29 Replies to “House Cleaning”

    1. I was just thinking they will stop counting at 11pm, and then “poof” suddenly she “wins” in the morning.

    2. Exactly Dan.

      But I don’t think the Dems are going to waste their vote counting (rigging) machinations on Liz. They’ll wait for the mid-terms.

      The Dems are going to try the slow drip of ‘could contain’ press briefings and DOJ leaks on the contents of Trump’s document boxes to try and influence undecided voters away from Trump and Republicans.

      1. True.

        + shenanigans with mail-in voting because of sudden surge of some covid/monkeypox variants

        And Yes, they will continue with Trump pinata. When you’re imbecile enough to vote once with DNC of course you will believe all the crap they feed you through slave media.

  1. Wyoming GOP voters don’t like politicians with integrity.
    They prefer crooks and liars.
    No surprise.

    1. Lol, that self-aggrandizing corrupt Big State blowhard has “integrity”? Lemme guess, you think Pedo Biden is a decent man too.

    2. Watch out, TimG, be careful around here, there is no tolerance for common sense and integrity in Trump-World.

  2. Earlier today I saw a video of Fauci ascribing himself to being honorable and always speaking the truth. That caused some vomit in my mouth. But this insane speech from this TDS-infected witch usurped that minor incident by at least a factor of ten.

    1. Good Lord! Not only is she equating herself to Lincoln … she is citing his losses before he won the Presidency. Good God!! Is she setting the table for her GOPe run for the Presidency?!! In 2024!? Delusional doesn’t even begin to describe this LYING whore!!

      PS … Lincoln didn’t launder $7mm into $44mm during his tenure in office … but Lizzy did. May she be visited by some of the new 87,000 armed IRS Agents

  3. What a clueless_____! I shouldn’t say It. Comparing her defeat to civil war dead. Talks about the history of violence of mankind, that clip will go over well in the Middle east, especially Iraq and afghanistan. Dense. What this whole Covid episode has done is lay bare the imbecilic status of the carpetbaggers who infest our society

  4. Another psychopath is defeated. The only person unaware of the massive and decisive loss she was just handed is the evil bitch herself.

    Does Dick Cheneys daughter really believe that she will somehow become President one day ? Like Lincoln did ?

    Hey Liz, if the Deep State Communists of the DNC, the CIA, FBI, NSA, State Department , DOJ etc etc couldn’t insert Hitlery into the White House why in the hell would you believe they could conjure an illicit scheme to insert you.

    Maybe theres a plan for Dick Chaney to shoot everyone in the face with a shotgun if they appose his repulsive Daughter.

    The Media silence on this story will be deafening.

  5. She was saying her defeat is necessary if Lincoln’s desire for government by the people for the people is to become reality.

  6. Nice to see some trash get taken out. Would be even nicer to see that happen in canukistan. Dare to dream.

    1. Now STFU, go be Grandma with your “earned” millions back East with all your friends at Martha’s Grapewhatever. Dont worry about the barbed wire fence on the way out. Someone’s going to put it back up.

  7. Big win for Trump.

    The good people of Wyoming aren’t fools. They elected Cheney to Congress 3 times. She is a conservative who voted with Trump 90% of the time.

    This sets the table for another collision with DJT in ’24. I suspect her political career is over.

  8. US politics on both sides of the fence is a mess. However the Great Big Orange Buffoon takes the cake. The GOP has no integrity . Abe is spinning in his grave.
