24 Replies to “The CBC Hates Us”

  1. I nominate Jack for an immediate promotion to Captain.
    Captain Obvious.
    CBC doesn’t have a monopoly on this, all legacy media behave this way today. It’s why it’s garbage and it’s why I severed all cable news shows years ago.

  2. I remember that piece (of shit).
    The CBC can do whatever it wants which is what the Libranos and the PMO tell it they want.
    And what they want, what they really really want, is to shit on white conservatives and malign them continuously until they’re all dead.
    The irony of the piece (of shit) is that the author of it is far more right wing than my right nut – as in lets throw the homos off roofs, cut the hands off thieves and treat women as property – but then that would be Islamophobia, right?

  3. What’s even worse is that CBC hates us on our money.

    So despite having $1.5-2 bill annually, they have the shittiest vetting process for the texts submitted.

    How in God’s name, this garbage below passed as fit to publish?

    “During the first hour of my shift an elderly white woman came in with a walker. After she left I couldn’t help but wonder whether, despite our pleasant interaction, she was one of the people who hate people like me.”
    “It was jarring to realize that many of the people who had seemingly been nice to me throughout the day had chosen to vote for the Conservative Party,”

    1. Dan, on your note, the CBC is top-heavy with editors and senior management, as compared with private-sector news media. It’s just that the CBC is so corrupt, its many biased editors approved of this type of racist swill.

  4. The CBC is the sophomoric agent of cultural vandalism in service of the progressives of all stripes. Its aligned with the politics of envy resentment and hatred, formerly predominantly NDP but now with the Liberals, Greens, and Red Tories (their favourite in house useful idiots). Critical race theory expounded on by depictions of retrograde ambassadors of seventh century theocracy would be seen as otherwise ridiculous if it weren’t for the level of ignorance of its audience.

  5. If you wear a badge that says “Elections Canada” then Yes, we hate people who look like you. It has nothing to do with your skin color, turban, burka or whatever.

  6. Stopped listening to cbc when it became clear that it wasn’t what they were telling us, it was what they weren’t telling us. Other options out there for sports, weather and the facts.

  7. I hope pp follows through and refunds and permanently closed the CBC on day one. Give the rebel first crack at buying the assets.

  8. CBC banned me again.
    Too many off-topic posts, whatever that means.

    Though I must confess I did try to draw them out with a convoluted reference to the movie Zoolander without mentioning it by name.
    Any post with the word ‘Zoolander’ in it is instantly whacked.
    Maybe that name strikes a nerve in certain circles.

  9. Defunding this woke echo chamber and blight on the taxpayer can’t come soon enough.

    1. I stopped watching the TV end of CBC more than a dozen years ago and, even then, I only saw the occasional late-night movie.

      Then I slowly cut back on listening to the radio side of CBC. I quit listening to As It Happens in the 1990s, after more then 20 years, because of that commie twit Michael Enwright. Not quite a decade ago, I stopped with Quirks and Quarks (after almost 40 years) when it sounded more like Climate Change and Climate Change as that was all that its guests talked about. Even Ideas had, regrettably, gone off the rails.

      Finally, my listening to the Saturday afternoon opera broadcasts came to an end when someone who Ben Heppner interviewed started whining about “systemic racism” in that business. Hello, SiriusXM for my opera fix…..

      Good riddance, I say.

  10. One guy at the CBC is doing his job. Let him be the last (and only) man standing when its 90 year run ends this decade.

  11. Which means nothing.

    Take away a few million and then let’s see how the CBC feels.

  12. I paraphrase somewhat. Rex Murphy: “ In my last days at CBC my main task was to water the ferns of the David Suzuki memorial in the basement”.

  13. I listen to CBC radio sometimes driving to work, to compare the talking points with the US media (I have satellite radio). Remember “not exonerated” or “insurrection”? Yeah, it’s all the same right to a T. I switch channel when they get to the Canadian contents, I don’t really care about interviews with two-spirit lesbian native theater plays.
