When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Breitbart has published everything without redaction and the leftynet is crying.

The document, obtained and reviewed by Breitbart News, shows that the DOJ and FBI waited several days after Reinhart approved the warrant to conduct the raid, something that severely undercuts the talking points issued by Attorney General Merrick Garland in a public statement on Thursday when he broke his silence to discuss the matter in televised remarks.

New rules.

20 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Having read many of the comments in the thread, I can only suggest that the left is driving off a cliff. And it looks good!

    1. Yeah, yeah. Whatever.
      All together now, “The walls are closing in, any day now…” etc. etc. etc.

  2. How and why does Unme change his name to Sam L now? It’s hard to keep up with the posters that I have to skip by.

  3. Lefties like Sme L up above are in their manic state right now.
    When the depression comes they’ll be drinking, popping pills and sucking monkey cox like there’s no tomorrow.

  4. From that Don Lewis tweet:

    The Breitbart article has names of agents, which obviously puts a target on their back.

    How does it do that? Is Hillary going to go after them?

  5. Is it not the case that the alphabet agencies have agreed to not do any investigations publicly within 3 months before an election?

    August 8th is exactly 3 months before the November 8th midterms. Though Trump is not directly running, Trump-endorsed candidates make him part of the elections.

    One wonders if the timing was a direct threat to the Republicans in the vein of, “We can and we will.”

  6. Words not often passing my lips.”Thank you Senator McConnell”. On reflection Thank you Harry Reid for setting precedent and then nuking the filibuster.(See: Karma is a beatch)

    To think this guy was close to a lifetime appointment at SCOTUS

  7. Secret nuclear documents are what one source is saying the raid was after, I didn’t have time to read the link, especially when it sounds too stupid for words.

    But it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump was going to launch nuclear weapons from Mar-a-Lago!

    Who knows, he might have held the world at ransom for One Million Dollars!

  8. I don’t want to see the system fixed. I want to see all of the abuses repaid 100 fold towards the leftists. Go back as far as 50 years ago and dig up everything. Severely and grossly punish every individual that played a part: academia, big tech, corporate media, and of course all levels and branches of government. Once we’ve run out of targets, then re-implement a judicial system.

  9. Wise people say that the president has absolute authority to declassify documents. People around Trump also say he had a standing order that every document he checked out was declassified. I suspect basic stupidity kept the FBI from knowing this. I suspect Trump lost all his keepsakes and little more. Obama took 20 million pages with him. Trump took a dozen or two boxes.
