Joe’s Got The Magic Touch

New York Post- Biden says Saudis will help lower gas prices — after denying he’d beg for more oil

The National News- Saudi Arabia: no additional capacity to increase oil production beyond 13 million bpd

The crown prince also said that unified efforts were required to support the global economy and that unrealistic policies regarding energy sources would only lead to inflation.

“Adopting unrealistic policies to reduce emissions by excluding main sources of energy will lead in coming years to unprecedented inflation and an increase in energy prices and rising unemployment and a worsening of serious social and security problems,” he said.

The summit in Jeddah was attended by US President Joe Biden and leaders from the six Gulf Co-operation Council states, as well as Egypt, Jordan and Iraq. Mr Biden held bilateral talks with Saudi leaders on Friday in Jeddah.

18 Replies to “Joe’s Got The Magic Touch”

  1. Whatcha Trading for Joe?

    American ‘Greenbacks’?
    We have tons of those…
    (less your 10% of course).

  2. I am convinced the democrats are trying to figure out what to do with joe and Kamala before November. The solutions are so obvious and yet they cannot seem to grasp them for god knows why.

    Joe should have been in Houston, not Arabia, to figure out how to get more oil. These people are so stupid. So dumb. So utterly devoid of any common sense. So clueless. I cannot even get my mind around how stupid these people are.

      1. Most people are stupid. I would say about 65% of the population is dumb. I would say about 5 % are evil.

        But that 5% is over represented in political circles. Sociopaths and other people with personality disorders comprise the majority of politicians.

        So yeah, most politicians are either just dumb, sociopathic and evil or just plain creepy or weird. Patrick Brown, Bryan Jean, that wild rose traitor b*tch, Jean Charest are examples of conservative politicians that are creepy and weird. Even Leslyn Lewis who I like is still way overboard on social issues.

        As for liberals and dippers, they are all nuts.

    1. hannah
      They don’t want to increase production in the USA, as it would put paid to the lie they are pushing, and he who’s butt is gay, the transport secretary has already admitted that they are keeping the price of gas high to try and force people to buy EVs. If they increase domestic production , they will want to reduce it again in the future, and that would be political suicide .

    2. Biden of Arabia! Jeeezuzz Key-ryyyst! And he even comes away with some kind of a savior complex … like Lawrence. As if … as if he is gonna “flood” the market with “conflict oil”. He can’t do shit, except look stupid and scramble his reading of the cue cards. He’s been a total pathological LIAR his entire life as a politician-leech. A pompous, idiotic, LIAR.

  3. how does getting Saudi Oil months from now, help today?

    what benefit does the Saudi’s get for increasing output?

    Other than it’s currently trading at +$6 over WTI

  4. 900000 bbls a day on standby in alberta

    and prince selfiesox of blackface had promised the euroweinies some too.

    1. Alberta should be closing the taps and defying Ottawa and SCOCk demands to open them. Never let a crisis go to waste.

  5. That statement on the insanity and catastrophic consequences of “excluding main sources of energy” from the Saudi prince is the only realistic and reasoned comment on this topic from a national leader that I have heard in years.
    Sad when an unelected Middle Eastern has a more sane press release than any elected Western leader.
    Quite a reflection on the current state of our “Democracy” that we seem so proud of, and so eager to export.
    Looking at the comparison between the Saudi prince and Joe, in demeanor and in grasp on reality….why would anybody want whatever governmental system we are advocating?

  6. Like first timer wrote, the House of Saud has way more sense then 10 “western” democratic nations.
    If Juthtin suddenly arrived in the Kingdom out of thin air they’d geld the fukker. For starters.
    Ardern of NZ would be feeding her brethren, the camels.
    And Old Joe would have been sent to a European spa where he could forget who he ever was or wasn’t and what he did and didn’t do.

  7. Isn’t it nice when the country that flew planes into the WTC 20+ years ago is a bigger friend to Americans than their own leadership.

    1. Hiho.

      9-11 was an Inside job using remotely controlled aircraft to facilitate a war against all islamic nations…why.? To keep what Eisenhower said from happening …. Allowing the military industrial complex from running America via endless war.

      $$$$$$$$ . The be all End all…name me a time when the US was at Peace since wwII…..???

  8. Joe also takes a magic pill before meeting people. But I’ll let Tucker tell that story.

    1. The man is a kleptopedophile … copping a feel off every little girl that gets near him!!
