14 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. I believe it was Mark Steyn who asked how long will we keep bringing the 3rd world to North America before North America begins looking like the 3rd world? It has nothing to do with the immigrants but rather their worldview, religions, code of conduct and legal codes. British common law vs the Napoleonic Code. I realize this is a vast generalization but it bears consideration. We are now entering legal thuggery territory.

  2. I’ll be following this. Absolutely appalling, and why haven’t we heard of this before?

  3. We’re being ruled not governed and I’d say the Liberals are upping their game.

    In a similar vein. This tweet from Mark Gerretsen Liberal MP from Kingston responding to Poilievre’s proven claims that the vaccine mandate was politically driven.
    “We can not wait for the next election to suddenly decide this type of blatant lying is unacceptable. It’s populist rhetoric meant to exploit fears and instil distrust in the very institutions that protect our democracy. It’s dangerous and must be confronted now.”

    Um, what the hell is that supposed to mean??????????
    Our media of course is silent.

    1. It means A) Mr. Gerretsen is very, very afraid for his job and B) they’re going to go ugly on Poilievre. All the tricks in the box will be coming out to play.

  4. It’s stories like this that personalize what’s happening in this country. It will be stories like this – of a normal citizen ground down by the Kafka-esque nature of the Canadian legal system – that will enlighten people to what’s going on.

    I’m not sure it will matter, though. When I’ve pointed out in the past similar abuses the response I’ve got has been “well, he shouldn’t have resisted arrest” or “he shouldn’t have broken the law”.

    This place has finally shaken itself free of its reflexive “Back the Blue” nonsense, but the rest of the citizenry have a long way to go.

  5. I feel sorry for the guy choosing asylum here in the U.S., our government has no desire to protect it’s citizens, let alone legal asylum seekers.

    In some ways we’re almost as much a post legal society and in other ways even more so.

  6. Sure the Liberals promote this kind of corruption,but…
    The criminal actions against PS Knight marched on without impediment or concern right through the Harper Years…
    Another clear indicator that we have the Uni-Party forming our political “Leadership or that the politicians are irrelevant to the Rule of the Keptocrats and Regulators..
    Reform CSA has proven that we have no one who gives a damn in political office.
    Western Separation is a certainty..
    Before or after the civic collapse is the only timing question.

    The Surly Tradesmen’s Association recommends “death by the book” for all of these parasites.
    They killed the country under the weight of their mindless rule making.
    Let them die by being crushed under stacked Code Books.
    Justice can be served.
