and continuously changing. The first assumption is based on a large body of both clinical and experimental evidence showing an increased incidence of emotional disorders in patients suffering from immune diseases


  20. Energy companies should shut down completely and let the Biden administration collapse.

  21. Both sucking and blowing.

    It’s the motto of this generation of politicians, bureaucrats, and educators everywhere.

  22. Granholm is yet another clear example of the importance of our 2nd Amendment rights.

    And what’s with those McDonald’s arches eyebrows?

    1. No point in forcing them to stay in doors if they have no AC. Which many don’t in Europe.

  23. Canada and the US of A are akin to Thelma and Louise . That T- Bird is headed for the precipice and the mindless idiots who voted for them are oblivious to what’s coming . Thank you whore media for doing your part .Those same asshole voters were no doubt glued to the show trial exhibition.

    1. ?
      didnt watch the thing but l thought it was suicide.
      if so the comparison still stands however . . . ol’ Brad, he lucky got outta the back seat in time.
      anybody know his C footprint?

  24. So that’s the plan leading up to the midterms, keep publicly demanding the oil companies produce more petroleum products at the same time they make it impossible for them to do it and the media will dutifully report the oil companies are responsible for the woes of the country. The democrats might be stupid but they’re not stupid.

  25. That Granholm is energy secretary at all is a reflection of how utterly dickless Republicans are. The woman’s disqualifying conflicts of interest are endless.

  26. yo greenies, ever heard of cold turkey? try this:
    you are forbidden to:
    use ANY vehicle, EV or otherwise on a road made of tarmac an OIL product.
    -wear ANY item of clothes made of synthetics made of oil, rayon, nylon, polyester, etc
    -eat ANYTHING, seeds delivered, cultivated, harvested, delivered, etc in ANY way utilizing ANY oil.
    -use any gadget, utensil, electronic device, tool, etc that required AT ANY POINT IN MANUFACTURE OR DELIVERY that even in the slightest required the use of ANY oil product.


    get the drift greenie? hmmm?

    1. Most people don t know that 99% of plastics are made from PETROL

      that in part explains why those dumb greenie leftists think we can live without petrol

  27. $9,000,000,000,000
    for the longest time, comparing numbers either side of the 49th l would just
    multiply or divide by 10 do get a proportion estimate.

    uh oh.
