August 17, 2022: Reader Tips

As someone with friends & relatives throughout Deutschland, I found this incredibly funny but it may be an acquired taste for those of you without knowledge of the inside dynamics of the regions of Germany. We’ll see.

Your European, North American, or other tips from around the world are much appreciated!

22 Replies to “August 17, 2022: Reader Tips”

  1. N.S. RCMP Doubles Down On Allegations Of Political Interference In Mass Shooting Probe

    The Nova Scotia RCMP members who first alleged political interference occurred during an inquiry into the largest mass shooting in Canadian history are standing by their claim.

    Two letters emerged in recent months that allege then-public safety minister Bill Blair pushed RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki to demand Nova Scotia RCMP release details about the firearms used during the shooting spree, which took 22 people’s lives on April 18, 2020.

    This is a psyop…

    To forget about the large personal transfer of almost 1/2 a million cash that killer walked in and took out shortly thereafter the pretend wink wink RCMP officer took out at a Brinks Money, cheques and financial dollared products Weigh Statuon…

    Just before the killings so they can remove Canadians rights to bear arms…

    Go ahead…

    Follow the folly…

    I’ll stick with the original psyop…

    This here…

    Is a…

    Dead end…

    Department of WEF Defence Against We The People..

    Rabbit Hole…

    1. I would worry that she will convert to Shia Islam just as an excuse to carry out Iran’s death fatwa against DJT.

      The left now love her and her father while when he was the VP, the media and the left publicly portrayed Dick as the embodiment of evil.

  2. More evidence of the Dear Leader’s Deep State in action in the aftermath of the Nova Scotia mass murders:

    “A former Supreme Court of Canada judge working with the inquiry into the 2020 Nova Scotia mass shooting says he’s worried the federal Justice Department has been discouraging witnesses from being forthcoming with relevant evidence.

    In an Aug. 5 letter to the department, released late Monday by the inquiry, commission counsel director Thomas Cromwell cites advice the department gave Nova Scotia RCMP Chief Supt. Chris Leather before he testified before the commission of inquiry on July 28.

    Cromwell said he was “deeply concerned” by Leather’s claim that he was advised “to be simply reactive rather than forthcoming,” an approach that Cromwell said “will hamper the commission in fulfilling its mandate.”

    1. Typical CBC rubbish.
      Their “Expert” actually implies the violent behaviour of the State Agents is required cause of the reaction it will likely provoke.
      What they accuse is what they plan.
      Western Separation becomes more a certainty every day.
      I note ,no comments permitted on that propaganda piece.
      If those are the words of “Justine’s Intelligence Officials” we need more than a house cleaning,the roaches infest those walls.
      A corrosive black mold poisoning all who contact it.
      Welcome to Ottawa.

      1. Well, the CBC needn’t worry about inaccuracy – if the farmers don’t go all right-wing-extremist-violent, the RCMP will do it in their name…

  3. On the subject of Trumps passports and the media cartel reporting.
    Of course the media cartel tells everyone that’s watching and listening that Trump lied.
    They do it in a way of omission, they just reports or rather transmit what some, just about anyone that has a beef with Trump, say and without one question just go with it to ‘inform’ the lie sucking public.

    “The Biden Regime Goes Rogue”

    “CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell was just the latest journalist to make a fool of herself by repeating the exact words that an unnamed DOJ official told her without verifying the information independently. ”
    To everyone’s surprise “Norah O’Donnell’s Twitter account was not suspended, of course, for spreading misinformation.”

    The lady is rogue as the woke would say.

  4. The miracle NOT heard around the world..

    Further, news of this amazing achievement was not reported by any major newspaper in any major country in the world that I know of. In the U.S, the only news sites that I saw that reported it and included mention of the role of ivermectin were TrialSite News, the Desert Review (by my friend Justus Hope), and the Gateway Pundit.

  5. And these people will protest against anything they are told to.

    HUMILIATING: Gen-Z Can’t Answer the Most Basic Questions

    Embarrassing? No.
    They can’t be embarrassed, that so uncool, even misogynist, racist and against every virtuous victim you can think of.
    There is a word for it though even that will not express the stupidity of the participants.
