68 Replies to “Lesbians, The New White Males”

      1. How dare the lesbians identify as women!? Fer crying out loud … not even the FIRST BLACK WOMAN Supreme Court Justice can define what a woman is … so how can these mortal lesbians call themselves women?

        1. *
          That’s what these lefty imbeciles don’t seem to realise.
          Today, it’s Justin taking legal, registered firearms out of
          circulation… tomorrow it’ll be, well… anything he wants.


    1. More like…you pushed this on us (normies), shouted us down, called us hateful when we begged to differ with your views, even went after us in court and brought the full force of the law on us when we wouldn’t bake cakes for your nuptials…you don’t have any allies here–ENJOY!!

  1. Wonderful, the the JBT telling people that for their own safety he will remove them. He recognizes the threat and instead of neutralizing the threat he decides to remove those who are threatened. Dear Dykes with Pikes, we told you they will come for you too sooner or later.

  2. The homosexualist community is losing favor with the public.

    At one time we were told to be tolerant. Now we are told to embrace their lifestyle. It’s not happening. The homosexualist lifestyle will never be accepted as normal.

    1. The homosexualist lifestyle will never be accepted as normal.Yeah, that’s why those freaks have parades down the main streets of every major city in the west, while normal men have to beg permission from the gov’t to have a single-shot .22 in Canada, and much of the Canadian Right likes it that way.

    2. Nope. It won’t. You’re absolutely right. Homosexuality is an aberration of nature. It’s like being born with a giant goiter sticking out of your neck.

  3. LOL…“…whatever you are at the moment is causing confrontation”
    Saw it coming a mile away…gays taking a back seat in their own events. Typically what happens when you open a flap on your big tent.

  4. It never was a gay parade. It was always a Frankfurt School Commie Victory Parade.The commies just used the gays as patsies, just like they do with black folk.

  5. These people are nuts….so it should come as no surprise when they display just how nuts they are.

  6. Liberals and their small army of transgenders are attempting to erase biological women off the map, they have degraded us so deeply our body parts have been cancelled to appease people who think they are female. I’m done with the radical trans movement, I use to feel empathy and compassion over their delusions not anymore-I am not going to be erased by men who think they can become women based on their feelings.

  7. Was somebody running with scissors again? English police are total assholes. They should just get out the squeegees and clean up after the queers have killed each other. Why pick sides? Let nature takes its course.

    1. Because they’re the British police! Take whatever is utter rubbish, unconventional and dishonourable and that’s whose side they’re on. Every time. You can’t go wrong.

      1. The good news about the plod is that they’re extremely lazy so as long as you don’t expect anything of them it’s all good.

  8. So it’s pride week in Calgary.

    A mere few weeks after (and before the next) pride month.

    It does get much worse, the annual pumpkin-spice-apocalypse is coming.

  9. In Germany the weirdos are marching for beastiality. Eventually the government will start calling them ‘the people who love animals community’ and ban the word beastiality.

  10. Normal folk were well aware that the west was FUBAR, beyond any hope of healing or redemption when Pride Parades became a thing. Not even Trump, PP or Max have the balls to stand up for the west and denounce the parades, but you can bet they’d all denounce, or at least do nothing to defend, a Straight Male Pride parade with pretty lady dancers on the floats, while defending weird S&M outfits and ball-hockey ball gags parading about in front of children. The radical leftist MSM has got them on the run, and some people have the unmitigated gau and audacity to call Putin a bad guy.
    RIP F1 Grid Girls.

    1. All pols seem to feel they have to attend these pervert parades. As in N Korea, some day some may be accused of insufficient enthusiasm. Justine need not worry.

      x M as PM: My fellow citizens. How far we’ve come. Discrimination against homosexuals no longer exists in our great compassionate country. Therefore, I will not be attending the parade because being heterosexual or homosexual should not be a matter of pride.

      Honestly: Would this be net negative, vote wise?!

      1. “Honestly: Would this be net negative vote wise?!”

        Not in my books, but the incessant MSM campaign calling you literally Hitler on the left and a homo pedophile on the right may have an effect on the vote, but that’s not vote-rigging or manipulating elections, is it?

  11. Hm… not new. Was only a few years ago gay and lesbian Jews could not march in the parade in Chicago until they removed all symbols of ‘Zionist oppression’ like the Israeli Flag in rainbow colour and Stars of David and publicly denounced the ‘zionazis’ fake occupation of fakestine. Even then, Jews were only permitted to walk at the end of the parade. It was intersectionalism or transexualism or some sort of the latest new “ism”.

    1. Wrong-Tam led the charge to do the same with the toronto parade, which eventually lead to various other stupidities… at least she isn’t running to be on toronto shitty council any more

  12. I remember in my youth, the small town I grew up in had a 2-night 3-day summer festival, when they’d block off the streets to cars, have beer gardens and outdoor sales for the small businesses, set up podiums for live music, usually Eagles or Skynyrdcovers, wet t-shirt contests with the high-school girls competing, at 2 in the afternoon, and random fireworks lit up by drunken revelers at night. The do-gooder feminists and safety Karens wrecked all that in the early 1980s.

    1. I must say … you Canadians sure know how to Party! It must be a National genetic trait. And you’re all so damn nice! Excepting for the immigrants and bitter leftists. Those folks have a constant mean on.

  13. Commenters on the video complaining about the cops, not the insane ideology that has the QWERTY community at this point.

    1. Both need to be commented upon. The cop told the victim that she is under threat and for her own safety she is going to be arrested unless she yields to those making a threat. It was cops’ job to protect the victim not to use the power of state to violate her rights. Yet another proof that UK went form rule of law to rule of thug.

  14. As a hetero white male I’ve always had more in common with lesbians than gay males (let alone the rest of the alphabet people.) I have fond memories checking out women with a lesbian scuba diving buddy while having a post dive beer on a pub patio. We didn’t quite have the same taste in women, but she had an eye for the lovelies.

    1. Yeap, I have been casual friends with a few lesbians. We used to perv on the same barmaids together.

  15. I think we can safely say we have well past the time when the only people who are supportive and understanding of the greater LQWERTY community are the Straights.
    Everyone else who is not Straight openly hates at least other some fragment of the group.

    Like the saying goes: Divided we fall, United we Fight… each other.

  16. The lesbos I’m familiar with you couldn’t kick them out of a parade with a Cat 988 loader.

  17. So is it official? Are Trans now ranked above lesbians on the intersectionality ladder?
    Love seeing the tribes start attacking each other instead of the normies.
    Having said that, we have a few cracks on our side as well, as I refer to the recent discussion between Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin…

  18. These people know there’s a war in Ukraine and they’re probably gonna freeze this winter, right?

    Priorities, alphabet people, priorities.

  19. That scene in Soylent Green where the garbage trucks show up and start scooping up the people; where is a trash truck when one needs one.

    1. Try this one…
      Homosexuals are really lesbians and lesbians are really homosexuals, logically speaking.
      Think about it.
