15 Replies to “Mask Formation Psychosis”

  1. Went into the local metro to grab a couple things, left my motorcycle helmet on ,got shoulder tapped and was told to remove my helmet because it hides my face and people are uncomfortable, I took off the helmet put on a mask, everything is good . I mentioned to the hapless shelf stocker/grocier cop the idiocy of it all gave him my mask and carried on.

        1. Went to the Winona Peach Fest this morning with family and friends and other than a couple of young women with liberal arts haircuts I didn’t see a mask in sight and the place was jam packed. It was a good day, it reminded me of the way it was. I’m a fairly cynical person but I got the feeling after chatting with vendors and visitors alike that just about everyone is done with this nonsense and especially Turdeau. We’ll see

          1. This amazes me, that you expected it might not be that way. / What are liberal arts haircuts?

          2. J.SBachlover, I don’t live in the Hamilton/ Niagara/GTA corridor and I really wasn’t sure how the people would be mask wise. Liberal arts haircut was a poor way of describing one who had purple hair with pink streaks and the other had a buzz cut on the sides with short bangs. They were pleasant enough people.

  2. I am not putting on any more masks.
    As long as you comply it will continue.
    The people pushing this are cowards and think they can intimidate, because of fake health orders, but when you challenge they melt.

  3. Anyone care to explain any difference at all between this and Ukraine Delusion Psychosis? I mean other than they were both dreamed up in Davos and the sheep bleated like Pavlov’s dog salivated.

  4. Masks…?

    Ha…not fer me thanks.
    But it sure looks like a few distinct & recognizable groups have swallowed a bag of blue pills.

    Elderly – Orientals – Karens

    The elderly cause they are often glued to MSM
    Orientals cause it’s near genetic
    Karen’s cause they’re leftist Climatard Heli-Mom Morons and have both of the above traits: genetic & glued to the View

    Self inflicted idiocy…

  5. MN State Fair is happening these next two weeks. The irrational fear is over.

    First two days attendance is double last years (2021) and about 5,000 less per day than the record 2019 numbers. Not too bad when you are talking 120,000-180,000 per day.

  6. Ok so masks are off for the most part…for now.
    I won’t feel free till we with our pure blood have the freedom to travel between Kannada and the excited states as before …

    1. Ive

      We the Pure Bloods are prisoners…at least as far as travel into the US is concerned…I do believe Air travel to Mexico is possible…??

  7. At the start of the pandemic … I said,OK … I’ll wear a mask for14 days to stop the spread, and to flatten the curve. But I publicly stated I would NEVER become a ChiCom serf riding a bicycle and wearing a mask … yet … here we are … and fully HALF of all the patrons at my local Safeway are still wearing a mask.

    They’re not “saving” me from anything … nor themselves. But they WILL be first in the mass showers.
