26 Replies to “Your Telephone Is Racist”

  1. Yup. We can only use telephones made out of birch bark and buffalo droppings because copper wire and semiconductor devices are, well, colonialist.

    1. Don’t be silly.

      Phones and ALL accoutrements of the Western lifestyle are racist and must therefore go.

      Big Grievance doesn’t need that stuff, right?

      1. That’s right–we could go back to smoke signals, can’t we? (“I’m sorry but that signal fire’s busy. Try again later.”)

  2. Destroy the history is just the Liberal Party following the Communist Playbook as they have for quite some time.

    I believe Liberals are knowingly/unknowingly traitors, guilty of treason and this country will not be saved until that truth is addressed.

    The “Natural Governing Party” and all its constituents are all in for Worldwide Globalism/Communism.

  3. If there is no history there’s nothing to learn from. We all get to start over. Those in power can decide how to proceed and assuming there are still a few adults out there who were able and willing to think, and rationalize, they would quickly be put down. (You can decide what that means). How the life of mass pop. will live/work would be much easier to dictate if there’s no history. Easy to start with the young and simply turn them into mindless zombies. Zombies don’t need telephones.

    1. The Great Reset is all about going back to the beginning and undoing all of the mistakes of the past 6,000 years. I’m sure Schwabbo wouldn’t mind if we went back to banging rocks together….. and staying that way.

  4. I’d call up this Board of Historical Purge (heh), but I believe they are disconnected from reality.

    Where’s a Dutch or French farmer and a Liquid Shit Spreader when you need one?

  5. I thank Bell for bringing us pictures of naked African women in National Geographic that I enjoyed as a youth. The guy defined social activism in his age and the dirty filthy stinking communists abandon him.

  6. The massive irony here of course, is that Trudeau and his virtue-signaling cohorts are the most overt racists we have witnessed in our lifetimes, rivalling even the Dems and their utter contempt for blacks.

    The Liberals have purposely used, abused, and kept down Canada’s native population for generations, and this destructive treatment continues unabated today. And leftards are soooo tribal, they are completely blind to this inconvenient truth.

    1. CO

      You are 100% Bang on with that Assertion.
      Typical LIBERAL Playbook talk lots and do absolutely sweet Fk all..while ensuring they and those connected, get the largesse.

      As it ever was in Canada..

    2. It’s not enough for the Indigenous to KEEP their culture … but they must DESTROY ours. Sorry Chief … you cannot destroy or alter history … esp. when it’s written down … not just whispered down through the generations.

      1. Oral tradition >> written word. Knowledge keepers >> engineers and scientists.

  7. Sounds like we can ignore complaints of Cultural Appropiation as suspect if they are in a written European language or carried on any electronic media.

  8. When Mozart was composing his masterpieces, Indians were banging on drums.
    Now our culture has rap music, and Indians are banging on drums.
    And Europeans are always being blamed for harming their culture. Go figure.

    [I used to tell my kids that rap music was one of those words where the ‘C’ was silent]

  9. AS per REBEL news announcement this AM…one which comes as ZERO surprise.
    Der Furher Trudeau will be instituting a DIGITAL ID.

    I’m going to assume that will require some BS app on ones phone..?
    if that is the case, PHONE shall be smashed with a hammer and tossed in the garbage – up till the mid ’90’s, never NEEDED a Cell phone…with this NAZI CCP shit a comin, I can do without once again.

    I’m not a Fcuking whale, grizzly or a “jew’ to be tracked with a “collar” or Star of David.

    1. That’s been in the works for a number of years.

      The federal government used to issue cards for one’s Social Insurance Number. The one my father was originally issued was on paper while those for my mother and me were on plastic.

      Right after my mother died nearly 10 years ago to the day, I made a few phone calls as to what I should do now that she was gone. I was told back then that the SIN needed to be returned. I didn’t bother with that because, for several years, I had no idea where it was and I only found it while I was working on settling my father’s estate.

      I called the federal government recently and asked about how to best return it. I was told that it didn’t need to have them back. As of 2014, SINs were issued only by letter. I was told that this was done out of fear of what would happen if one’s wallet was stolen. (Yeah, right. I got my SIN nearly 50 years ago and nobody gave a rat’s patootie about that card, or the wallet in which I put it, being light-fingered.)

      Why bother issuing a card when all one’s personal information can now be kept on some portable electronic device?

  10. So former Brantford resident Alexander Graham Bell gets cancelled for colonialism but the person Brantford is named after doesn’t? Joseph Brant was a slave owner (black and red) and I’m pretty sure the mohawk nation he led effed a few other tribes over at some point. He’s also the guy who sold off most of the land along the Grand River to whitey in the first place. This country is a clown show, neither of them should be cancelled, the past was a foreign country, they do things differently there.

  11. Bell did NOT invent the telephone. It was invented in Poland by Alexandreski Bellachuck.
    He is known as the first telephone pole.

    1. It wasn’t invented. It was voted upon by means of a telephone poll.

  12. There are a lot more valid and important series of queries re AGB and his alleged “inventiveness” than the simpleminded woke dumbness constructs of this pathetic era.
