Renegade Regulator

**CONFIDENTIAL โ€“ Do Not Distribute**

Situation – The AGM in Calgary provides P.S. Knight the strongest opportunity to date to make his case publicly against CSA. He will no doubt work hard to find new content to present and to provoke CSA into a response that he can use to further his case. We also became aware of [redact], [a] TC Member who is linked with Mr. Knight and is in discussions with CSA. He is currently not registered, but might show up and pose pointed questions during AGM. We fully expect a number of potential disturbances, media inquiries and announcements from Knight to coincide with the AGM, and are prepared to manage them as outlined below.โ€

Related Freedom Of Information dumps

17 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. I find manufacturing from other countries ‘bait and switch’ products and parts for cheaper and inferior ones.
    But our politicians don’t catch on and all in on these agreements.
    Cords now overheat as lighter wires are used.
    Buying what your supposed to receive is usually okay for the first product…
    But many times, they’ve been switched with not the materials it was supposed to be.

  2. I’d forgotten all about that guy. I wondered then if the fix my house guy was in on it or truly shocked to see crap work being done.

  3. I’ve used his manuals many a time on how to properly wire up a new house with 200 amp panel and a cottage back in the 80’s .
    Used his industrial one on a warehouse with 600v 3 phase from the mast to 120v plug outlet and everything in between.
    Clear, precise and to the point.
    Couldn’t have done it without him.

  4. I went to the attached links…but I’m a bit in the dark as to the basis for all of this. Could someone summarize in about a paragraph. It seems from my point of view that there is a Standards Bureau that was misrepresenting themselves. An electrician named P.S. Knight challenged them on their position so they established an arm to address critics…instead of admitting their short comings and addressing them internally….which recently came to light due to an information dump.

    …and this all took place back in 2013?

    1. Orson,the long saga of PS Knight versus our corrupt government goes on for decades.
      Through both Liberal and so called conservative governments.
      Proves we are without law in this failed nation.
      And that both groups of politicians belong to the same party.
      And these bureaucrats would jail Peter Knight if they could,which is why he has sought refugee status in America.

      1. “Through both Liberal and so called conservative governments.”

        Bingo! And that includes 90 percent of those who are currently sitting… on both sides of the House. Including at least one
        Conservative leadership hopeful.

  5. While I am all behind PS Knight & co. I do wonder what if anything will ever come of this. He’s already had to flee the country thanks to our thoroughly corrupt judiciary. Continuing to annoy CSA by airing their dirty laundry may provide some level of catharsis but I despair of Knight ever seeing justice.

    1. Daniel; wasn’t quite what Orson asked for but in fact your comment was an excellent precis of the situation as it stands. i agree with you.
      The corruption, like the Gov’t itself, is a Never Ending Story.
      On a side note, I couldn’t help but notice that the Judge clearly stated that CSA IS a Government entity! Wasn’t that a fundamental cornerstone of the battle? I may be confused but wasn’t it Knight’s position that CSA was Public, and CSA’s claim that they were a private corp.? Or have I got it backwards?

  6. Electrical safely is pretty serious.
    I wonder why none of the Liberal garbage media in Canada think that this is a serious issue.
    Could their morals and ethics have been compromised by the three pieces of silver?

  7. Google image “3rd world power lines”
    We are headed for 3rd world status anyways……..

  8. Reading all this I cannot help but think the CSA and how they handled this has been a template for what we are seeing with so called “heath” bureaucrats today.
    How dare you question their authority.

  9. Not just Electrical, Stan. Up here they’ve got a monopoly on ‘Approval’. It’s pretty much impossible to market anything without their CSA sticker on it (or UL). Baby cribs to you-name-it.
    Just to be clear, you as a manufacturer, pay CSA HUGE fees to have them supposedly test your product. Months later you may or may not receive their blessing.
    If you’re a serious player, they may allow you to do your own testing and apply their CSA sticker to your products…after again paying them serious money.
    To quickly recap, Knight Sr. was a major contributor to the Can. Electrical Code. They’ve taken his content and claim it as their own under their copyright. The Knights claim that they didn’t surrender the rights to their contributions and are entitled to use the contents of the Cdn Electrical Code in their own publications; ie it’s in the Public Domain. CSA says they’re private and own the material. I think I’ve got that right; feel free to correct me.
    That’s why the Judge’s comment re “Gov’t entity” is so surprising. I don’t think he/she realized the implications of what he/she said.

    1. Problem here Dan,is that it does not matter.
      The judge can tell the absolute truth,admit PS Knight is validated under all of Canadian Statutes and the process will continue.
      These corrupt scum are the Kleptocracy,above and beyond the law.
      Or so our Liberal appointed Judges keep ruling.
      The lawfare against PS Knight is transparent and abusive,blatant conflicts of interest with the deciding Judges..and no one is responsible..
      Why we even bother having a Minister of Commerce,is beyond my understanding..
      “Not my responsibility” as the conservative slid away..
      Fat effeminate scumbag,whoes name I cannot remember already “Moore?”

  10. No argument from me, John.
    “Fat effeminate scumbag…” you’ll have to be more specific, that was a big net you threw out there! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Buy a copy of Knight’s version of the electrical code. I did! Doesn’t matter if you’re not an electrician, just give the guy some business. And having a copy of the electrical code on your bookshelf is a real conversation starter!
