7 Replies to “A Lot Of Ifs”

  1. Yeah, there’s a lot of “if’s”, but VDH misses the biggest “if” of all – if the Democrats manage to turn the 2022 election into a referendum on Trump rather than on Biden, are the RINO’s that still control the GOP even going to try to win? Seems like people like Mitch McConnell would rather reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.

    1. Mitch would much rather lose the Senate to the Democrats than lose control of the Republican party to its base voters. That has been crystal clear for many years.

      And you can include key R House leaders too.

      The RNC works for big business, NOT the American people.

  2. I wonder if anyone is running a pool on how long before the mid-terms Big Tech will make their move to shut down influential conservatives active on their platforms…

    I would pick the Oct. 10th square.

    And after the Mar-a-Lago raid, the Dems have proven the depth of their desperation and that everything is now on the table for them… including assassination.

    1. If Trump was a true disruptor, he would have been assassinated long ago.
      I have a feeling he is deep state controlled opposition.
      You only need look at his actual accomplishments, not his bluster , to see that something is amiss.
      If you had someone in the WH that was really implementing change for the betterment of Main Street USA , how long do you think our Masters would tolerate that ?
      There is always hope he could pull a JFK and rebuke the whole lot of them.

      Look what happened to Jesus after he threw out the money mongers in the Temple.
      He didn’t last long after that.

  3. The biggest “if” wasn’t included in V.D.H’s article: Election fraud. My concern for the midterms are growing, because there appears to be little interest in fixing what was broken.
    I’m afraid that the GOPs will be in serious trouble. You heard it here first. I’ve been saying this since talk of the supposed Red Wave started circulating. And for the doubters out there, this time, you have my previous comments to look back on to prove it.

    It’s going to take a MASSIVE turnout at the polls ON ELECTION DAY to overcome the potential fraud. Is there enough support for that to happen? We will see, but one thing I’m almost certain of… You can expect a lot of stopped counts in the middle of the night in critical congressional, and senate races, just like 2020, and the recent Arizona Republican Primary for governor.

    1. I recently read that “evil is never defeated, it just goes to sleep for a while”.
      I think this is what is happening.
