69 Replies to “June 18, 2022: Reader Tips”

      1. Joe Biden, the most popular President in US history! 81 million votes! He even got more black votes than Obama!

  1. Many years ago, I read Pappy Boyington’s autobiography Baa Baa Black Sheep. The TV series took considerable liberties with the story.

    Boyington initially served with the Marine Corps air service, but then served with Claire Chennault’s Flying Tigers in Burma. He later rejoined the Marines and saw service in the South Pacific. He was shot down in 1944 and was a POW of the Japanese until the end of WW II.

    1. In his autobiography he said the 9 months of being a POW of the Japanese, and the accompanying forced sobriety, actually improved his health. It was no secret that he drank like a fish.

  2. Should have posted this earlier but it shows why we loved those H/B cartoons. The kids watching those cartoons picked up on the catch-phrase of the week and repeated it over and over. Some were even non PC like Quicks Draw telling his Mexican sidekick to “hold on thar Bubba, I’ll do the thinnin around here”

  3. A precursor to Baa Baa Black Sheep, 12 O’Clock High covers the American airmen in the UK during the Battle of Britain. The air combat footage is actual WWII film, so unfortunately it’s often blurry and hard to follow, but well worth it nonetheless.

  4. Elon “Musk said he was leaning toward backing the Florida governor if he runs for president in 2024”. “DeSantis has a better chance of winning.”.
    Desantis replied, “I’m focused on 2022, but with Elon Musk, what I would say is, you know, I welcome support from African-Americans.”.

    “This guy is very, very smart about keeping us talking about him, DeSantis,” (CNN’S) Jones added. Should we be worried that CNN is calling DeSantis smart?


      1. Why do you think he wants tens of thousands of his sats in orbit.
        The better to connect all mankind to the hive mind.
        Evil does come in the form of banality.

      2. pffft.
        well l got no concerns about this vision of the future.
        no twitter acct, no fakebook acct and when my laptop got swiped by a meth head
        l grabbed a cludgy google chrome. verrrry limited capacity and ghastly interface.

        1. DeSantis?

          Does he serve the Republic of The United States of America first?

          or some other state outside the USA?

          You can’t serve two different nations at the same time…

          One loses…

          And it is always We The People…

          A Big Change is a coming…

        2. PH , I judge the character of someone by their deeds not by what comes out of their mouth.
          DeSantis has a few questionable acts under his belt.
          I am still on the fence about him.
          I guess we are all , not perfect.

      1. farmerboy – he became a naturalized US citizen in 2002. Perhaps he an African-Canadian-American.

    1. In 2019 the CRTC removed the rule that made it illegal for our Media to lie to us in their news broadcasts…


      Helps to explain everything else since…

    2. “the 1st casualty of war”
      skill testing Q: howcum l gotta wait till all this true staggers in from the battlefield,
      finds a resting spot @ SDA, instead of msm?
      A: l just answered my own Q !

    1. Tim Pool featured this story on his podcast, last night. These morons could not have had better timing in undermining the Jan6 bullshit. Hilarious.

      So, Schifty Schiff lead an insurrection! Lucky for him he carries a Democrat “Stay Out of Jail” card.

  5. The world doesn’t revolve around me or you.
    So some belly-acker has been here a month and the so the rest can’t have a fly-over at a football game?
    Pound salt. I don’t care who it is, veterans, refugees or retards, STFU or hide in your hidey hole or do both.


    Besides the jets, three Chinooks came down the Ottawa river yesterday afternoon and I was hoping troopers were on board and they were on a mission to arrest the Prime Minstrel and Bag-licker Singh.

    1. If any refugee can’t process the difference between Canadian forces demonstration flight and a drunk russian mercenary drooping napalm on their homes, they’re free to crawl back to the warzone.

  6. “(German) F1 driver Sebastian Vettel arrives at Montreal Grand Prix in anti-oilsands T-shirt”

    The T-shirt said “Stop Mining Tar Sands” and, below a picture of a pipeline, added “Canada’s Climate Crime.”

    As he spoke, Vettel was wearing a green team T-shirt. Across from the Aston Martin label on his chest was the word Aramco — Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil giant.

    “A race car driver sponsored by Aston Martin, with financing from Saudi Aramco, complaining about the oilsands,” (Sonya Savage, Alberta’s energy minister) wrote on Twitter. “Rather than demonizing the oilsands, which is on a path to net-zero, people could look to lowering their own personal carbon footprint. Perhaps a pedal-car for Formula 1?”


    1. like a post l made that didnt pass muster,
      are F1 cars powered by sawdust now or what?

  7. I have an associate who works at Terra Industries in Ontario’s chemical valley. He says Terra is one of 2 plants that manufactures DEF. Terra has a longer than normal shutdown coming this autumn and he is dubious about the DEF supply situation. For what it’s worth, thought you might like to know.

    1. I suspect DEF is like toilet paper, only worse. Once truckers hear of a shortage, they try to lock in a year’s supply to stay in business.

    2. Farmerboy
      ….that one issue could be the # 1 Weapon in Depopulating North America.

      Union Pacific (Owned by BLACKROCK…of course), has told PILOT Flying J Ltd. , THE supplier of DEF to Flying J, that their shipments of Bulk in Rail Tankers will be Reduced by 50% asap.
      They supply some 20-30% of ALL DEF in the United States and up here as well.

