Monday On Turtle Island

Global warming scams are more important to Greta than graduating.  I wonder when Justin will do this. The Green Police.

Biden’s America:  Dems’ war on Donald Trump.  The feds go too far.  China and the U,S. lab.  And Biden lied. People died.

Woke Britain:  Teacher microaggressions.  Female RAF recruitment chief quits.  And gender classes for 3 year olds.  Doing the Macarena.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Climate Justin is burning jet fuel today. Trudeau meets the German leader in Montreal for photo ops.  Then its off to Toronto for a fancy dinner.  Justin’s health experts pushing for young children to get vaccinated against the China virus, even though many kids have hybrid immunity.

Today in Islam:  Death to blasphemers.  The Islamist revolution.

25 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. I really but really hope things will get real bad this winter for 85% Canadians who happen to be low IQ.
    Freezing in the dark while hungry will be awesome.
    Get your 5th covid shot, eat bugs, watch TV, vote Lib/NDP/Cons and listen to authorities

  2. Gawd the Trump cultists seem to think that if the repeat BS enough times it will make it true.

    Fact: Trump had top secret documents (his completely undocumented claim to have declassified everything means nothing).
    Fact: For over a year Trump refused to return said documents to the national archives.
    Fact: Trump was issued a subpoena to return those documents and he refused.

    The FBI was more than justified to go in a seize the documents that Trump was illegally holding on to. There was no real alternative given the general refusal of Trump to co-operate with the national archives. Anyone claiming it was unjustified is simply delusional.

    This kind of crap is why Trump has no business seeking public office again.
    He is nothing but a wannbe Mussolini but without the actual competence.

    1. Meanwhile Hillary destroyed documents. Not a problem for Democrats.

      Has Obama turned over his documents to the National Archives? Want to bet some are marked; secret, top secret, or even classified? Being a Democrat it’s all ok?

      I don’t care if you like Trump or detest him.

      As for the ‘tips’ that led to the FBI raid, it’s suspicious that the DOJ won’t make the warrant info public. Who’s the source? Steele?

      1. >> Has Obama turned over his documents to the National Archives?
        Yes. All Obama documents are under the control of the National Archives and all top secret documents are stored in a proper facility in Washington. Just another one of the Trump cult lies.

        >> As for the ‘tips’ that led to the FBI raid, it’s suspicious that the DOJ won’t make the warrant info public
        The Trump cult wants the names so they can engage in witness intimidation like they always do. No competent law enforcement agency would let that happen. The only thing the pubic needs to know is the tips were right: Trump was hiding top secret documents at an insecure facility.

    2. You are a lying, mendacious little twit, aren’t you? I do hope someone punches you in the face soon.

    3. Fact: when you self-affix the label “Fact” to your statements … they’re always Fiction

    4. TimG

      FACT. The Prez can de-classify any document at any time.

      Notice the AG still can’t say why they were there.

      1. >> The Prez can de-classify any document at any time.
        More Trump cult lies.
        The president cannot declassify documents without a paper trail that refers the specific documents that were declassified. When it comes to top secret documents the president is required to consult with the agency that put the classification in place and, in some cases, the agency can over rule the president.

        IOW – if there no paper evidence showing that president declassified each document then that means he did not declassify it no matter how much he whines.

    5. The search warrant was for any scrap of paper generated during his presidency. The FBI stayed 9 hours. It was a fishing expedition.

    6. New Viral Media Challenge:

      Prove to people you know nothing about about document handling without saying you know nothing about document handling.

      First up, TimG!!!

      Sorry, Tim, but you are throwing words around because they sound big, scary and official. You are either playing 4D snakes and ladders to disguise the fact you are actually a SME and don’t want your Soy mates to block you on Twit, or you are one of those idiots who think Five Eyes is real.

  3. The Doom Pixie (Greta Thunberg) continues to lecture the World on Science without having so much as a H.S. education. But she’s made a bundle as a H.S. dropout.

    Idle question for anyone with a STEM degree. Why did you waste your time? The big bucks are in advocacy, not engineering.

      1. You betcha.

        I’m a retired manufacturing engineer, Pappy_Gunn. I found it frustrating to see manufacturing being shipped off to China. And because of that offshoring, I was thrown out of some of the finest manufacturing companies in the country (U.S.)

        Still, like you, I thought it top priority to do my best to make a company competitive and producing the best products possible. I loved every day of my manufacturing career… except those 1/2-dozen days where I got kicked to the curb, of course.

  4. Thunberg has some rather pronounced developmental issues and it shows when she’s under even the least bit of stress. The thousand yard stare and facial tics is a big tell. I doubt very much she’d be mainstreamed if she were in Canada.
    I suspect her Extinction Rebellion parents are behind the “school strike” to cover for her disability.
    No school – no grades and no history.

    1. The “school strike” was nonsense. She was attending a special school for students with significant mental health issues, which had no attendance requirements.

  5. The RAF wants 40% female recuits by 2030? Haha, good luck. We’re sitting at about 10-15% here.

    “She confirmed earlier in the week that women could be picked over men if they were underrepresented in that role and they had met the required standards. ”

    Sure glad nothing like that goes on in Canada.

    1. And then, Shrike, the automakers were found to be falsifying results about diesel emissions (Volkswagen for sure, and probably others), and suddenly diesel wasn’t that “green”.

  6. Things that haven’t happened in Greta’s lifetime:

    – An education
    – A happy childhood surrounded by supporting and loving parents
    – Any warming in Sweden.

    I would feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such a selfish plonk.
