3 Replies to “Things You Can’t Say On Twitter, A Possible Series”

  1. Dr Claire Craig @clairecraigpath has just been suspended. She used Twitter to rifle through official data to extricate awkward facts and reveal idiocies. I think this was the reason:https://philharper.substack.com/p/pfizers-own-data-showed-vaccine-creates which she posted links to in which Phil Harper drew the conclusion, using only Pfizer’s data, submitted to the CDC, that the medical intervention would cause more adverse events requiring hospitalisation, than it would prevent hospitalisations due bat flu.

  2. Twitter has chosen to suicide their stated business ,implying that their real business,selling your private data,is much more lucrative than we suspected.
    As a means of communication they are done for,trust betrayed is mighty hard to restore.
    What kinda fool will continue to use them?
    How soon before they “correct” your correspondence?
    For your own good of course..and because they know better than you what it is you were trying to say..
    Only Twits use twitter.
