8 Replies to “Biden’s America”

  1. Can anyone prove that the FBI isn’t an influence and blackmail operation since it’s inception?

    It’s good that at least some of the published commentators are starting to notice

  2. I am amazed anyone can ever be convicted on FBI testimony. The lies roll off their tongues smoother than the truth and everyone knows it. I’m betting they tell as many lies as RCMP swine.

  3. J. Edgar Hoover was a master blackmailer, and his brand of sociopathy is part of the FBI’s genetic makeup. The FBI can no more be cured of its criminality than a harp seal can become an angus cow.

  4. Is it Garland himself “losing the people”, or more a complicated media propaganda and brainwashing infrastructure that can no longer stay ahead of the massive volume and depth of leftist lies?

    I predict that in just the next couple of months, the Ben Shapiros, Tim Pools, Viva Freis, Jimmy Dores, Steven Crowders, etc of this world will be aggressively squelched by multiple platforms… if not directly by government, itself. That will swing the ‘info wars’ back in the corrupt Dems favor.

  5. I read somewhere, and not just once, that Merrick Garland and his family owns the company that creates and publishes “CRT” propaganda that teaches in schools across America, as well as teaches public and private companies and all
    .gov entities, that white people are evil.

    Merrick Garland truly hates,hates,hates the Goyim with a burning passion !!!

    1. Yes … his son in law …


      Nothing to see here … just a “good” Father in Law weaponizing the Federal Govt. against anyone who would dare infringe on his family business. All “legal” and whatnot. If you disagree, then you are a domestic terrorist! Never thought I’d hear anything quite so SICK spewing out of America’s highest legal system

  6. Those who count the votes don t care if they are not popular

    they will still win elections
