I, Napoleon

Welcome to Waterloo.

The Tavistock gender clinic is facing mass legal action from youngsters who claim they were rushed into taking life-altering puberty blockers.

Lawyers expect about 1,000 families to join a medical negligence lawsuit alleging vulnerable children have been misdiagnosed and placed on a damaging medical pathway.

They are accusing the gender identity development service [GIDS] at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust of multiple failures in its duty of care.

This includes allegations it recklessly prescribed puberty blockers with harmful side effects and adopted an “unquestioning, affirmative approach” to children identifying as transgender.

Last month NHS England announced it was shutting the Tavistock clinic over safety concerns following a damning external review. Care will be handed to regional children’s hospitals.

Faster, please.

22 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

    1. TRULY Buddy

      But you can bet that Every one of those failed Human Beings (Pro Gender Bending Parents)….NOT one of them ever picked up a hammer, built a basement suite or plumbed a fking Toilet.

      USELESS University tainted human waste of skin.
      May they all take that 4th, 5th booster.

      Sorry if that offends ANYONE…but a Parent is supposed to nurture not Purposely destroy their children for woke status.

    2. Yes, indeed. Parents who allow this to happen to their kids are clearly not fit to be parents, and how doctors (“first do no harm”) can support the madness is beyond my comprehension.
      Both parents and doctors and should be charged with child abuse and/or “mutilation of a minor in their care”.

      1. Doctors no longer take the Hippocratic oath, because it prohibits abortion. So, “first do no harm” is out the window. And thus, though they may be highly trained in medicine, they’re not actually Doctors.

  1. This is what socialized medicine looks like. It’s one thing for the government to pick energy sector winners and losers according to the FRAUD of CAGW … it’s quite another for the NHS to pick healthcare for children according to an LGBTQ+2s agenda. A sick in the head, genital mutilating, agenda.

    Ceding medical care to the government … is giving up, and giving in … it’s suicide

    1. Exactly.
      Government provided “health care” is by definition political and thus subject to the whims of the modern idiots in charge at the moment.

  2. Kenji

    Absolutely… I for one am done with anything to do with the improperly Named HEALTH CARE System…am going 1842 – look after myself…& my Wife. Only thing my doc has to do is to re-up my meds prescription.

  3. My GF has a daughter with severe anxiety and other issues. Call her Sara. One day, Sara’s acting nuts, so we take her to the Clarke Institute for an assessment. A young – mid 20’s – intern takes Sara off to a room for a private discussion. She comes back twenty minutes – *twenty minutes* mind you – and tells my GF that she has a son named ‘Dylan’, and that she was recommending Sara be put on immediate hormone treatment to help her ‘transition’. Did I mention this was after 20 minutes?

    My GF put her foot down, and cooler heads prevailed. Sara remains a girl, and a boy-crazy one at that. But I wonder how many parents would have let themselves be rail-roaded by quacks like this?

    1. Not all of the parents are stupid.

      Some are craven and would be glad to get cyber high-fives from people they don’t know because child mutilation is the New Thing.

      Aldous Huxley was super-right.

  4. You get the feeling that the worm is finally, finally turning? The blind, deaf, numb Normies are finally catching on that these child-molesters are serious.

  5. “Kevin Bacon wants to end conversion therapy
    The veteran actor thinks the ‘timing is really good’ for his new horror film, which is set in a conversion therapy camp, and he was inspired by the rest of the ‘They/Them’ cast”


    “The film’s executive producer Scott Turner Schofield — the first trans man to be nominated for an Emmy award — praised Kevin for taking a stand.
    He said: “It’s really meaningful that he would choose to help raise awareness about the abuse that LGBTQ+ youth face in so-called ‘conversion therapy’ because the reason why it’s still happening at such a large scale is because there is so much silence about it.””


    No irony in there at all…
    Now do a movie set in a transgender butcher shop.

    1. When this disgusting fad ends, bring this up again to remind Mr. Bacon of his “good” sense.

    2. Didn’t Mr.Bacon and wife get their fat trimmed by Bernie Madoff? Couldn’t happen to a nicer Hollywierdo couple.

  6. A few years ago I watched a documentary about the orbital lobotomy fad used to “cure” hysteria and mental illness. The gender reassignment industry is eerily similar.

    Patients, most often non-conforming young women, were diagnosed as mentally ill and then doctors scrambled their brain through their eye socket This too was heralded as a revolutionary treatment and progressive medicine. The fact that the patients were turned into a zombie-like state didn’t seem to bother anyone.

    Today instead of scrambling the brain of gender non-conforming people, usually girls (tomboys), progressive medicine is amputation body parts, wrecking their fertility and scrambling their hormones.

    Institutional medicine is littered with a history of cruel and damaging treatments – electric shock, eugenics inspired sterilization, unethical testing of experimental drugs, etc. I suspect gender reassignment hormones and surgeries for children will be added to that list.

  7. To the parents bringing their children to drag queen story hours…allowing “physicians” to basically castrate their children…assigning genders etc. Seriously, who the hell are you people?
    Like anyone else I have a rather extensive circle of friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbours, you name it, I don’t know anyone even remotely fitting the description of these sociopaths.
    It’s like I’m living in an alternate universe.

    Then again, thousands of parents are inoculating their children with unknown substances so maybe it’s not as big a leap that I think it is.

  8. Before they blame the “clinic” that ruined these kids lives forever….save the majority of the blame for these useless “parents” who thought the credit they would gain for their “wokeness” was worth sacrificing the well being of their children.

    The only good thing to come of this of course, is that these “parents” won’t be grandparents.

    They sterilized their own kids. Now their legacy is going to end with their damaged children.

    1. Most such parents have children merely as status symbols. They can claim bragging rights for their brat being “rainbowed” or some such thing.
