30 Replies to “The Electric Hummer”

  1. And in Beijing, all the kids are singing:

    Hey ho! Numbah wun Joe
    Thank to yu, we no go slow!

  2. Ship ’em off to the Ukraine!
    Don’t forget to send crews along to teach the Uke army how to charge them.

      1. No thanks I don’t do EV, but I’ll be happy to direct you to a crowdfunding effort for Warmate kamikadze drones that will be send to Ukraine to help them make orcs good.

        1. Rectum, erm Colon
          hahahahahahahahaha, will the ghost of snake island be piloting one of those?????

          1. That Snake Island that Ukrainians recovered from russians? Where russians lost a cruiser, several small craft, multiple SAMs and a couple of helicopters? Compared to what? A few prisoners that have since been exchanged. Keep digging.

            Also, Warmate is turning out much more effective than Switchblade as it is much harder to jam. Ukrainians can’t get enough of them. Look it up dipshit, one day it may be the last thing that your orc father in law sees.

    1. Oh lookie here, the resident EV fanboy all of a sudden had change of its deranged mind.

  3. This is ridiculous. Utterly useless in any combat zone.

    Unless they only intend to use them to run around American Army bases in the US…in which case it is just lame.

  4. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

    You cut me off right at the pass on that one, Francisco. LOL

    Anyways, how do you recharge a military EV in battle? Are our enemies going to allow us to call “time outs” to drive our vehicles to charging stations, and then wait patiently for us return? Or, maybe the next 100 billion dollar investment in the US military will be for extension cords.

    Lefty leaders are destroying our militaries with the same precision and enthusiasm they are using to destroy the rest of western society.

      1. They could deploy Prinz Dummkopf there as we knows which part of him is the source of all sunshine.

      2. Mark 1 Diesel generator – truck mounted
        Unfortunately because of efficiency losses in the generation and charging of EV batteries more fuel will be needed. And what size battery pack will be needed on that M1Abrams or do you just drag around a replaceable battery trailer? New meaning for friendly fire.

  5. “Private Bloggins–take this dead 150lb battery back to HQ, plug it in and get a fully charged one and bring it back here.”
    “Yes, sarge. How far is HQ?”
    “It’s about 60 miles (100km) back that way. See you next week.” Once Pte Bloggins is safely out of sight…I’d radio a buddy with a gas vehicle to come pick us up at grid 123456 and party for a week in the nearest town.

    1. The battery in the electric hummer weighs 3000 lbs!


      And what about damage tolerance?
      A crumpled fuel tank may hold less fuel but is easier to patch, if it has a hole in it and to change out at first convenience, than a battery pack.. The first thing an enemy is going to do to disable it will be to aim for the battery, if it starts on fire, that will render that asset completely useless..

      1. Zon
        When dirt track racing, my friend blew an engine, we changed it and had him ready to go for the big points event. Were did we get the replacement engine, one of the other guys and his dad ran a scrap yard, and had a spare. So he lent it to us, so our guy wouldn’t have an excuse at the end of the year for not winning the points race. That is how good olde country guys are!

  6. Hopefully only the Brass and streamers can drive said vehicles, utter idiots are destroying the American/Canadian military?

  7. Electric Hummer, I thought it said Election Hummer, and it was about Camel HairASS’ assent in politics!

  8. Don’t forget the biofuels for our jet fighters.
    Next question is what do we do to make munitions environmentally friendly?

    The ultimate solution would be to go with swords, axes, bows and horses. Now how do convince our enemies to do the same?

      1. Who what supplying it at that price, and who did they employ or hire to give speeches?
        Who has shares in that company?

  9. The idea is so stupid its hard to believe it made it to evaluation stage. Such is the woke military.

    Make sure it has plenty of mil-spec attachments for the rainbow streamers and ballons.

  10. Sigh.

    It seems only yesterday when the US army’s purpose was to fight and win battles and wars.

  11. Give them a few months and the left will anounce that from now on the USA military will only fight on sunny and/or windy days to make sure the electricity they use comes from the sun or the wind.

    The United Nations will pass a resolution warning other nations that if they fight on cloudy days or wind less days, they will have to pay an extra carbon tax.

    The New York Times will write articles about how green wars, zero emission wars are such a great thing especially when fought by transgenders and LGTBQs and colored females.

    My silly sarcastic comment is not that far from reality.

    Leftards are that insane.