      ANY DIESEL VEHICLE BUILT 2010 and later…??
      All need DEF – Often.

      Casual Diesel Pick ups 1500/2500/3500 can always do a DEF Delete.
      Commercial Rigs…?? Not happening.

      1. Casual Diesel Pick ups 1500/2500/3500 can always do a DEF Delete.

        A lot of owners do that.

        After I had the emission control system taken out of my truck, a Dodge TurboRam, one could clearly hear the turbine whining when the engine was running. In Fort St. John, that’s a common sound, so I wasn’t alone in the deletion.

  8. For those here excited that Bill Maher has had some kind of awakening…. think again…


    I heard Krystal would be on his show and was curious to see how it would transpire. Wow, Maher’s irrational hatred of Trump is so ingrained that he STILL BELIEVES the Trump/Russia Hoax. Tim Pool is right, Maher is one of the least informed pundits in the ‘industry’ and demonstrates here his intent on staying that way. Embarrassing.

  9. I am on the mailing list for TCW ( The Conservative Woman). It is based in Britain, but covers the gamut of political and social issues around the world. The articles are thoughtful, informative and well written. I could spend all day reading them and the comments, and it would not be wasted time — but I usually limit myself to one or two. Here is a thought provoking one about efforts to ” decolonize” British Columbia. I don’t think most people support this wide scale revisionism, that really does destroy our heritage and sense of history: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/british-columbias-rejection-of-britain/

  10. Lieberal Slime Alert! Lieberal Slime Alert!

    10 a.m. this morning I saw somebody I thought I recognized going into an eatery at Howard Park and Roncesvalles Avenue (Toronto), and it was confirmed when an older man greeted the person as “Gerald (Butts)”.

    Yes, it was Gerald Butts the best friend of Justine Trudeau, and the person behind Dalton McGuinty and Trudeau’s Green scams, congenital liar and the former head of the World Wildlife Fund Canada.

    Why is there never a baseball bat handy when you could use one?

      1. If there was a tree removal service near by , I am sure they would have let us use the chipper gratis.
        Cleanup not included.

    1. Older SDAers may remember there was a running joke about a tricyclist on the show Laugh-In. And, yes, many of those clips ended with him falling over.

    1. Cats, rats, worms, bacteria, when you go, you go, now she’s one with kitty….litter!

    1. Wow! I always thought that many of the COVID positive test results were cold or flu virus detection (funny that the
      flu has pretty much disappeared for the past couple of years, eh?). It should be well known that the PCR tests were
      throwing off high fall positive numbers depending on the cycle threshold.

      We went through all of this shit for nothing!?

      I’m not ‘vaxxed’ as I’m not a believer.

    2. He is 100% Correct.
      Full on SCAM designed to scare the living shit outa the MSM/Big Tech/Social Media watching population…into Desperately seeking their Salvation.

      12 months in, they jumped at the chance for said Salvation as they injected a NON Approved vial of Filth into their system…and spare me the EUA, that was totally predicated on the Fraudulent Trashing of proven prophylactics: HCQ & IVM

      This SCAM was predicated on a 100% Frauduelnt testing protocol RT PCR and later, the Rapid Test which will also show pos if you put a drop of Tequila on a strip.

      PLANNED since at least 1990. And every stinking Politician above Mayor in the Entire Western Hemisphere was 100% on Board….w/very few exceptions.

      Not one person in our entire f’king Parliament said SQUAT.
      NAZI Filth the entire lot.

      1. 100% agree.
        cbc has been wailing away about ‘pandemics’ and the bs that goes with that lie… since the 90s that I recall.
        Lying ba$tards they are.

  11. LAWYERS?
    And the PGA Suspended Players are on the Golf Tournament Green this Weekend…
    Certainly has been a hell of a bad week for PGA Commissioner and his bullshitting reasons why these players were penalized.

  12. I’m pissed now…

    Jagmeet Singh


    · 23h

    “The Liberal Government’s grand plan to help Canadians with inflation is to send you $7 more in GST Rebates. That’s not even enough to get yourself a dozen donuts from Timmies.”

    Jagmeet Singh.


    And like he’s gonna throw his guaranteed income under the bus for this…bullshitting expertise at work.
    Thanks Trudeau for buying your “opposition”, another dipshit diplomat.

    1. for TWO years l attempted to find out what followup, auditing, inspection were done after f aid to ahfricah from the mp, a LIEberal.
      after that time they claimed to have no record of my request or any others.
      gave a big sigh, sat down in the reception area started to put it all in writing and got threatened with trespassing charge.
      so l left. within days read an editorial on the topic, pointing out there was NO checkups.
      that mp wound up charged with fraud and lost his seat.
      Karma baby !!

  13. USCMO Concludes National Muslim Advocacy Day

    America’s largest coalition of Islamist organizations gathered in Washington D.C. on July 13-14 for the 7th Annual National Muslim Advocacy Day. The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), a suspected proxy of the Turkish government, led over 300 delegates to lobby members of Congress in support of its legislative priorities.

    USCMO is an umbrella of Islamist nonprofits and civic action groups that represent an extreme cross-section of political interests. Many of the organizations hail from foreign Islamist movements that encourage political participation as a means to advance theocratic reforms.

    Meeting with over 200 elected officials and Congressional staffers, USCMO lobbied for the following legislative measures:…
